





“We must not fight to the death over one thing.”


精明的人是这样说的。可眼下,我们却不得不在烟上吊下去。烟是什么 ,是一棵草 ,我们要在这棵草上吊下去。

But now, we have to stick to tobacco.What is tobacco? It is only a plant, but we must stick to it.

全国烟草调配会议刚刚在湖南长沙结束。参加这次会议回来的县烟草公司经理任远论同志一下汽车 ,便直奔县长办公会 ,他擦了把汗 ,喝了口水 ,就有些焦灼地 :

The national tobacco distribution conference has just concluded in Changsha.To participate in the meeting back to the county tobacco company manager Ren Yuanlun got off the bus, came to the county head of the office, he wiped the sweat, drank saliva, some anxious to say:

我们今年的烟收上二十七八万担是不成问题的。但是 ,根据这次长沙会议的情况 ,买烟的只想要高级烟 ,卖烟的却更想把中级烟、末级烟推出去 ……

“We should have no problem collecting twenty thousand tons of tobacco this year. However, according to the changsha conference, those who buy tobacco only want to buy high-grade tobacco, while those who sell tobacco prefer to sell middle-grade and end-grade tobacco...

全国烟叶的库存量 ,纵然是停止收购烟叶 ,也可以让所有的烟厂日夜不停地生产上三年的 ……

With the current national stock of tobacco, even if the purchase of tobacco is stopped, it is enough for all tobacco factories to produce tobacco day and night for three years...

这样一个买方市场 ,我们烟草公司压力也很大 ,只有多收上等烟 ,而次等烟劣等烟就只有少收 ,或者不收 ,用这个方法来提高均价 ,增强市场竞争力……”

In such a buyer's market, our company is also under great pressure. We can only collect more first-class tobacco, while inferior inferior tobacco can only be collected less or not tobacco. In this way, we can improve the average price and enhance the market competitiveness...”


“We must protect the Shanghai market.”

特地赶到会上的县委书记黄天俊 ,这时候来了这么一句 ,让人觉得形势的严峻。

At this time, specially came to the meeting of the county party secretary Huang Tianjun said such a sentence, let the people present feel the situation is very serious.

大家都盯住上等烟了。县长汪德贵显然敏感了黄书记那一句话的含义 ,“是不是可以有一点特殊政策 ,把上等烟和次等烟的差价进一步拉大,确保上等烟的收购 ,而农民又不至于太吃亏……”

“Attention is now focused on the finest tobacco.”Obviously, the county head Wang Degui is a little sensitive to what secretary Huang just said“"Can we make some special policies to further widen the price difference between premium and inferior tobacco,make sure farmers don't lose money."

怕不行。任经理摇着头 ,“这是统一的 ,不然要发生收购大战。其实,火药味已经隐隐约约地透出来了。就像蚕茧大战、棉花大战一样 ,烤烟大战也是很悲壮的。

“That afraid not.”The manager Ren shook his head, “The price is uniform, otherwise there will be a takeover dispute.”By this time the smell of gunpowder was already faintly discernible. Like the cocoon war, the cotton war, tobacco war will be very solemn and stirring.

如此 ,上海烟草公司认真考察了湄潭烟叶的品质 ,投入大量资金和技术力量 ,多年苦心经营 ,建立了专为上海烟厂生产优质 烟叶的申湄基地。

Therefore, Shanghai tobacco company carefully inspected the quality of Meitan tobacco, invested a lot of money and technical force, painstakingly managed for many years, and set up a base specially for Shanghai tobacco factory to produce high-quality tobacco.

