





                                                       Literature and Friends

                    To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the reestablishment of Zunyi Daily

 我对《遵义日报》创办的情况不是很清楚。但一九八五年《遵义日报》恢复办报 ,却显然是在改革开放的大背景下实现的。思想与文化 ,人类精神的这两种元素是相辅相成的。可在思想禁锢、文化专制的年代 ,这两种东西都被扼杀了。

I am not clear about Zunyi Daily’s foundation. However, apparently, Zunyi Daily was reestablished in 1985 under the background of the reform and opening up. Two elements of mankind spirit, the thought and the culture, coordinate with each other, both of which are strangled during the era of shackling people’s thoughts and the cultural despotism.

没有思想 ,不等于没有欲望 ;没有文化 ,不等于没有生活。欲望是思想的翅膀 ;生活是文化的土壤。其理如鲁迅先生所言石在 ,火种是不会绝的

One without thoughts doesn’t mean he hasn’t desire; one without cultures doesn’t mean he lost daily life. The desire is the wing of thoughts; the life is the soil of cultures. As what Lu Xun said, so long as the firestone still exists, you can always ignite a fire.

文化繁荣 ,思想解放 ,套用老话叫百花齐放 ,百家争鸣。一时间 ,从中央到地方 ,包括各个领域 ,摘下假面 ,露出真实的容颜 ,去除假嗓 ,亮出压抑的歌喉。

The cultural prosperity and the ideological emancipation both can be called, as the old saying goes, “Letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend.” For a moment, people from the central to the local, including every field, took off masks, revealed their original appearances, and shown their repressive voices.

报纸、期刊、广播、电视 ,所有的手段一起上 ,既要走向世界,也要世界向我靠拢。

With all methods covering newspapers, magazines, broadcasting and televisions, Zunyi people not only longed for going out to the world but hoped to draw more focuses from the international stage.

那时候 ,遵义地区成立了文联 ,创办了文学杂志《娄山》,接着又恢复了停办多年的《遵义日报》。《娄山》遗憾地只是一份内刊。时至今日的《遵义文艺》,也不过如此。而《遵义日报》却是一份面向全国公开发行的报纸 ,分量显然重得多。

At that time, Zunyi established Federation of Literary and Art Circles, founded the literary magazine Lou Shan, and then reestablished Zunyi Daily. Unfortunately, Lou Shan is only an internal magazine. Today Zunyi Literature and Art is the same. In contrast, Zunyi Daily is issued publicly throughout the whole country. Apparently, it is more significant and popular than others.

我那时候还在县里 ,孤陋寡闻 ,只知道埋头写小说 ,而且冲着有熟人或者朋友的报刊投稿。我的印象中 ,最初的《遵义日报》开张小不说 ,隔上好几天才出一张 ,没有什么影响。

I didn’t care about other things except writing novels wholeheartedly when I was in the county. Moreover, I would submit my works for publication in presses where there were acquaintances and friends. In my impression, early in Zunyi Daily, its scale was small and one piece of newspaper appeared every few days.

但仔细想来 ,我没有给《遵义日报》写稿子的原因 ,还是那里没有我一个朋友。文学这种东西 ,无外乎性情 ,也是要凑热闹的。言为心声 ,也还讲究有一个知己。从这个意义上说 ,现今圈子文学”,其实也无可厚非 ,到底还文学自身的根性。

Hence, Zunyi Daily had little effect in those days. There was no any friend of mine, so I didn’t submit scripts to Zunyi Daily. Literature embodies writers’ temperament, so it also needs some readers who know the real meaning of writings. Words are the voice of the mind, which means a confidant is important for writers. In this sense, there is nothing necessarily wrong with “literature in circles” today. Indeed, it depends on the root of literature itself.

一九九〇年 ,我工作调动到遵义地区文联。因住房紧 ,单位给我在地区老干所租了一套房子。老干所对面是遵义师专 ,遵义师专旁边的河岸上 ,是刚从玉屏路军干所搬过去不久的《遵义日报》。我跟《遵义日报》有一种邻居的感觉。

 In 1990, I worked in Zunyi Federation of Literary and Art in Zunyi. The housing problem was severe, so the unit rented a house in Lao Gan Office (a place for veteran cadres resigned and retired) for me. The opposite side of Lao Gan Office was Zunyi Normal Academy, on the river bank next to Zunyi Normal Academy, and we could see Zunyi Daily moved from Jun Gan Office (a place for military officers resigned and retired)in Yu Pin street for a short time. It seemed that Zunyi Daily became a neighbor with me.

