My Reminiscence
I met teacher Wen Zhiqiang when I was first time to write novel.
我写的第一篇小说叫《老何顺儿》。他给它改了一个名儿 ,叫《敲锣的人》,发在一九七九年十一月号的《山花》上。我的工资每个月三十多块钱 ,隐约记得稿酬也就是这个数 ,这对一个中学教师来说 ,已经是一个不小的数。
The first novel I wrote was called Lao He Shun Er. He gave a new name to this novel called A Person who was Rang a Gong. It was published in Shan Hua on11.1979. Every month I have more than thirty yuan as my salary. And I vaguely remember that this number is equal to royalties. This is a big number for a middle school teacher.
乡场上的鸡蛋四角钱十个 ,我和我的几个朋友常常煮荷包蛋宵夜 ,这和清汤寡水的食堂生活比起来 ,简直就是一种腐化。吃鸡蛋自然想到写小说 ,写小说自然想到文志强老师。The price of egg is four jiao per ten. I always poached egg as midnight snack with friends. Absolutely, this is a corruption in comparison with the light mess hall life. I will think of writing novels when I eat eggs, and I will call to mind teacher Wen Zhiqiang when I write novels.
县上并不知道我写小说 ,以致开创作会什么的想不起我。这时候 ,文老师去了 ,说格林中学还有这么一个人。我于是被叫到县上。虽然晚了一点 ,但总算赶上文老师讲课。
The leaders of the county didn't know I was writing a novel so that when they opened literary creation could not remember me. At this point, Mr. Wen told them that man in the Ge Lin Middle School. As a result I was called to the county. Although to be late, but finally I can listen to Mr. Wen’s class.
他讲武松打虎 ,那拳头举起来 ,说怀书的说了三天 ,还打不下去 ,听众不但不烦 ,还越听越展劲。我那时候琢磨着这就是艺术哪。
He talks about Mo Chung fights the tiger. Only talking the part of Mo Chung raising the fist to fight the tiger. When he talks about Wu Song fights with the tiger, the storyteller couldn’t finish telling this part with three days, the audience were not upset ,opposite to be interesting and vigorous. I was wondering maybe that’s something like “Art” at that time.
事件只是一种表象 ,表象后面还有更丰富的内容 ,那才是文学应该关心的东西。
The story was just a superficial phenomenon. Be heading the superficial phenomenon concealed more abundant substance. That is literature should pay close attention to it.
这个例子对那个时期的贵州作者来说 ,几乎成了经典 ,因为《山花》那时候一年要举办一两次笔会 ,大家都有机会参加。
During that period, this example was almost to be a classic for authors who were from Gui Zhou, because the magazine of Shan Hua will hold an Association twice a year at that time. Everyone will have a chance to join the conference.
文老师主持这些笔会 ,并喜欢在讲座上用这个例子。每每听一回 ,我都有一些新的感受 ,一点也不觉得它的陈旧。当然 ,同一个事情 ,换一个角度表述 ,也会有不同的效果 ,这好比一道菜 ,一样的原料 ,做法不一样 ,味道也就不一样。
Mr. Wen was invited to preside over the Association of authors. Each time I have heard that. I always have some new ideas, and I do not think it’s stale at all. Of course, for a same thing, if we think about it in a different view, there would be different effects, this is like cooking a dish, the same raw materials, different practices, the taste is also different. Obviously, the flavors of dish are different.
文老师很擅长这种角度的变换 ,而且 ,讲起来真挚 ,富有激情,格外让人有一种感动。
Mr. Wen was very good at use this angle to conversion. And it is very sincere and passionate. It makes people have an especially moving.
后来 ,我发现文老师对那些 “新潮”的东西并不感兴趣 ,他的话题通常都很老。到处都讲 “意识流”、“先锋派”,他还讲巴尔扎克、托尔斯泰 ,哪怕闲谈 ,也离不开这一批现实主义的作家。
Then I found Mr. Wen was not interest in the “fashion”. On the contrary, his topic is usually very old. He always talked about the “stream of consciousness” and “forerunner”. He would also talk about Balzac, Tolstoy. Even he was chatting with someone. He was also inseparable from a group of realist writers.
