



遵义医学院附属医院 普通外科 (贵州遵义 563000

【摘要】目前的人工肛门括约肌不能感知不同的肠内容物状态,本研究通过利用反射式超声波探测系统和示波器分别测量30只巴马香猪直肠内固体、流体、气体和空瘪状态时反射波的个数,分析不同肠内容物状态下所表现的反射波变化差异是否有统计学意义。实验结果显示:当巴马香猪直肠内为4种不同肠内容物时,形成的反射波数目的差异具有统计学意义F=1 088P0.05同肠内容物状态反射波数目之间两两比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)空瘪状态未见反射波。本实验结果提示,反射式超声波探测系统具有分辨不同肠内容物的作用,可作为研究微型人工肠内容物感知神经的一种新的有效方法。


A Study of the Classification of Intestinal Contents Based on Miniature Reflection Ultrasound

LI Jianguo, LIANG Xiaoxiang, SHANG Xianhui, ZHENG Xingbin

1. The Department of General Surgery, Affiliated Hospital, Zunyi Medical College, Zunyi, Guizhou 563000, P.R China

Corresponding author: ZHENG xingbin, E-mail: zxb8819488@qq.com

AbstractThe present artificial anal sphincter fails to distinguish the different states of intestinal contents. This study, by using reflection type ultrasonic detectors and oscilloscopes, detects the numbers of reflected wave when there are solid, liquid, gaseous or empty contents in the recta of thirty Bama Miniature pigs, in a bid to analyze the statistical significance of the differences of reflected wave revealed by the different rectal contents. The results show a significant difference between the numbers of reflected wave of the 4 conditions. (F=1 088, P0.05). Multiple comparisons show that significant differences existed in any pair of the four conditions (P0.05). No reflected wave is displayed on oscilloscope for empty recta. It is suggested the number of reflected ultrasonic wave can be utilized to distinguish various contents inside the intestinal lumen and can be used as a new effective method for the research on the miniature artificial intestinal content sensory nerves.

Key words ultrasound; reflected wave; intestinal contents


1 反射式超声波信号探测系统

Fig.1 Reflection ultrasound detecting system

2 不同状态肠内容物显示反射波情况(黑白)

Fig.2 Number of the reflected ultrasonic waves for different states of the intestinal contents.

3 不同动物编号的不同状态肠内容物显示反射波个数

Fig.3 Numbers of the reflected ultrasonic waves for different states of different Bama Miniature pigs.

1 不同状态肠内容物反射波个数统计数据

Tab.1 Statistical data of the number of the reflected waves of different states of intestinal contents

4 不同状态肠内容物超声反射强度示意图

Fig.4 Sketch for the intensity of the reflected ultrasound for different states.


Thick and thin arrows represent strong and weak the ultrasound, respectively





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