,我家里来了两位珍贵的客人 ,一是毛有为 ,一是余亚。他们要在 《遵义日报》介绍我和我的小说。我当时的感觉真是有一点受宠若惊。余亚大约大学毕业分配到报社不久 ,青春美丽而又优雅大方。有为兄则从地矿刚刚转移到新闻。省里开创作会什么的 ,地矿局的宣传部长李绍珊在大会上发言常常骄傲地提到他的大名。

One day, two distinguished guests came to my home, one was Mao Youwei and the other was Yuya. I felt a little flattered, because they intended to introduce me and my own fictions in Zunyi Daily. YuYa, who was a young graceful girl, was apportioned to the press a short time back since she graduated from university. As for Youwei, he was transferred to the press a moment ago from the mining industry. Li Shaoshan, the publicity minister of Bureau of Geology and Mineral, on the Writing Seminar of Guizhou province, proudly and frequently mentioned Youwei.

言谈中 ,我觉得他们不仅敬业,而且对作品和作家的认识都有独到的见解。这以后不久,经有为兄介绍,我又认识了贺黎明。匆匆一面 ,贺黎明给人的印象很沉稳 ,紧开口慢开言的样子。交谈后 ,我才知道他不仅深邃 ,还很敏捷。这样 ,我算在《遵义日报》有了朋友。

When communicating with them, I thought they were professional with unique insights into the literary works and writers. Soon after, Youwei introduced He Liming to me, and then I knew another friend. Although we saw each other for a short time, I was impressed by the composure of He Liming. After talking, I knew he was a person who was not only profound but was agile. Thus, I had friends in Zunyi Daily.

但真正把我跟《遵义日报》连在一起的还是《杀跑羊》。这篇小说最早发表在《上海文学》,后来收入我在作家出版社出版的《赵剑平小说选》。直到今天 ,我还是觉得我对小说中


But the real link of Zunyi Daily and I is Kill Running Sheep. This novel was published first in Shanghai Literature, then, collected in Zhao Jiangping Selected Works issued in the Writers Publishing House by me. To this day, I think it is influential about my thinking of two figures in the novel.

二十世纪八十年代初期 ,通过拨乱反正 ,一大批知识分子被选拔到领导岗位。这些人除了有较高的政治和知识素养 ,还有较鲜明的民间性。知识青年到农村去”,这是那个时代的政策 ;“从群众中来 ,到群众中去”,也是那个时代的策略。这种政策和策略构成了当年中国人才生存和发展的基本背景。

Intellectuals at that time were appointed to leading positions after the social order was restored in the early 1980s. With a high political awareness and rich knowledge, they are also close to common people. It was a national policy that “the educated youth go to countryside” at that time, and “Coming from the masses, going to the masses” was also a national strategy advocated in the period. Hence the policy and strategy composed the basic background of survival and development of Chinese people in those days.

这一大批知识分子走上领导岗位后 ,面对转型 ,他们必须学习新的东西 ,才能站在时代前列 ,引领社会进步。结果 ,他们将面临文化的选择与适应。由于人们对官员的认识大多局限在一个功利的视点上 ,他们在文化上的这种尴尬常常被忽略。

With the change of society, many intellectuals as leaders need to learn new things, and thus, they can lead the social advancement in the time. As a result, they will be confronted with the choice and adaptation of culture. Most people deem that officials are utilitarian, so officials’ endeavors on culture are often neglected.

我构思《杀跑羊》,就试图从文化的角度来认识他们。其时,《遵义日报》余中隆总编辑出差到一个县,听那里的书记说有这么一篇东西 ,还有一点意思 ,立刻怀着极大的兴趣看了这篇东西。出差回来后 ,余总决定在《遵义日报》转载《杀跑羊》。因小说太长 ,加上评论家毛有为写的一篇评论,《遵义日报》用了两个整版,才登完了这篇东西。

When I conceived Kill Running Sheep, I tried to understand them from culture. At that time, Yu Zhongling, the editor-in-chief of Zunyi Daily, went to a county for work, heard about an interesting novel from the secretary there and appreciated it with great interest at once. After coming back, the editor-in-chief Yu decided to reproduce Kill Running Sheep in Zunyi Daily. Because the novel was too long and the critic Mao Youwei wrote a comment about it, Zunyi Daily employed two full pages to publish it.

