


新疆一师塔里木高级中学 杨素微

Study Routines of British University Students

Tarim Senior Middle School, Xinjiang

Yang Suwei


繁忙的学习是我们在英国研修的主旋律。每天我们就像大学生一样规律的作息。早上9 点到校,在雷丁大学的汉姆斯大楼(Humss Building)学习7个小时左右,下午4点放学。上午的课程由莎伦老师(Sharon)主讲,下午由伊莱恩(Elaine)和特德(Ted)给我们讲授语言能力提高课程。周五下午由李大国老师给我们进行复习辅导。

Being busy with studying constitutes the leitmotif of our study and research in the UK. We have a regular daily schedule as university students; we study from 9:00 am at the Humss Building of the University of Reading for 7 hours and conclude around 4:00pm. Ms. Sharon teaches the morning courses, and Elaine and Ted lecture on the afternoon courses for language competence improvement. Mr. Li Daguo reviews with us on Fridays what have learnt.

课程主修内容包括(1)建构主义;(2)二语习得理论;(3)如何进行听说读写四项技能及综合技能的教学;(4)如何进行语言学习不同方面(例如词汇,语法,发音和功能等)的教学;(5)教学方式方法;(6)如何就写作及口语提供反馈;(7)如何应对英语教学中的困难(例如如何在打扮中实施交际法教学;如何激发学习动力;如何解决教学材料匮乏问题);(8)针对学生特点进行英语教学(例如:如何了解学生的英语学习风格及策略;如何培养学生自立性;如何为学生提供支持);(9)如何通过项目进行英语学习;(10)如何处理英语教学中的其他一些问题(例如:如何组织热身,填充及冷却小活动;如何对教学材料进行补充,删减, 改编和更换;如何检查学生的理解程度,如何理解及有效利用课堂动力机制;如何进行反思教学)。

The major courses comprise ten items: 1. constructivism; 2. second language acquisition theories; 3. how to improve skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and integrated competence; 4. how to learn a language in different aspects, say, words, grammar, pronunciation and functions; 5. teaching methodology; 6. how to give feedback over writing and speaking; 7. how to handle difficulties in English teaching, say, how to implement communicative teaching, how to stimulate learning motivations, and how to solve lack of course books; 8. how to teach according to student characteristics, say, how to understand students’ learning styles and strategies, how to develop student learning autonomy, how to provide support for students; 9, how to learn through projects; 10. how to address problems arising in teaching, say, how to organize activities like warm-ups, fillings and warm-downs, how to supplement, prune, adapt or replace teaching materials, how to check students’ comprehension, how to apply classroom

莎伦是我们的主要培训教师,她每天要为我们上三个多小时的理论教学法。她灵活巧妙的课堂设计,幽默智慧的语言,天才的表演,生动的表情,严谨的教学态度深深地吸引和打动了我们。每天的三个多小时,我们一点都不觉得乏味。 她用行动向我们示范了如何在课堂上激发学生的学习兴趣和动力。在她身上,我们不仅学到了丰富的知识,更感受到了作为一名教师的人格魅力是多么的重要。大国老师是西部项目的创始人,也是雷丁大学的博士。他兼具了国人的睿智和西 方人的幽默,总是能在轻松愉悦的氛围中完成教学任务。每周他的课是为我们答疑解惑的时间,每次都令我们不由地感叹李老师渊博的学识以及对中国英语教师的了解程度。张老师和大国老师一起给我们进行辅导。她曾经作为一线中学教师的经历使得她非常能够理解我们中学教师存在的疑惑。特德老师发音非常标准,每天上课犹如听BBC 新闻。开始上课时不苟言笑,后来我们有了进步,他也渐渐幽默了起来。伊莱恩老师非常优雅,服装搭配永不出错。课堂上耐心细致,经常看到她跪在地上听我们对话,纠正我们的发音。