当然 ,县委书记黄天俊那个保上海的说法 ,就是要保证申湄某地的这部分优质烟叶能够收进来 ,不折不扣地提供给上海方面,这不仅仅是一个维护自身利益的问题 ,也是一个信誉问题 ,甚至透彻地说 ,当我们走在上海滩 ,看见大中华的价格比红塔山的价格高出一倍 ,看见我们贵州还是能够生产出高级烟叶来 ,那胆气便也壮得多。开秤了 ,烤烟大战正式打起来了。

Of course, the county party committee secretary Huang Tianjun said"the protection of Shanghai market", this part is to ensure that the quality of tobacco can purchase come in, faithfully for Shanghai, it's not just a safeguard their own interests, is also a question of credibility, or even a thorough said, when we walk in the beach, see the "Dachonghua" than "Hongtashan" double the price, see we are still able to produce a senior tobacco in Guizhou, and bold. Acquisitions began, and the tobacco wars began.

县长老汪带了一班人 ,沿着边地一个据点一个据点地视察。走一路 ,老汪招呼一路 :“人家的烟我们不收 ,但是我们发展的烟 ,尤其我们申湄基地的好烟叶 ,也决不能外流出去。
 Wang county chief with some people, along the surrounding a stronghold a stronghold inspection. "We do not harvest their tobacco, but the tobacco we develop, especially the good tobacco from our Shanghai-Meitan base, must not be exported," Wang said as he walked along.

可老汪毕竟有限。他刚一走 ,告急的电话就追到县政府的办公室。无奈 ,他又返回去 ,找对方的县领导办交涉。而战线太长 ,通常一县与六七个县接壤 ,战火同时燃起 ,副县长们也出动了。

But Wang's experience is limited. No sooner had he left than the emergency call reached the county government office. Helpless he returns to go again, look for the county leader bargaining of the other side.At this time, the war broke out at the same time, because the battle line was too long, often a county and six or seven counties bordering, deputy county heads also sent out.


我去了西线。那个据点设在边境线上 ,而且正处于县道与省道的交叉点上。它的大门 ,就像一个巨大的口子 ,几台手扶拖拉机和一辆敞篷的卡车 ,专门运送那些越过边境去卖烟的农民。

I went west. That point is on the border, and it's at the intersection of the county road and the provincial road.Its gate is like a huge crack, with tractors and an open truck carrying farmers who cross the border to sell tobacco.


我们的几个乡干部 ,很倔地站在马路上 ,阻挡拖拉机和卡车前进 ,表现出一种誓与烤烟共存亡的气概。

Several of our village cadres, standing obstinately on the road, blocked the advance of tractors and trucks, and showed determination to live and die with tobacco .


我则拿着不知哪里来的一只话筒 ,冲着烟农们喊话 :“烤烟卖给本乡本土 ,地方得了税 ,不仅仅为了机关上发工资 ,还为地方各项事业的发展 ,比如你们赶场的街现在修成了水泥街 ,每个村都拉了电 ,乡里建起了电视差转台 ,学校又新修了教室……”

I don't know where got a microphone, blunt tobacco farmers shout: "tobacco sold to local, local taxes, not just in order to pay an agency unit, and in order to place the development of various undertakings, such as your market street maintenance now became a cement road, every village electricity, through the village built have now, the school and the new built the classroom... "


事情有了一点转机 ,几个烟农跳下车来 ,背了烤烟往我们的收购站去了。但更多的烟农下车后 ,却还是肩挑背驮地往边界那边去了。我觉得事情有些蹊跷 ,便跟着卖烟的队伍 ,混进了对方据点。

At this point there was a turning point and a few farmers jumped out of the car, carrying tobacco to our acquisition station.But more farmers got out of their cars, still carrying tobacco to the border.I thought things were a little strange, so I followed the tobacco sales team and got into the other side's purchase point.


这里的情形和我们那边形成鲜明的对比 ,烟农们满当当地挤在院子里 ,烟挑子烟篓子遍地摆着,混乱的喊叫与刺激的烟气搅成一片 ,更给人一种炮火硝烟的感觉。

The situation here is in sharp contrast to us, the tobacco farmers are crowded in the yard, the basket and burden everywhere, chaotic Shouting and exciting smoke mixed into one, give a person a feeling of gunfire smoke.