但就在这些看上去很一般化的谈话中 ,常常有那么一两句话 ,让人有一种茅塞顿开的感觉。我想 ,在这些眼花缭乱的流派中 ,其实有很多东西是相通 的,比如无论多么现代主义的作品 ,它都有一种沟通的欲望、有一种内在的思路。
These words look very seemingly general. However, there are always have one or two sentences can make people become enlightened at once. I think in a variety of schools there are many things are interlinked. For example, no matter how modernist works. It has a desire to communicate and there is an inherent thought.
所以 ,文老师那些东西 ,尽管没有冲击力 ,也不标新立异 ,但在贵州本土作者听起来 ,却有一种夯实基础的作用。
Thus, Mr. Wen’s idea is no impact and nor new in order to be different. But in Gui Zhou local author sounds, that is a solid foundation of the role.
一九九九年九月 ,遵义一些朋友邀约一起 ,请文老师来遵义。不知从哪里传出来的 ,他这个月满七十 ,大家凑在一起 ,想给他做一做寿。这时候,他早已经从《山花》主编的位置退下来 ,而改任《文史天地》主编。
In September 1999, my friends who came from Zunyi and I invited Mr. Wen came in Zunyin. We didn’t know where to hear that this month Mr. Wen was seventy years old. Therefore we were together to celebrate his birthday. He was no longer a Shan Hua’s editor. But he was an editor in History of Heaven and Earth.
从一个文学刊物的主编到一个文史刊物的主编 ,其实是有很大的差异的。但他开口闭口还是文学 ,完全习惯性的 ,在过去的日子里沉浸着。
From the editor of a literary journal to the editor-in-chief of a literary and historical journal, there is a great deal of difference. But he was accustomed to talking about literature, immersed in the past.
一个人为一项事业贡献了一生 ,如果不为之自豪 ,那简直是不可思议的事情。
It is incredible not to be proud of a man who has contributed his life to a cause. He was entirely immersed in the old days when he was an editor of Shan Hua. A person who was contributed his all lifetime to a cause. It is virtually incredible if nobody proud of it.
两天的聚会 ,参加的人都是文老师的学生。一时间 ,大家仿佛又回到二十世纪八十年代那些日子 ,又回到《山花》或者《花溪》举办的那些笔会 ,被一种神圣的东西召唤 ,感受纯净 ,感受崇高。
All of people are Mr. Wen and his students took part in the gathering. In this two days, all of us seem to come back to the life in the nineteen-eighties. It seems to come back to those Association of Authors holds by Shan Hua or Hua Xi. It was summoned by something sacred to feel pure, to feel sublime.
最后 ,是在桌子上 ,大家一边饮着酒 ,一边也还是谈论着文学 ,文老师就建议开一个黔北文学研讨会 ,通过回顾和总结 ,进一步促进黔北文学的发展。
Finally, everybody was drunk and talked about literature. Mr. Wen advised us to set up Literature seminar of Northern Gui Zhou. By reviewing and summarizing, further promote the development of literature in northern Gui Zhou.
在场的有文联党组书记许仙同志和已经做了副市长的作家石定同志 ,他们认真采纳了文老师的建议,并把前期一些具体的工作当即交给了我。
There was comrade Xu Xian, secretary of Literature and Arts Association and author Shi Ding who has been the deputy mayor. They seriously adopted the recommendations of Mr. Wen’s advice. And they gave me concreted works of earlier stage at once.
二〇〇〇年四月 ,我第一次去北京 ,找有关方面商议初步方案。后来 ,石定同志利用在北京开会的工夫,也找了一些朋友商议。
In April 2000, I went to Beijing for the first time to discuss a preliminary plan. Mr. Shi Ding made use of the time of his meeting in Beijing,to gather some friends to confer it.