我没有想到这篇东西会被误读 ,尤其有个别领导对号入座 ,使一个简单的问题复杂起来。据说 ,当天部分存留的《遵义日报》也被找完了。那几天 ,不断有人打电话跟我讨论《杀跑羊》,提一些啼笑皆非的问题 ,甚至有人上升到了反腐败的高度。我从来认为反腐败题材的小说如果不上升到文化层面 ,那是没有意义的。

 I never thought that it would be misunderstood, and especially some leaders intended to take it personally, making a simple problem complicated. It was said that the vestigial parts of Zunyi Daily were found in that day. In those days, some people continuously called me to discuss Kill Running Sheep, asked some funny questions, and even raised to the height of the anti-corruption. I always reckon that it is meaningless if novels about the anti-corruption are not raised to cultural level.

所以 ,我也从来不简单化地写这方面的小说。而且 ,我欣赏《杀跑羊》中的两位主人公 ,他们宦海浮沉中还能够保持一种民间性 ,显露个人的棱角 ,这本身就是一种尊严。

Therefore, I also never simply write novels about this. Moreover, I appreciate the two protagonists in Kill Running Sheep who can maintain a close link with common people in the complicated officialdom and show their own styles and personalities, which is essentially a dignity.

但对号入座的领导不知为什么 ,显然认真了 ,我们对面相遇 ,他还要把脸别到一边去。这篇东西让他感到一种伤害 ,实在令人不安。 

 However, maybe the leader who puts the example of the novel into him doesn’t know its profound meaning, and apparently, he takes it to heart. When we meet each other face to face, he even looked away. It is really disturbing that he suffers a trauma because of the novel.

当时 ,遵义地委对这件事情很慎重 ,从地委书记庹文升到宣传部长陈伟 ,还有其他一些领导 ,都认真地读了这篇东西 ,并且都直接和间接地表达了这样一层意思 :文学作品 ,作家观点。我感到一种欣慰。

Then, leaders of ZPPC (Zunyi Prefectural Party Committee) paid more attention to this event. They all read this novel earnestly, and expressed directly and indirectly such meanings: literary works and authorial views, with the secretary of ZPPC Tuo Wensheng, and Chen Wei, the minister of the Propaganda Department and other some leaders. For me, it is a comforting thing.

遵义作为历史文化名城 ,领导人有这样的一种气度 ,真是一种幸运。时隔不久 ,贵州省人民政府奖评比,《杀跑羊》在金奖空缺的情况下获了银奖 ,得到了应有的认可。 Zunyi is a historical and cultural city and it is a good fortune that leaders own such a demeanor. And not long after, in the appraisal of the award of People's Government of Guizhou Province, under the gold’s vacancy, Kill Running Sheep attained the silver award and the recognition.

作为一个地方作家 ,他的创作生命受地方文化氛围的影响 ,而文化氛围又受地方文化气度的影响。文化气度最重要的一点是权力对文化的包容。从这个意义上讲 ,我要感谢这些领导。

 As a local writer, his career of the creation is influenced by the cultural atmosphere locally, and the cultural atmosphere is affected by the cultural inclusiveness locally. It is a most important point for the cultural inclusiveness that the authority can tolerate culture. So in this sense, I should express my gratitude to these leaders.

这以后 ,我跟余总编成了忘年交 ,有了一种患难与共的感觉。事实上,作为党报总编辑 ,用那么多版面转载一篇有麻烦的东西 ,他的压力也是够大的。

After that, the editor-in-chief Yu and I became cross-age friends that shared hardships together. In fact, as the editor-in-chief of Party newspaper, utilizing many pages to reprint an article with trouble, he was up against heavy stresses.

某种程度而言 ,要兴文字狱 ,他恐怕也难脱干系。

To a certain degree, if he lived in the time of Literary Inquisition (imprisonment or execution of an author for writing something considered offensive by the imperial court), maybe he would encounter tough troubles.

但余总编始终就是一句话 :“他要对号入座是他的事情。我那时候才知道什么叫胆识,什么叫坦荡如砥的君子。

But the editor-in-chief Yu always said, “This is someone’s business if he attached the label of the official images above-mentioned to himself by pigeon holing.” At that time, I was aware what were courage and insight and who can be called a candid and frank gentleman.