我向一个烟农要过单据看了看 ,和我们收购的价格是一样的 ,便禁不住有些气恼 :“为哪样一定要卖到这边来’”又有几个烟农凑了过来 ,“我们也不愿卖到这边来。还挺委屈的 ,“只是这边等级要高一些。

I asked a tobacco farmer for documents to check. The price here was the same as our purchase price, so I couldn't help feeling a little angry: "why do you have to sell here?" At this time a few tobacco farmers came forward, "we do not want to sell here." They seem to be quite aggrieved, "only here the level is higher."

弄清楚情况 ,我连夜赶回县里。大家坐拢来交换意见 ,各个战场都是一样的严峻。于是 ,电话请示到地区 ,也通到省里。第二天 ,传真电报发 送到县里 ,重新对收购政策进行调整 ,放宽了等级上的要求。

After finding out what was going on here, I went back to the county overnight. Everyone sat together to exchange ideas, each point of the acquisition of the rouen is the same grim. So, the telephone instructions to the city, but also long to the province. The next day, a reply telegram was sent to the county to readjust the acquisition policy and relax the hierarchy requirements.

抬级抬价的事情有所控制 ,而烟战并没有就此停下来。依然是在边地上 ,亲连着亲、戚连着戚的 ,听着哪个收购点有个舅子老表什么的掌握着过磅 ,竟也可以串在一起 ,越过界线投奔去。

Price gouging was under control, but the war on tobacco did not stop there.On the border, kinship is complex, and if one hears that a distant cousin is in control of a takeover site, someone will traditionally join forces and sell across the border.


而到了夜里 ,那些属于个体的烟贩子 ,则不管法规不法规 ,雇了车 ,悄悄窜进生产上等烟叶的基地里,高出一点价 ,便可以整车整车地收起来往外拉。

And at night, those who belong to the individual tobacco sellers, completely disregard the laws and regulations, hire some cars, quietly rushed into the production of high-quality tobacco leaves in the base, a little higher price, can be the whole car to put up the whole car to pull out.


我们很快采取措施 ,工商、税务部门动员起来 ,公安派出所也动员起来 ,队伍拉上公路 ,不分昼夜地巡逻 ,检查一切可疑的车辆 ……

We quickly took measures, industrial and commercial departments and tax departments have mobilized, the public security also joined in, we patrol the highway day and night, check all suspicious vehicles...

这样 ,我们在一年一度的烟战中又挺了过来。虽然吃一些亏 ,但交售给上海方面的高等烟叶 ,我们是按计划保证供给了。

In this way, we were once again in the annual tobacco war to adhere to come over.Although we have lost some profits, we have guaranteed the supply of advanced tobacco sold to Shanghai as planned.

接下来是划税 ,地方上一年忙到头 ,就为这个 ,要发工资 ,要搞建设 ,要发展各项事业 ,财政有了钱 ,才能够最后落到实处。

Then the studio divided taxes, the local government busy throughout the year, is to tax, to pay wages, to engage in construction, to develop all kinds of undertakings, the finance has the money, to be able to finally put in place.

而到了这时候 ,其他块块也大致有了眉目 ,烟税一划 ,整个经济盘子的分量出来 ,便调整预算,哪些增 ,哪些减 ,喜和忧也就透了出来。

And by this time, other projects are also roughly in the shape of a tobacco tax division, the whole economy has been activated, and then began to adjust the budget, which projects need to increase the family, which projects need to reduce, joy and worry slowly revealed.





                    Inclining to the southeast with the view from Tianzhu Mountain

几年前 ,我到黔东南之南 ,一个叫丹寨的地方。汽车在接连不断的山坡上绕来绕去 ,到达一个叫麻鸟的地方。丹寨不是一个村落 ,而是一个县。麻鸟也没有很多鸟 ,而是丹寨下面一个村 ,一个苗家寨。

A few years ago, I went to a place called Danzhai in southeast of Guizhou.The car wound up and down a series of hills until it came to a place called the Maniao. Danzhai is not a village, but a county. Maniao is not a lot of birds, but the next village Danzhai village, a Miao village.