经过几次折腾 ,最后确定由中国作协创研部、人民文学杂志社、民族文学杂志社三家联合 ,在北京中国作家活动中心召开黔北文学研讨会。
After a series of discuss, in the end, we determine the place of convening the Literature seminar of south China at Chinese writer’s activity center in Beijing. It was held by Creation and Research department of Chinese Writers Association, a Magazine of People’s Literature and a Magazine of Nation Literature.
但具体开会时间 ,却由于一些客观因素 ,一推再推 ,一直跨世纪 ,推到今年四月十九日。
Owing to objective factors has to delay the exact time of the meeting. It has been cross-century, pushed to April 19th this year.
这期间 ,我们都知道文老师病了。年前,我从《文史天地》副主编吴世祥同志那里得知这一消息 ,便利用在贵阳开会的工夫 ,悄悄从会场溜出来 ,去看文老师。
During this period, we all know that Mr. Wen was ill. Before the Spring Festival, I learn about the news from comrade Wu Shixiang who deputy editor of History of Heaven and Earth. And then use the meeting in Guiyang I was quietly slipped out from the venue to see Mr. Wen.
他那时候自我感觉还不错。尽管家人都瞒着他 ,他还是知道了自己的病 ,但觉得自己能吃能喝 ,不大像 ,医生可能误诊。然后 ,他又笑着说自己已经有了准备 ,都七十多岁的人哪 ,生老病死 ,也是一种自然 ,心里很安静。
He was feeling good at that time. Although his family was hide the condition about the Mr. Wen. He was still knew his own disease. But he feels that he can eat and drink, maybe that was doctor’s misdiagnosed. Then he side that he was ready with smile. After all, I was already more than 70 years old. Birth, old age sick-ness and death- lot of man that was natural. My heart was peaceful.
我回到遵义不久又和他通过两次电话。电话上 ,他只是说 ,嘴巴有一点苦涩 ,身体有一点乏力 ,而声音听上去依然很平静。
Later I went back to Zunyi, and I made two calls to him. On the phone, he just said that his mouth was a bit bitter, the body was a little weak, but his sound sounded still very calm.
凭一种直觉 ,凭着对他往常的了解 ,我知道他已经从心底接受了这个残酷的事实 ,他只是不想让人替他担心 ,抑或还夹杂一种作为老师的尊严 ,一种生命的尊严、文化的尊严。With an intuition, and I was live by the acquaintance with his usual. I know that he was accepted this cruel truth in his heart. He just did not want people to worry about him. And maybe there is a dignity of being a teacher, a dignity of life and a dignity of culture.
有一次 ,石定从贵阳回来说去看了文老师 ,他只是消瘦了 ,精神还好。我们想 ,他或许还能够去北京参加黔北文学研讨会。
Once, Shi Ding came back from Guiyang and side he was went to visit Mr. Wen. He side Mr. Wen just emaciated but his spirits as well as before. We felt that maybe he can go to Beijing to take part in the Literature seminar of south China.
遗憾的是连四月十九日这个召开黔北文学研讨会的时间我们都还没有来得及告诉他 ,他就在四月十四日这天离我们而去。他要走 ,这是大家都预料到的 ,但走得这么快 ,却又让我们多少感到有些突然。
Unfortunately, we have no time to tell him the time of meeting when held the Literature seminar of south China on April 19. He was away from us on April 14. All of us know that he will leave the world. However, what shook all of us was that his left so fast.
现在看来 ,就在病重期间 ,他集聚所有的精神能量 ,努力地撑着高大的身躯 ,给了我们一个假象 ———他是不会被病魔击溃的。因为有些突然 ,他的离去让我们有一种什么东西被摔碎了的感觉。
Now it’s seen as he gathered all the spiritual energy to hard to propped the tall body during the period of illness. All this just gave us an illusion—he was not routed by serious illness. Because of it is very sudden. His left made us have a feel of something was broke.