Sharon, our main teacher, lectures us on theories of teaching. We are deeply impressed by her well-designed lessons, humorous and sapiential words, wonderful performance, vivid facial expressions and rigorous teaching attitude. We do not feel tedious at all in her 3 hours of lecturing. She demonstrated to us how to motivate and interest the students in class. We not only get rich knowledge from her but also get to know how crucial a teacher’s personal charisma is. Mr. Li, founder of the Western Program and a Reading University doctor, is blessed with Chinese people’s wisdom and British people’s humor, hence he always teaches in relaxing and pleasant way. He mainly resolves our doubts in his class every week; we really appreciate his profound knowledge and his understanding of Chinese teachers. Ms. Zhang, who works together with Mr. Li to guide us in learning, well understands the doubts of Chinese middle school teachers due to her teaching experience in a middle school. Ted boasts of Standard English pronunciation and accent, making his lectures sound like BBC news to us. At the beginning, he was reserved, but he is becoming humorous seeing our progress. Elaine is graceful and never fails to have wrong dress collocation. Patient and meticulous in class, she is often seen kneeling on the ground listening to our conversations, ready to correct our pronunciation.

和这些优秀的教师们一起,原本枯燥的课堂变成了一种享受。我想,好的教师就应该像他们这样:有渊博的学识,广博的爱心,灿烂的笑容, 幽默的语言,严谨的态度和不懈探索的激情。他们不仅为我们带来了知识,也对我们各个方面有了潜移默化的影响。

Being with these outstanding teachers makes the dull lectures a pleasure. Good teachers, I think, should be erudite, caring, smiling, humorous, rigorous and persistent. They not only impart knowledge to us but also influence us unknowingly.





四川省自贡市蜀光中学 袁寰宇


Primary Education and Secondary Education in the UK

Zigong Shuguang Middle School, Sichuan Province

Yuan Huanyu


Before our internship in the local primary and secondary schools in the UK during our study at University of Reading, a teacher from the University specializing in the system of the British primary and secondary education spent 2 hours elaborating on the system of primary and secondary education. The British primary and secondary education system, compared to its Chinese counterpart, bears similarities and dissimilarities.

英国义务教育的年龄为5-16 岁,分为小学教育和中学教育的五个阶段。其中,小学教育为第一、 二阶段,学生年龄为5-11 岁。第一阶段教育学生的就读年龄为 5-7 岁,学制为两年。毕业考试科目为全国考试科目的英语和数学。第二阶段教育学生就读的年龄为7-11岁,学制是四年。毕业考试科目也是全国考试科目的英语、数学和科学。

The age for British compulsory education ranges between 5 and 16, falling into 5 stages in primary and secondary education. Primary education comes under the first and the second stages, with the students’ age fluctuating between 5 and 11 years old. The schooling age for the first phase is from 5 to 7, and the education duration is 2 years. The graduation examination subjects are English and mathematics of national examination subjects. The schooling age for the second phase is from 7 to 11, the education duration is 4 years, and the graduation examination subjects are English, mathematics and science.

英国中学教育分为三个阶段,即第三阶段教育、第四阶段教育 (GCSE 课程) 以及普通高级中学教育(A-Level 课程 )。第三阶段教育学生就读的年龄为11-14 岁,学制为三年。毕业考试科目和第二阶段的相同,是全国考试科目的英语、数 学和科学。第四阶段教育——英国普通中等教育课程 (GCSE课程)本阶段教育为英国义务教育中的最后两年,相当于中国国内的高一和高二课程。学生的就读年龄为14-16岁,学制为两年。本阶段学校开设的主要课程包括英语、数学、会计、 生物、科学、商科、历史、地理、计算机、心理等。学生一般选择710 门课程。学生将在两年的课程结束后,参加 GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) 考试,该成绩将被作为 A – Level 甚至大学录取的参考成绩。第五阶段教育英国普通高级中学教育——A-Level 课程 A-Level 的英文全称是 Advanced Level,即高等证书。A-Level 课程相当于中国的高三课程。A-Level 考试,相当于中国国内的高考。学生就读的年龄为16-18岁,学制为两年。此阶段主要课程有:经济、数学、戏剧、历史、语言、媒体、音乐、法学、物 理、生物、会计、地理、商科等。学生一般选择34门课程。学生将在两年的课程结束后,参加A-Level考试。英国名校一般只录取A-Level毕业生,而不会考虑大学预科的毕业生。现行英国基础教育制度是依据1988年制定之《教育改革法案》(Education Reform Act 1988) 为准的。5-16岁的中小学教育为国民义务教育。通常公立学校的教育经费来自于税收,因此学生就学不需要缴纳昂贵的学费,但是部份英国家庭选择将孩子送至私立或住宿学校 (boarding school) 希望能有比较好的教育品质。英国中小学在一学年中有三个学期:九月底至十二月中 (秋季学期) 一月至三月底 (春季学期)、四月中旬至六月中旬(夏季学期) 每所学校对于课程表的安排都有所不同。一堂课的时间通常是35分钟、40分钟、45分钟、55分钟或60分钟不等。学生每周有5小时左右的上课时间,及至少6小时的自习时间。通常,学生也需要学习通识学、哲学或者其他类似的课程。学校也会开设体育课。在英格兰和威尔士及部分苏格兰的学校,两年的 A-Level 课程或 IB 课程一般被称为Sixth Form。但是同样的,每个学校会根据情况不同有所不同。除了体育之外,学校也提供课外活动以丰富学生的课余生活。所有的学校都开设音乐、戏剧、科学和文学社团,同 时也开始户外活动及其他活动。在 Sixth Form学校中,由学校组织带学生参观剧院和欣赏音乐会,也会去美术馆、博物馆、宗教中心及历史遗迹学习。