青瓦的木板房依山而建 ,黑乎乎占一面坡 ,格外有一种阵势。男人们一身玄衣 ,吹起婉转的芦笙 ,女人们则戴着银帽、响着银铃 ,跳起优雅的锦鸡舞 ,显着他们对客人的热情 ,透着他们对生活的理解。身临其境 ,我意识到色彩不仅是丹寨的一种灵魂 ,还是丹寨的一个梦。

The wooden house that green tile builds depends on hill and build, on hillside black press one, appear to have position all the more.The men here wear black dresses and play the lusheng with its melodious song, while the women wear silver hats and ring the bells when they walk. They dance gracefully, show their warm attitude to guests, and reveal their understanding of life.When I was there, I realized that colorful is not only the soul of Danzhai, but also the beautiful dream of Danzhai.

这一次 ,我到黔东南之东 ,一个叫天柱的地方。夜走镇宁 ,穿三穗 ,晚九点钟光景 ,过鉴江大桥 ,进县城 ,在酒店里住下来。翻了翻资料 ,我才知道天柱虽有些夸张 ,却还真不是空穴来风。

This time, I went to the east of southeast Guizhou, a place called Tianzhu. We rushed to Zhenning overnight, after Sansui, to about 9 p.m., we passed the Jianjiang bridge, entered the county, and stayed in the hotel.When I looked up the data, I just know that "Tianzhu" is a little exaggerated, but it is not groundless.


据康熙年间《天柱县志》记载:“柱石擎天在县东十里 ,其形似柱高而圆 ,旧云有鸟类凤鸣于上 ,天柱名始此 ,别号凤城。”.According to the records of Tianzhu county in the reign of Kang Xi: “The huge towering stone is five kilometers away from the east of the county seat, its shape is as high and round as the stone pillar. Long ago, some people said that there were birds singing on the stone and it turned into a phoenix.”


且有诗为证 :“何年突兀起高标 ,直接银河上下潮。那种冲霄之势 ,一如天台山上天柱峰 ,让人一下想到李白的诗句 ———

This legend is supported by ancient poetry:“We don't know when it came into being. It's like the river was pouring.”That soaring momentum, like Tiantai mountain’s Tianzhu peak, let a person think of li bai's poem:

天台四万八千丈 ,对此欲倒东南倾。

“Mount Heaven’s Terrace, five hundred thousand feet high,Nearby to the southeast, appears to crumble down.”

那么 ,湖南一位学者引屈原《楚辞 ·天问》八柱何当 ,东南何亏’”对应天柱山八柱 ,又用民间火神祝融文化进行佐证 ,通过历史人物、事件考据,认定黔东南之东天柱山就是迷雾重重的古南岳 ,而这又为天柱增加了一层神秘色彩。

A scholar in Hunan Province cited Qu Yuan's ‘Tian Wen’s(Qu Yuan, about 340-278 B.C. a patriotic poet who went abroad during the warring states period; Tian Wen, Qu Yuan created a long poem, the content of the world to explore and reflect on the main.)“Where are the pillars of the sky? Why did the earth fall to the southeast?”to correspond to the eight peaks of Tianzhu mountain, and with the legendary vulcan Zhu Rong Culture(Zhu Rong, the legendary god of fire in ancient times; Zhu Rong Culture, A unique culture derived from the folk worship of fire.)as evidence, through historical figures, events, that Qiandongnan Tianzhu mountain is the misty ancient south yue, and this adds a layer of mystery to Tianzhu.