我们都知道这时候他还在《文史天地》主编的位置上 ,唯其如此 ,这种摔碎的感觉就更真实。临终的时候 ,他开始出现幻觉 “有人喊文老师 !有人喊文老师! ……”他这么重复着 ,头就垂了下去 ,再没有醒过来。
We know that he was still as an editor of History of Heaven and Earth at this time. Even so, this feeling of breaking was more real. He began hallucinating when he died. “There was a man who called Mr. Wen! There was a man who called Mr. Wen!” Repeated by himself and then he droop his head. And he never wakes up again.
幻由心生,这可以看作他的遗言 ;他显然还记挂着文学 ,记挂着当年参加改稿会的那些作者。
Autistic thinking came from man’s heart. This could be regarded as his last words. Obviously, he was still cherishing the memory of literature and writers who join the meeting of revision.
但也可能我们听见的和看见的才是幻觉 ,他老人家这个时候的感觉更真实 ,从一个时空跨入另一个时空的瞬间 ,他就已经走在返回《山花》笔会的那条路上。
But there is a hallucination that we see and hear. Perhaps his feel will be more real in this time. He was already come back to the road of Shan Hua Association of authors in a moment from one space-time to another space-time.
A Scenery that I will Never Forget
人的一生说不清楚有多少机缘。山不转水转 ,水不转路转 ,各种各样的机缘 ,即便开一扇窗户、搭一架梯 ,可能就有机缘出现在眼前。用不着慈悲为怀 ,也用不着法力无边 ,只一个平常人、一颗平常心 ,饿了吃饭 ,冷了穿衣 ,如雁过寒潭 ,雁去而潭不留影 ,如风来梳竹 ,风去而竹不留声。
There are a lot of lucky chances in one’s life. The mountain will not turn and the water will not turn around. There are various lucky chances. Even if you just open a window or set up a bridge, which could own a lucky chance. It is not useful for leniency, and also no need supernatural power boundless. It is necessary for a mediocrity and an usual mind. When one’s hungry, he eats. When one’s feel cold, he dresses. All of those like a wild goose fly past a cold pool, which the pool is leave no trace of the wild goose. As the wind blows bamboo when the wind has gone, the wind and bamboo have no sound.
那么,你就能够看见生活的河流滚滚滔滔、汹涌澎湃 ,其实也有和平的港湾可以停靠。而阴霾重重的日子里 ,你也可以感觉到有阳光在不远的地方照耀。更何况我们会开一家店 ,尤其在今天 ,很多人的辉煌就是从开店起的,而我们又会在这家店里认识许许多多的人 ……
In that way, you can tempestuous of life’s river. Actually, that also can depend on a peaceful bay. However, you can see the sun is shining in not far away when in a day. Moreover, we could open a store. Especially today, there are many people’s glory come from opening a store. And also we can know lots of people in the store.
在作家书店里 ,我认识了 Q君。你得承认 ,认识一个人是在什么地方,这一点很重要 ,这虽然不是绝对的 ,但也不是玄学。比如在麻将桌子上或酒桌子上或 KTV包房中认识的人 ,与在生产劳动中和战场上认识的人就不一样。
In the book store of Zuojia where I met Mr. Q. You have to admit it. It is very important to meet someone in a place. Although it is not an absolutely theory. But also it is not metaphysics. For instance, you are known a person in mahjong table, wine table or compartment of KTV, which are different from meeting a person in the productive labor and battlefield.
所以 ,传统戏剧里讲究特殊人物特殊环境 ,规定什么样的人物在什么样的背景登场亮相。老实说 ,你如果有一官半职 ,悄悄地在一个角落认识一个对你有所求的老板 ,可能就是一场灾难的开始。
Therefore, it is particular about special personage and environment in the traditional drama. To be honest, if you have an official and semi-professional position, quietly knowing a boss who asks for you in a corner may be the beginning of a disaster.