倏忽间,《遵义日报》又办了二十年。死而复活 ,活还多少有一点坎坷 ,却一刻也没有停止过发展。从小报几天一张 ,到大报一天十几个版,巍巍乎成了集团 ,又有了高楼。

As time goes by, Zunyi Daily has gone through 20 years. Zunyi Daily was confronted with some obstacles on the way forward, but finally it revived from the predicament. And it was always going forward. From a piece of tabloid every a few days to more than ten pages of broadsheets one day, Zunyi Daily became an enterprise group and owned its office building.

富新闻 ,穷文学 ,我们一点不眼红。而且 ,我个人还感觉到了一种积累 ,朋友的积累。现任总编辑戴林和他那一班人 ,包括文艺部门的记者、编辑 ,如今都成了我们文学的朋友。这不是简单意义的朋友。

For us, it is not enviable that news industry got more attention than the literature. Furthermore, I also thought it was an accumulation of friends. Dai Lin, the incumbent editor-in-chief, and other staffs including journalists and editors of art department, all become our literary friends now. However, they are not common friends in the sense.

根据戴总编的理念 ,一张全国性的报纸一天一出,一张地方性的报纸也是一天一出,《遵义日报》要抢新闻是抢不赢人家的 ,只有办出自己的特色。

Just as what the editor-in-chief Dai said, a nationwide newspaper and a local one will be published each day, so Zunyi Daily can’t surpass other presses on grabbing the news. Therefore, it can only create its own style.

于是乎,我们跟《遵义日报》十天半月的 ,要坐在一起讨论 夜郎文化”,或者研究《遵义文艺》公开发行,抑或召开哪一位作家作品讨论会。即使没有题目 ,戴总编也要召集一帮文学界的朋友喝一喝茶、聊一聊天。

Accordingly, working in Zunyi Daily for a long time, we need get together to discuss Yelang Culture (a combination of Chinese national cultures derived from the warring states late period, 260 BC- 221 BC), decide the date of public issue of Zunyi Literature and Art, and hold works’ seminar of a certain writer. Even if there are no topics, the editor-in-chief Dai will also call a group of friends in literary circle together to enjoy tea and have a chat.

 从一次又一次或实或虚的关联中 ,我看见了《遵义日报》一班人的眼光。他们就是要营造一种浓浓的文化氛围 ,来滋养和培育《遵义日报》未来的品质。

I realize people in Zunyi Daily possess the vision from many contacts with them. They just want to create a remarkable culture atmosphere, enhancing the quality of Zunyi Daily in the future.

另外 ,文学走进新闻 ,这对一个作家把握时代脉搏 ,写出贴近现实的作品 ,也大有裨益。《遵义日报》的进步也是文学界的进步。事实上,《遵义日报》已经有不少记者出了作品集。他们既是记者 ,又是作家。

In addition, if literature steps into news, it is of great benefit to a writer to grasp the pulse of the times and create works that close to reality. The advancement of Zunyi Daily is the development of literary circle. As a matter of fact, many reporters in Zunyi Daily have already issued work collections. They are journalists and writers.

记者文学在我市文学界正渐渐形成它的分量。可以说 ,我市文学与新闻的这种水乳交融的关系,也是我市文化建设的一大幸事。

Reporter literature in the literary circle of Zunyi is forming gradually its influence. It can be said that the close link between literature and news in our city is also a blessing for cultural construction of Zunyi.


I sincerely hope that Zunyi Daily can be better and better.



A trip to Bern

沿着莱芒湖 ,大巴大约走了两个小时 ,来到洛桑。天气很好 ,小城不少居民出到湖畔休闲来了。湖边一座小山坡 ;坡脚一道美丽的人工瀑布 ;瀑布上方飘着几面五环彩旗 ;奥林匹克运动会总部就设在山上。

Along Lac Leman, we started off about two hours, arriving in Lausanne. It was a fine day, and many residents in the town enjoyed the leisure time in the lakeside. A small hillside was on the lakeside; a beautiful artificial waterfall was on the foot of the slope; a few colorful flags with five rings floated above the waterfall; the headquarters of the Olympic Games was located in the mountain.

这哪里像一个办事机构 ,简直就是一个别致精巧的公园。绿茸茸的草皮植满整个山坡。上山的小径和电动扶梯把山坡切割成小块小块的绿地。这些小块的绿地上都有一件雕塑 ,或写实 ,或虚拟 ,分别代表不同的运动项目。

It seemed to be a unique and beautiful garden rather than an administrative office. The entire hillside was covered with the green turfs. Trails and electric escalators to the mountain cut the hillside into many small pieces of grassplot. And in the each grassplot sat a sculpture, realistically or virtually, representing respectively different sports.