我之到天柱 ,就是要登天柱山而看擎天柱石的。但汽车爬了大半天 ,在山腰上停下来 ,我才知道我们到了金凤山 ———与天柱山相连而人文内容比天柱山还丰富的一座山。那么天柱山是被错过了 ,还是在山路的另 一端 ?

I came to Tianzhu, is to climb the Tianzhu mountain to see that piece of Tianzhu stone. But the car drove for a long time, stopped at the mountainside, I just know that we have arrived at the golden phoenix mountain -- - and Tianzhu mountain connected, and the content of human culture than Tianzhu mountain is also rich in a mountain. Was Tianzhu missed, or was it on the other side of the mountain?


而客听主安排 ,我们也只有随遇而安了。大家下了车 ,沿着高低不平的毛坯路接着往上走。还远远地 ,我就看见一棵老树矗立在天地间。有朋友说这是一棵千年古银杏。世上难逢百岁人 ,山中难找千年树。

The guest does as he pleases, and so do we. Everyone got out of the car and went up the rough mountain road. In the distance, I saw an old tree standing there. Some friends say it is a thousand years old ginkgo. It's hard to meet a centenarian in the world, and it's hard to find a thousand-year old tree in the mountains.

虽不期而遇 ,我想我跟千年树也算有了一种缘。因为古老 ,千年银杏没有几枝丫 ,而在冬日的山风中 ,也没有几片叶。它几乎是光秃秃的 ,寂寞而苍凉地凝固在那里。郭沫若曾经用植物中的化石比银杏 ,我想这棵千年古银杏 ,则无论神 ,还是形 ,都是最接近喻体的。

Although it is a chance encounter, but I think I have a kind of edge with the millennium tree. Because of its antiquity, ginkgo biloba has few branches and few leaves in the mountain wind in winter. It was almost bare, frozen there in solitude and desolation. Guo moruo once described ginkgo with "living fossils in plants". I think this thousand-year old ginkgo is the closest to the metaphorical body in terms of its expression and body shape.

山口上有一座寺庙。佛堂神殿也还算新 ,只檐口下几块碑有一些年代。大家凑着乾隆题诗碑琢磨琢磨 ,便开始下山。走过古银杏 ,我回头望去 ,老树映着寺庙 ,寺庙衬着老树 ,There is a temple on the hill. The temple of the buddhist temple is relatively new, but there are some old monuments under the eaves. Everyone looked at the qianlong poem monument and began to go down the mountain. Walking through the ancient ginkgo, I looked back. The old tree set off the temple and the temple set off the old tree.


忽地就有些迷糊 ,古树千年如此 ,而寺庙则经历多少变换 ,到底是树为寺而存 ,还是寺因树而生 ?谁能够说得清楚 ,古树千年没有成精成怪 ,其实有如天柱山的擎天柱石 ,也默默地支撑着一个世界。

Suddenly, I had some fantastic feelings. Who can not say clearly, the ancient tree for a thousand years has not become a monster, in fact, just like the Tianzhu mountain optimus prime stone, quietly supporting a world.


但人文风物终不过人的痕迹 ,而自然景观才是天与地的影子 ,尤其奇山奇水 ,才可能透露天与地真正的玄奥。

But the traces of humanity are not created by people after all, and the most beautiful natural landscape, especially those fantastic landscape, is really able to express the infinite mystery of the world.

天柱的朋友或许知道我的心思 ,答应瞅空子陪我去一趟天柱山 ,看那擎天柱石去。只是一时半会儿 ,我们还要听从东道主的安排 ,跟着大家走下去。

Local friends may have guessed my mind, promised to find time to accompany me to the Tianzhu mountain, see the pillars of the prime. But now we have to follow the arrangements of our host and follow the rest.

我们来到鉴江河边。这里正在举办一个奇石展览。虽展览 ,其实价格合适 ,也还是要销售的。看不见大的看小的 ,而且有了感觉 ,还可以买了带回来 ,我们一下又兴奋起来。

Here is a strange stone exhibition, when we come to the Jianjiang River. Although it is an exhibition, it can be purchased. Regardless of size, as long as you like it, you can buy it and take it away. We are excited to hear about this news.