British secondary education involves 3 stages, namely, the third stage education, the fourth stage education (GCSE courses) and General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-level courses). From age 11 to 14, students will enter the third stage education which lasts 3 years. Its graduation examination subjects are the same as those of the second stage, namely, English, mathematics and science. General Certificate Secondary Education (GCSE courses), the fourth stage, is the last two years of British compulsory education, approximate to the first and the second year of Chinese middle schools. The schooling age runs from 14 to 16, with an education duration of two years. The main courses for this stage include English, mathematics, accounting, biology, science, business, history, geography, computer, psychology, etc. students generally l choose 7-10 courses. After two years of study, students take GCSE, which serves as a reference for admission into A-Level or even university. The fifth stage is General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, A-Level for short, which is approximate to China’s college entrance examination. This stage is mainly for students aged 16-18, and the duration is two years. The main courses for this stage involve economy, mathematics, drama, history, languages, media, music, science of law, physics, biology, accounting, geography and business, three of which are generally selected by students. After finishing the courses in two years, students take an A-Level exam, which is the only reference for prestigious universities. The current British education system is based upon the Education Reform Act 1988. Primary and secondary education for students aged between 5 and 16 is compulsory education. Expenditure for public schools is from taxation, so students don’t have to pay a high tuition. Some British families choose to send their children to independent schools or boarding schools, hoping to get a quality education. An academic year of primary and secondary schools is broken down into 3 semesters: from the end of September to the middle of December (autumn term), from January to March (spring term), from the middle of April to the middle of June (summer term). Timetables vary from school to school. The length of class is generally 35 minutes, 40 minutes, 45 minutes, 55 minutes or 60 minutes. Students study in class for 5 hours and study themselves for 6 hours per week. In normal conditions, students need to learn general knowledge courses, geography and other similar courses. Physical education is also offered in school. Two-year-long A-Level or IB is popularly called Sixth Form, which also differs from school to school. Besides physical education, extracurricular activities are provided to enrich students’ life after class. Some Sixth Form schools take their students to theatres, music concerts, galleries, museums, religious centres and historical sites.

从英国教育体制上我们不难看出,孩子们可以有更多的选择空间。尤其是学校校本课程的开设和研发,使得孩子可以在较早阶段进行课程的选择,在自己兴趣和特长方面的到较好的发展。 在不同的阶段不会太有压力。

It’s easy to see from the British education system that children have a large choice. In particular, offering, researching and developing of school-based courses enable students to choose courses earlier so as to score achievements in what interest them and what they are good at, so, they won’t feel too much pressure at different stages.








A Probe into the British Primary and Secondary Education System

School Types and School Stages

Nanping Middle School, Chongqing Municipality

Cao Jing


英国的学校教育以“严谨、规范”著称,其教育历史长达800 年之久 , 历经不断的改革、创新、发展和完善。其教育体系较为健全稳固,普遍被英联邦国家采用和借鉴。

Enjoying a history of 800 years, British schools are renowned for its strictness and standardization, and have experience continuous reform, innovation, development and improvement. Its education system, sound and steady, is adopted and modeled after by Commonwealth members.