我不想故弄玄虚 ,也不想故作高雅 ,但平心而论 ,书店的确有它特别的地方。不知道读者诸君以为如何 ,根据我的发现 ,比如说 ,到书店去的女人 ,就极少有浓妆艳抹的。
I don't want to be mysterious, and I don't want to be elegant, but to be fair, the bookstore does have a special place. I don't know what the readers think, but according to my findings, for example, the women who go to the bookstore have very little makeup.
而在书的背景下 ,她们又拿着书 ,微微低着头 ,黑黑的发丝半遮半掩着面庞 ,即便随意的浏览 ,也是 “一字千金”,给人一种无以言说的美。
And under the background of the book, they took the book, his head slightly low, dark hair and a half block half covering his face, even casual browsing, is also "valueless", give a person a kind of expression of beauty.
只有这种时候 ,你不仅触摸到这个时代实实在在的进步 ,还看见一片宁静和谐的自然风景。用不着看那眉眼有多端庄秀丽 ,也用不着看那身段有多苗条 ,因为只有这种情味 ,才是真正的形而上的美 ,它唤起你的自我 ,并认真地修正和长久地憧憬 ……
Only at this time, you can not only touch the real progress of this era, but also see a peaceful and harmonious natural scenery. Don't have to see the eyebrow eye is dignified and beautiful, also don't have to see how slim the body, because only this kind of flavor, is the real beauty of metaphysical, it arouse your ego, and earnestly correction and longing for long...
我那天和 Q君谈得很投契。当然 ,不是谈我的文学 ,也不是谈他的 建筑。这个时代要谈论的东西很多 ,但人们自然对发生在身边的事情更关心一些。
I talked with Mr. Q ,he was very congenial in that day. Of course, it was not talked about my literature either his building. There are so many thing need to talk in this time. However, people are paying more attention to thing that take place around them.
那一阵 ,矗立在这座城市中心的一座叫 “晨光”的雕塑 ,已经成为 “热点”,可以说街谈巷议 ,还演绎出一些新民谣来。雕塑是艺术和建筑的结合 ,我们谈这个话题是再自然不过的哪。
In that time, a sculpture was named “The morning light”that stand upright in the center of the city to be a“hot point”. I t can say the town talk, even people are arrange in a list of new ballad. The sculpture is combined with art and architecture. So we talked about this topic was very preferably.
依我之见 ,作为一座城市的雕塑 ,当然不是公园和路边的那种小品 ,它要么表现这城市的特色 ,比如拉萨街头的牦牛。它要么表现这城市的一种观念和对未来的理解 ,比如纽约港的自由女神。
In my opinion, it is a sculpture of a city. It can show unique feature of the city, as the yak of Lhasa’s street. Or show a concept of the city and understanding the future, as the Statue of Liberty in New York.
“晨光”显然属于后一类的。只是所有的艺术品都应该是美的 ,尽管美作为一种抽象的感觉会因人而异。但各种各样的美 ,它们之间都存在一个契合点 ,就像圆和直线有一个切点一样。
Obviously, “The morning light” belong to the last one. All of artistic work should be beautiful. Although beauty as an abstract concept it will vary with different individual. Yet there is a conjunction point among varies of beauty. Like the circle and straight line both them have a point of tangency.
那么,作为城市雕塑的创作 ,自然要找寻这种契合 ,因为你的对象是公众 ,说白一点 ,尽可能让多一些的人愉悦和认同。所以 ,艺术家要研究这城市 ,研究这城市的人 ,历史和现状 ,做什么和想什么。城市雕塑之难 ,这一方面的讨论会 ,从报刊上看到 ,也还不断在召开着。
So as sculpture creation of a city, it is necessary to find this conjunction, because the public is your target. In short, in order to make more people are happy and accepted. Therefore, artists want to research the city, people of city, history and present situation. There are some symposiums about the difficulty of city’s sculpture. We can know that the meet is convened continually.