这些石头跟鉴江并没有多大关系 ,尽管这条穿城而过的河流跟天柱更亲密 ,也没有这种宝贝。说来也怪 ,这些石头是从清水江来的 ,鉴江算清水江的支流 ,不产这些石头 ,似乎还有些道理;

In fact, these stones do not have much to do with Jianjiang. Although this river passing through the city is more intimate with Tianzhu Mountain, it does not produce such treasures. It is strange that these stones were salvaged from the Qingshui River. Jianjiang belongs to the tributaries of the Qingshui River. It does not seem to produce these stones.

而清水江一路磕磕碰碰奔来 ,穿贵州八个县 ,行八百多里 ,却只天柱境内有这些石头 ,是造物主的神力 ,还是这里的山更青、水更绿 ?

Qingshui River ran all the way, crossing the eight counties of Guizhou, a total of more than 800 miles, but only the Tianzhushan produced these stones, this is the creator's divine power, or because the mountains here are greener, the water is greener?


我看贵州青”,简直就是水的加工 ,水的品质 ,水的形状。不管什么石头 ,在清水江里久了 ,便收尽一江碧绿 ,成为沉重的波涛、凝固的漩涡。

It is considered that "Guizhou Qing" is simply processed from water. It has the quality of water and the shape of water. No matter what stone, as long as it has been in the Qingshui River for a long time, it has become a river green, becoming a heavy wave and a solid vortex.


贵州青常常也诡谲多变 ,有如太阳被一江褶皱拉碎 ,又藏不住躲不住的 ,走成了闪电 ,化作了彩虹 ,格外有一种壮观

The "Guizhou Qing" is often also colorful, as if the sun was broken by the folds of the river, but it could not be wrapped, so it turned into lightning, turned into a rainbow, and was extraordinarily spectacular.

我看指甲石”,浑身指甲印 ,可以说伤痕累累 ,而这种暴力因何而生 ,却只有天知道。我看石中石”,不同品质的石头套在一起 ,我中有你 ,你中有我 ,热闹而又和谐。

I saw a kind of "nail stone", which is a nail print and looks like a scar. This kind of violence is born, probably only God knows. There is also "stone in stone", different quality stones are put together, I have you, you have me, lively and harmonious.

我们东家出西家进的 ,仿佛总也看不够。听说清水江一座大型电站已经开工建设 ,大坝下闸蓄水后 ,这些石头将永远沉在湖底 ,我最后跟老板讨价还价半天 ,花了八百块钱 ,总算买了几块石头带回家来做纪念。

We came and went to see a lot, as if we didn't see enough. I heard that a large power station in Qingshuijiang has started construction. After the dam is under the water, these stones will sink to the bottom of the lake forever. Finally, I bargained with the boss for a long time, spent 800 yuan, and finally bought a few stones to bring back. Home to commemorate

从清水江石头开始 ,我对天柱有了一种实实在在的触摸。

Starting from the stones of the Qingshui River, I have a real “touch” on Tianzhu Mountain.

但我无论如何也想不到 ,我跟清水江石头还会相遇 ,并且把这种说不清楚的纠结一直延续下去。

But I can't think of it anyway. I will meet again with the Qingshuijiang stone, and this unclear entanglement will continue.

我们的汽车离开县城 ,往一个叫三门塘的侗寨驶去。鉴江在视野中渐渐消失 ,这给了我们一个错觉 ,仿佛清水江离我们也越来越远。

The car we took left the county and went to a village called Sanmentang. Jianjiang gradually disappeared in the field of vision, which gave us an illusion, as if the Qingshui River is getting farther and farther away from us.