1. School Types

从学校类别来看,英国分为公立学校(State School)和私立学校(Independent School)。 当然,有的办学历史悠久、成效显著的私立学校也被称作公学(Public School),比如大家熟知的伊顿公学。在英国,约10% 的学生就读于私立学校(Independent School, 私立学校需要家长自己付费,好的私立学校往往学费高昂,但是学校对于课程的开设和选择有极大的自主权。而大概 90% 的孩子就读公立学校,这类学校由国家统一拨款和指导开展教学工作,从小学到高中均为免费就读,通常为综合性的男女混校。公立学校根据侧重不同,分为院校(Academies)、 专门学校(Specialist Schools)、教会学校(Faith Schools)、文法学校(Grammar Schools)和提供特殊教育需求的学校(Special Education Needs Schools)。

British schools grouped into state schools and independent schools. Some independent schools with a long history and great achievements are also called public schools, say, well-known Eton College. In the UK, about 10% of the students go to independent schools, which demand tuition paid by students’ parents. Prestigious independent schools ask for a high tuition, but they can make their own decisions in selecting and offering courses. 90% of the students receive their education in state schools, which receive fund from the government, run the schools under the guidance of the government, provide free education from primary education to secondary education, and are mainly mixed schools. State schools, according to their different priorities,  are divided into academies, specialist schools, faith schools, grammar schools and special education needs schools.


1.1 Academies

院校的前身多是教学力量薄弱、表现欠佳的学校,是由公费资助的学校,比与普通中学更具有独立性。 大多院校是由商业、宗教或慈善团体及当地社区联合创办的。因此,院校可以根据本地区实际需要,灵活调整教学大纲及授课老师。

Academies are mostly developed out of low-quality and low-performance schools sponsored by the government, more independent than common secondary schools. Most academies are co-founded by business sectors, religious or charity organizations, so academies can change their teaching syllabi and lecturers to meet the real needs of the local communities.

(二)专门学校 (Specialist school)

1.2 Specialist Schools

任何运行正常的英格兰中学,都可以成为技术、语言、运动、艺术或某个专业领域的专门学校。 这类学校在遵守全国教学大纲规定的同时,可以着重发展某个特别领域。专门学校的教育理念就是通过发展专门教学,逐步提高整体教学标准。不论选择文科或理科,都不影响其他科目的发展。

Any functioning Scottish secondary school can be a specialist school in techniques, languages, sports, arts or a certain professional area. These schools, when observing the national teaching syllabus, can give priority to a special field. Their education philosophy is to improve the overall teaching standard by developing special education. It won’t influence your development in other subjects whether you choose humanities or science.

(三)教会学校 (Faith Schools)

1.3 Faith Schools

教会学校是具有宗教色彩的教育机构。这类学校的新建必须得到学生家长的认可,以及当地社区和教育管理机构的批准。将近半数的教会学校是受监管津贴学校,但学校教学大纲的制定同样需要征求当地居民和教育机构的同意。这类学 校有权根据自己的宗教信仰,制定独立的入学政策及宗教教育课程。教会学校通常会招收与该校有相同信仰的学生,但有时也会招收其他学生。

Faith schools are education sectors with religious characteristics. To open up a new school of this kind must be acknowledged by students’ parents and approved by the local community and education administrations. Nearly half of faith schools are voluntary controlled schools, but they still need to ask for approval from the local people and education administration when they lay down teaching syllabi. These schools are entitled to lay down enrollment policies and religious education courses, based on their faiths. A faith school tends to enroll students of the same religion, with occasional exceptions.

(四)文法学校 (Grammar Schools)

英格兰部分地区在开设普通中学的同时,仍然保留着一些文法学校。这些地区的学生在年满11岁时需参加 11-plus考试,考试结果将决定学生是否有资格就读文法学校。

1.4 Grammar Schools

Apart from common secondary schools, there are still some grammar schools in some parts of Scotland. Students there have to take 11-plus when reaching age 11, and their qualification for grammar schools depends on their examination performance.