一些聪明的艺术家 ,为了逃避这种公众的审视 ,则采用抽象技巧 ,把形象简化成符号 ,做集团标志和会议徽章似的。现代派艺术有一个最大的特点 ,就是它的模糊性 ,它的很多玄妙 ,这是秘而不宣的。
There are some smart artists who wants to escape the sight of the public. They transform the image into the symbol by using the skill of abstraction. The most feature of modernism that is modernism’s fuzziness. It’s a lot of mysticism. This is secret can’t announced.
如此一来 ,公众不懂 ,则不说 ,不说 ,则近于认同。从这一点来说 ,“晨光”还是有胆略和气魄的 ,它的很多东西 ,还是努力要让人们明白的 ,不过一些地方 “词不达意”罢了。Thus the public didn’t understand it, and also they aren’t talking it. That means they agreeing with artist. From that point of view, “The morning light”is strategy and courage. It has lots of thing that need people to know it. But the word can’t express the significance.
Q君是红花岗的人民代表 ,关于 “晨光”的话题 ,他自然接触得比我多,也比我谨慎。但这与一个人的深刻是一点不冲突的。
Mr. Q is a deputy of the People's Congress of HongHuagang District. Naturally, he knows more than me about the topic on “The morning light”. Therefore he is very prudence. But it is not contradiction with a man’s idea.
某种意义而言 , Q君所从事的建筑也是对城市风光的一种营造 ,与“晨光”也算殊途同归。也许天天与灰色的水泥石粉打交道 ,Q君自己对这种人为的构建已经疲惫 ,隐约中对自然风景就有一种掩饰不住的渴望。
In some sense. Mr. Q is as an architect who is responsible with the city’s scenery. It reaches the same goal by different routes with “The morning light”. Maybe he often deals with cement and mountain flour. Mr. Q was weary with the building of human. Thus he thirsts for the natural scenery in his deep heart.
前不久 ,他在《遵义晚报》登载半爿 “联子”:“登碧云峰巅 ,览播州胜景 :东栖凤凰处子 ,北驰娄山神骥。喜云淡天高 ,山峦层叠眺无尽 ,仰首长啸抒襟怀……”出重金征求下联。
A few days ago, he published an half of split “antithetical couplet” in Zunyi Evening Paper. That was: climbing up the peak of Bluish Clouds Mountain, to visit the scenery of Bozhou: On the peak of Biyun Hill, we can appreciate the beauty of Bozhou State: Fenghuang Mountain lies in the east and Loushan Pass is set in the north. To be fond of light clouds and high sky, and here are high mountains, range upon range of hills. I look up at the magnificent scenery to howl in my spirit. Paying a heavy sum of money for the next joint venture. And he gave a lot of money to seek the last antithetical couplet
应者甚众 ,不少高人出新出奇 ,把整个黔北地区的名胜古迹都囊括在一副一副 “联子”里,仿佛一次风光展示。
There were many people who accepted and wrote it. And some wisdom people who were gave the last antithetical couplet more peculiar idea. It makes scenic spots and historical sites of all Qianbei put in an “antithetical couplet”. All of this are like an exhibition of scenery.
这让老 Q君很兴奋 ,他那一阵三天两头往书店里跑 ,总想在那里找一个听众。从他背诵出来的那些联语 ,从他慷慨的谈吐 ,我一下就感觉到这里面不仅是一种对自然、对风光的讴歌 ,还包括对乡土的一片爱 ……
About this, Mr. Q was very excited. He was went to bookstore every two or three days in that time. He always want to find a listener. According to these antithetical couplets with he recited, and his conversation with generous. It makes me feel that was not only as an eulogized the nature, the scenery, but also includes a love for home village ……
但 Q君还是有他的忧虑。那一个雨天 ,他来到作家书店 ,让人把我找去 ,说他要写一篇《遵义城赋》。我琢磨着他又有什么稀奇古怪的念头冒出来哪。一个作者 ,专业的也好 ,业余的也好 ,写出来的东西总要通过报刊发表。
However, Mr. Q has his own worries. He comes to my bookstore of Zuojia at that rainy day. He was found me by others help. He told me that he want to write a composeA Poem of Zunyi. I pondered the thing, what strange and eccentric ideas did he come up with? As a author, who are professional or amateur, his work always published by the press.