而事实上,我们走了一条捷径。听着汽车发动机单调的嗡嗡声 ,大家正有些索然,清水江一下跳到了眼前。过一座桥 ,我们到了一个叫远口的镇。

 In fact, we have taken a shortcut. Listening to the monotonous sound of the car engine, just when everyone has some boring, Qingshuijiang is floating in front of us. When the car drove past a bridge, we arrived at a small town called Yuankou.

清水江畔不知道有多少这样的镇子 ,依山傍水 ,占尽风光。东道主说电站大坝筑起来后 ,这个镇子就会被淹没。我们听着 ,都有一种遗憾。

The Qingshui River does not know how many such towns, and the mountains and rivers, have taken up the scenery. The host said that the town would be submerged after the power station dam was built. We all felt sorry when we heard this news.

正赶场 ,街上人潮涌动 ,日子如往常一样镇定而热烈。我们的车一刻也没有停止 ,沿清水江而上 ,不顾一切地往前赶。也不知道过去多久 ,忽地有人叫一声到了,汽车便停在路边。

Today is the day of the fair, the streets crowded, calm, warm as usual. The car we took did not stop for a moment. We went all the way along the Qingshui River and desperately rushed forward. We don't know how long the time has passed. Suddenly someone called "Come on" and the car stopped at the roadside.

大家从车上下来 ,站在江边 ,看前不巴村后不巴店的,正感到疑惑 ,却一只机动船轰轰隆隆地划破江心靠了过来。

Everyone came down from the car and stood on the riverside. At this time, there was no store in front of the village. When we were wondering, a motor boat slammed through the river and leaned over.

越过一江碧波 ,大家这才发现对岸团团树盖丛丛竹影还掩映着大片屋瓦 ,原来三门塘在江那 边。大家争先恐后地跳上船去 ,却还没有在舱里坐稳 ,船家就抽了跳板 ,把船开了起来。

Crossing a river and blue waves, everyone discovered that there was a large tile house in the dense bamboo forest on the other side. The original Sanmentang was on the other side of the river. Everyone rushed to the boat and did not sit still in the cabin. The boat took the springboard and drove the boat up.

还远远的 ,我就看见寨门前拥着一群女子 ,穿着跟清水江一样的蓝 ,正起劲地歌着。我到过苗寨 ,还算见过这样的阵势 ,有几分感动 ,也有几分怕惧。但我的顾虑显然多余了。

In the distance, I saw a group of women in front of the walled door, wearing a blue dress like Qing Shuijiang, and singing. I have been to Miao Village before, and I have seen such a battle. I am moved a little, and I am afraid of it. Obviously, my concerns are obviously redundant.

侗寨的拦门酒似乎更注重气氛一些 ,并不看你喝多喝少。我们凑着盛满米酒的竹筒 ,或者木碗 ,每个人啜了一小口米酒 ,也就进了三门塘寨门。

The “block wine” of the village seems to pay more attention to the atmosphere and does not care how much wine you drink. We held bamboo tubes and wooden bowls filled with rice wine. Each person took a small mouthful of rice wine and entered the Sanmentangzhai Gate.

也就是在这个梦幻一样的地方 ,我看见了那块石头。实在而言 ,确定事物与事物之间的关联 ,时间和地点太重要了。梦幻三门塘 ,原生态风貌,庸常的侵蚀 ,俗尘的污染 ,几乎都被日夜流淌的清水江带走了。

In this dreamlike place, I saw the stone. Time and place play an important role in the question of the physical connection between things. Such as the dream of the general Sanmentang, the original ecological features, has long been eroded by the outside world, secular pollution, almost all of the water flowing Qingshui River took away.