有些雕塑甚至是电动的 ,像《肌肉》,不停地在那里分解和组合着。山顶奥林匹克运动会总部门前 ,一支象征奥林匹克精神永不熄灭的火炬熊熊燃烧着 ,旁边是奥林匹克运动会博物馆 ,博物馆前面套着游乐场和商店。我们在这里待到晌午光景 ,才往伯尔尼去。

Some sculptures even were electric, like Muscle, decomposed and combined there on and on. In front of the headquarters of the Olympic Games, a torch that symbolized the perpetuity of the Olympic spirit was blazing. By the side of the headquarters was the Olympic Games Museum, and there were the playground and shops in front of the museum. We stayed here until noon, and then went to Bern.

傍晚 ,血红的太阳卡在阿尔卑斯山一个窄狭的山口上。我们在伯尔尼街头上上下下折腾着 ,才在市中心广场旁边找着一家中国餐馆。出来时间长了 ,能够吃一顿中国餐 ,仿佛不仅仅是一种胃口的需要 ,还是一种文化的需要。

In the evening, the blood-red sun seemed to be stuck on a narrow gap in the Alps. Spending much time and energy, we didn’t find a Chinese restaurant on the streets of Bern until we reached next to the square of the downtown. Leaving home for a long time, when we could eat a Chinese meal, as if it was not only a demand of appetite, but was a cultural need.

餐馆里有几个中国青年 ,看上去还带着几分孩子的稚气。 亲不亲 ,故乡人。看我们到来 ,一拨年轻人又端茶水又送瓜子的 ,显得格外热情。

There were several Chinese young people in the restaurant, and they looked like children with childishness. When seeing us, as if we were brothers and sisters from the motherland regardless of what relationship among us, they served tea and sent melon seeds enthusiastically and warmly in particular.

乡音无须改 ,一来二往的 ,我们便知道他们是一家旅游学校的留学生。因家境并不十分宽裕 ,所以利用暑假出来打工。

 Through talking with each other in the familiar accent, we knew that they were overseas students of a tourist school. Because their families were not very well-off, they did some summer jobs to earn money.

我因为女儿总对出国留学有一种向往 ,就很留心地打听出国留学的费用。一个姓王的姑娘犹豫了一下 ,“两万美金。低低地说。我注意到小王面庞上布着一层愁云 ,“是不是想家啦’”我便这么问着。

Due to my daughter yearning for studying abroad, I attentively inquired of them about the cost of studying abroad. Miss. Wang, a little girl, hesitated and whispered, “Twenty thousand dollars.” I noticed Wang was unhappy, “Did you miss your family?” so I asked.

哪知姑娘所答非所问的。我真是后悔死了。这么直愣愣地戳了过来。大家一边听着 ,都转过目光来 ,吃惊地望着她。姑娘眼睛潮乎乎的 ,动着感情说 :“哪一天我回到中国 ,第一件事就是要告诉人们不要轻易出国留学。

Instead of answering my question, the girl bluntly said, I’ve really regretted so much.” Everyone listened, turned their heads, and looked at her in surprise. The girls’ eyes were full of tears and emotionally said, “When I go back to China afterwards, the first thing I want to tell people is that it is not advisable to study abroad without a careful consideration.”

旁边一个姓张的留学生这工夫了也插了进来 ,说国外成立一个学校很容易的 ,都知道中国现在的留学热 ,什么五花八门的学校都有 ,很多学校既无师资 ,又无校舍 ,本国政府不承认 ,中国教育部也不认可 ,就通过民间渠道在中国招生 ,实际上是一桩生意、一场骗局。

Then a student surnamed Zhang also got involved in our small talking, and said that the establishment of a school abroad was very easy and all people known the current craze of studying abroad in China. There were a variety of schools abroad, and many schools didn’t have qualified teachers and school buildings. Those schools that did not get the recognition of the local government and the Chinese Ministry of Education recruited students through private channels in China which actually, was a business-like job or even a commercial fraud.