)提供特殊教育需求的学校 (Special Education Needs Schools)

1.5 Special Education Needs Schools

在英国,平均每 5 名儿童中就有1名需要不同程度的特殊教育。英国政府于 2001 年出台的《特殊教育需求和残疾人法案》规定,患有生理或行为障碍的儿童有权和正常儿童一起接受教育。为此,英国关闭了为残疾儿童专门设置的学校,但保留并开设了1,200 家提供特殊教育需求的学校。这类学校是由慈善团体或医院资助运行的。

One out of every 5 children in the UK has various degrees of special education needs. The British government’s 2001 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act establishes the same legal rights for children physiologically or behaviorally disabled as for ordinary children. The British government closed down schools only for disabled children, but still keeps and sets up 1,200 special education needs schools, which are sponsored by charities and hospitals.


2. Educational Stages

英国中小学教育大体分为三个阶段:Primary SchoolSecondary SchoolSixth form

The British primary and secondary education falls into 3 stages: primary school, secondary school and sixth form

(一)Primary School

2.1 Primary School

英国的孩子4 岁就进入小学(Primary School),4~5岁是上Reception,可以理解为中国的“学前班”;5 岁开始上小学一年级(Year1),11岁左右小学Year 6读完就毕业了。所以不算学前班的话,英国孩子比国内的孩子提前一年入学。

Year 2 的学期末学生会参加英语、数学和科学的考试,卷子一般是学校自己出的。英语考试包括听力、阅读、写作和口语。Year3~Year5 学校会自行组织阶段测验、期末测验等,没有全国统一的监测考试,直到Year6 的学年底,所有学生会参加National Curriculum Tests

Primary School, Year1 Year2 都属于 Key Stage1,Year3-Year5属于 Key Stage2,也被称作 junior school, 这和我们中国的 junior school 有较大的区别。

British children begin primary education at age 4; education for children aged 4-5 is called reception, something like China’s preschool education. They begin Year 1 at age 5 and leave primary schools at around age 11. British children begin schooling 1 year earlier than their Chinese counterparts.

The end of Year 2 will see students take examinations of English, mathematics and science, which are written by their own schools. English examination comprises listening, reading, writing and speaking. From Year 3 to Year 5 there are no national exams but phase exams and terminal exams organized the schools. All the students will sit National Curriculum Tests at the end of Year 6.

In primary schools, Year 1 and Year 2 belong to Key Stage 1, and Year 3-Year 5 belong to Key Stage 2, this period is also called junior school, which is quite different from China’s junior school

(二)Secondary School

小学毕业后,学生进入中学阶段。英国的初中有五年(Year7~Year11), 前三年是为了后两年打基础的,称之为 Key Stage3,后两年称之为 Key Stage4。初中课程选择很丰富,学生除了必修课,可以选修5~8 门自己感兴趣的课程并在Year 10Year 11参加英国中考(GCSE)。

2.2 Secondary School

Students begin secondary education after leaving primary schools. Secondary education lasts 5 years from Year 7 to Year 11. The first 3 years is called Key Stage 3, laying a foundation for the last 2 years, which is called Key Stage 4. Secondary Schools offer a lot of choices for courses. Students can choose 5-8 courses which interest them besides obligatory courses, and take GCSE at Year 10 and Year 11.

(三)Sixth form

Sixth form 就读的学生年龄在 16-18 岁之间,但不等同于中国的高中教育,倾向于看作是大学基础课程。Year12 被称为Lower Sixth Form, Year13 被称为 Higher Sixth Form, 学生在这两年均可参加 A-level 水平考试,A-level 水平考试的成绩直接影响大学的录取结果。

2.3 Sixth Form

Sixth Form is for students aged between 16 and 18, more deemed to be foundational courses for universities, rather than China’s high school education. Year 12 is called Lower Sixth Form, and Year 13 Higher Sixth Form. Students can take A-Level in either year. Scores for A-Level have a bearing on university enrollment.




1. School education in the United Kingdom is known as "strict and standard" and it has a history of 800 years.

英国的学校教育以“严谨、规范”著称,其 教育历史长达 800 年之久。

2.In the UK, an average of one in 5 children need different levels of special education.

在英国,平均每 5 名儿童中就有 1 名需要不同程度的特殊教育。

3. British education is divided into three stages which are Primary School, Secondary School and Sixth form.

英国中小学教育大体分为三个阶段:Primary SchoolSecondary SchoolSixth form




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