我看三门塘 ,才知道原生态其实并不一定原始 ,也并不一定落后。在历史的某一个刻度上 ,三门塘作为木料北运的水码头 ,算一个开放的窗口 ,一种繁华的标志。亦中亦西风格的刘氏宗祠那门头上一座造型钟 ,是象征 ,也是明证。

When I saw Sanmentang, I knew that the original ecology was not necessarily natural, nor was it necessarily backward in the inherent thought. At a certain point in history, Sanmentang serves as a water terminal for the transport of wood to the North, as an open window, a prosperous symbol. The combination of Chinese and Western styles of Liushizongci, there is a bell above the door, is a symbol, but also evidence.


凝固的时针差几分指向十二点 ,可以说三门塘那时候的感觉如日中天。流连甚至沉浸 ,停滞的时钟成了停滞的时光 ,现而今 ,那些迎来送 往的栈房还保留着当年的模样 ,那些刻木为记的路条 ,一个一个木料贩子的名字 ,还保留在门柱上依稀可辨。

The solidified hour hand points to twelve o'clock. It can be said that the three doors of the pond were like the sun. The houses, however, remained as they had been, and the marks of the wood bore the names of the timber dealers, and were vaguely discernible on the posts.

是一种禅机显现 ,还是冥冥中一种指引,我站在刘家大院琢磨那些华美精致的雕饰 ,忽地一转身 ,就眼前一亮 ,盯住了那块压在门杠上的石头。

It may be a kind of guidance in the dark, I stood in the Liujia Courtyard and looked at the beautiful and exquisite stone carvings. Suddenly I turned around and saw the stone pressing the door bolt.


它不大像清水江的石头 ,有水的影子、水的痕迹 ,却虎头虎脑的 ,拭去尘土 ,还透着一道一道虎斑。显然 ,它走到把门将军这一步 ,就因为它一身虎气。我决心要带走这块石头。

It is not like the stone of the Qingshui River. There is no shadow of water or traces of water. It looks so heavy, it removes the accumulated dust from it, and it can look like a tiger's fur. Obviously, it came to the "General Gate" step because it was like a tiger. I am determined to take this stone with me.


县里姚敦平先生把主人家找来 ,我一看 ,竟是在寨门前敬酒的一个女子。正交涉,却吃饭了 ,我又跟大家凑到隔壁去。还在桌子上 ,老姚就跑来跟我说 ,那女子想要一个”,你可不可以少给她二十块。 When Mr. Yaodunping of the county came to the master's house, I saw that she was actually a woman who was toasting in front of the village gate. While we were negotiating, it was time to eat, and I joined the others next door. Yao came to me at dinner and said, "The woman wants a eight." Could you give her 20 less dollars?


我听着 ,大半天才醒豁,三百块不成交 ,二百八十块成交 ,原来主人家图一个吉利 ,“同音 ,有些不好听 ,就主动让了一个价。

It was a long time before I realized that 300 yuan could not be traded, but 280 yuan could be. The original home map was a lucky one. "Bai" and "Bai" were homophonic. Some were not pleasant, and they took the initiative to be cheaper.

我如愿以偿 ,带着我的石头起程了。这时候 ,我奇怪地发现我对天柱山的想念已经不再那么强烈。愿望这种东西 ,刚出发还身轻如燕 ,且雄心勃勃 ,走到半路 ,却多一个包袱 ,便产生倦怠 ,而开始虚弱起来。

At this time, I got my wish to take the stone I bought to leave. Just then, I was surprised to find that my desire to go to Tianzhu Mountain was no longer so strong. It seems that the journey has just started very easy, full of ambition, but halfway, but there is a more baggage, there is a burnout mood, began to weaken.

事实上 ,这块虎头石就是我的意识蹦出来的一个孩子 ,它完全可能消弭我的激情 ,损伤我的信念。我不知道漫漫前路 ,还会有多少这样的包袱 ,抑或孩子 ,来确定我们精神的增加与减少 ,我们力量的强大与衰微。

In fact, this tiger-like rock is like a child in the imagination of my mind. It can completely destroy my morale and undermine my firm belief. I do not know how many such burdens or children there will be in the future to judge the increase and decrease of our energy, the strength and decline.






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