他们所在的学校还算好一些的 ,至少文凭得到中国教育部的认可 ,今后回到国内找一个工作应该不会很困难。而一些家庭式的学校学生来了后 ,还要交这样费那样费 ,很多学生出国就是贷了款的,遇到这种情况 ,进不进 ,退不退 ,只好拼命出来打工挣钱 ,哪有心思学习。

Actually, the school that they were studying in seemed to be better; at least the diploma of their school could be recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education, and it should be not difficult for them to find a job at home. However, in some family-style schools, students needed to pay various fees; many of them with the loan didn’t know how to find a way out of this dilemma, and they couldn’t choose but work hard to earn money rather than study hard.

而瑞士的税收制度很特别 ,按人头征税 ,年满十六岁 ,无论哪个国籍 ,来瑞士干什么 ,都每月二百五十八法郎 ,加上七七八八的扣除 ,一个月两千法郎的工资拿到手中 ,实际上只有一千一百法郎。

Yet Switzerland's tax system was very special, which would tax on people according to the number of population. Anyone who was sixteen years old enough need pay 258 francs every month regardless of the nationality and the purpose to Switzerland. In fact, people could only get 1100 francs, though everyone’s wage was 2000 francs a month.

瑞士不是移民国 ,留学时间满了 ,就必须回国。有想通过婚姻留在瑞士的 ,但哪一天婚姻破裂,国籍也就不复存在了 ,这实际上在政治上永远低人一等。

Switzerland was not a country of immigration, and people must return home once they finished their study. Someone who had a desire to stay in Switzerland through a marriage would lose the nationality if the marriage was broken down, which was actually always inferior to natives in Switzerland politically.

从餐馆出来 ,大家的心情都有些沉重。我脑子里一下跳出来一句很旧的民谚 :“人家的金窝银窝 ,敌不住自己的狗窝。这显然有一点 Q”。而深长思之 ,Q精神并不是错得一塌糊涂 ,至少有一点自爱自珍的东西 ,是很多现代人应该学习的。

Going out from the restaurant, everyone felt a little upset. A very old saying jumped out at once in my mind, East or west, home is the best. This seemed obviously the spirit of Ah Q (a spirit to comfort oneself by oneself). And after deliberating, not all of the spirit of Ah Q was wrong completely; at least it contained some self-cherished things that many modern people should learn.

Q的悲剧在于他不能认识自己的缺陷 ,所以不能发展自己。而这些年的实践证明 ,中国人在这个问题上常常是有过之而无不及。过即生卑 ,所以又常常忘记自己。

Ah Q's tragedy was that he couldn’t know his own flaws so he couldn’t improve himself. But practices of these years proved that it is often above the standard rather than below it on the issue. Everything beyond the standard will become inferior, so people usually forget themselves.

太阳已经沉下去,阿尔卑斯山的夜色在谷里弥漫着。伯尔尼的店铺早早关了门 ,但山城依然很亮 ,团团簇簇的光束 ,又营造着另一个眩惑的白昼。

The sun had sunk, and the nightscape of the Alps was filled in the valley. Bern's shops closed the door early, but the mountain was still very bright. Numerous clusters of lights created another dizzy daytime.

我们站在广场上,看几个姑娘跳踢踏舞 ,一个接一个跳着 ,很卖力 ,也很认真 ,出现一次失误 ,还给大家鞠躬致歉。但周围的看客大多数是伯尔尼居民 ,却很少有往那钱盒子里丢钱的。

We stood on the square, watching a few girls to show tap-dance one by one, hard and seriously. There was a mistake in the show, and girls bowed and apologized to people. Most of the surrounding people were Bern residents, but very few of them cast money into the box.

我想 :一个没有经历战争的民族 ,对人的价值、人的感情这样一些有生命的东西 ,或许本来就是麻木的。

I thought: perhaps people of a nation that had never undergone the war felt essentially numb for something like the value and the emotion of mankind.

第二天 ,我们从伯尔尼到苏黎世。在苏黎世作短暂停留 ,便又坐瑞士航空公司的飞机回国。来时追着太阳 ,去时迎着太阳。The next day we went from Bern to Zurich. We stayed in Zurich for a short time, and then returned home by the airplane of Swiss Air Transport Company. We chased the sun when coming, and faced the sun when leaving.


大约经历三个小时的黑夜 ,我们就赶上了北京的早晨。在首都机场候机回家的光景 ,我们看着 老外排着队入关出关地忙着 ,换一个地点 ,换一种位置 ,居然有一种恍然若梦的感觉。

About three hours at night, we caught up with the morning of Beijing. In the terminal hall of the airport, we watched the picture that foreigners lined up and passed through the customs, which seemed actually an unreal dream.






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