而 Q君呢 ,通常意义的发表对他来说 ,似乎并不行。除了出上联征下联这一类弄法 ,他还会搞什么名堂呢 ?“你写一篇序,”Q君说 , “和我的赋一同錾在碑上。”
But for Mr. Q, the publication of the usual meaning does not seem to do to him. Besides using the first line of a couplet on a scroll collect the second line of a couplet. What else can he do? “You write a preface, and with my compose engraved on the monument.”said by Mr. Q.
我看着他 ,多少有些吃惊。而更让我吃惊的 ,却是他要把这块碑抬到山上埋起来。“有这个必要吗’”我迟疑地说着 ,但说完之后 ,我就意识到我的唐突。
I look at him with amazing. And even more surprising to me, it was he wants to carry the monument buried in the mountains buried. “Is it necessary?”I said doubtfully. But when I said it, I felt my offensive. Mr. Q quickly found a young man who went to the office from the bookstore.
Q君很快从店堂里找一个年轻人到办公室 ,当着我的面 ,问碧云峰在哪儿 ,年轻人摇头 ,问狮子山在哪儿 ,年轻人也还是摇头。我一下感到一种震动。
He asked the young man in front of me. Did you know where was the Biyun Feng[1]? The young man shook his head. Did you know where the Shizi Shan [2] was? The young man still shook his head. Suddenly it make a great impact on my heart.
我的记忆里 ,儿时面对的那一片山水 ,什么猫猫山、藿麻沟、隘门、台北垭的 ,能够呼之欲出。这不仅仅是一个环境意识淡薄的问题。当我们铭记丁字口、大十字、海关大楼、工商银行、埃菲尔铁塔这些城市文明、工业文明的时候 ,却把母体的原始文化遗忘 ,这不能不说是一种历史的断裂。
In my memories. Those landscape in my childhood that can be vividly portrayed. Such as Maomao Shan, Huoma Gou, Ai Men, Taibei Ya. It is not just a question of weak environmental awareness. When we remember the urban civilization and industrial civilization, such Dingzi kou, the Grand Cross, the Customs House, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. But we forget the primitive maternal culture, which cannot but be a historical break.
一个地方 ,尤其像遵义这样的历史文化名城 ,新成长起来的一代人既对历史模糊又对自然冷漠 ,它的未来是不可想象的。当然 ,各级政府都有志书编纂办公室 ,志书编纂工作也旷日持久地进行着。
In one place. Especially in Zunyi which is historical and cultural city. The new generations are vague history and indifferent to nature. Its future is unimaginable. Of course, all governments have their office of compiling and record. This is a long-drawn-out work.
但作为一种资料档案 ,它只能提供给专家学者 ,而要提供给未来、提供给社会 ,的的确确还要有全民意识作为基础。Q君作为一个普普通通的市民 ,他能够想到这一层 ,就实在让人钦佩不已。
However, it as a kind of data archives, it is not only provided to experts and scholars to study, but also to the future, provided to the community. It is reliably a national awareness as a basis. Mr. Q as an ordinary citizen. It is really admirable that he can think of this point.
星期天 ,Q君约了我 ,还有电台的几个朋友 ,我们一起去沙滩。那工夫,我看 Q君默默地站在青岩山莫友芝墓前 ,那个虔诚劲儿 ,我就想他的《遵义城赋》快要写出来了。
Mr. Q invited me and a few friends who were work on the radio to go to Sha Tan on Sunday . At that time, I saw Mr. Q standing quietly in front of the Tomb of Mo Youzhi in Qingyan Shan[12], with pious spirit, I think his A Compose of Zunyi will be written out soon.
果然 ,从沙滩回来没有几天 ,Q君的《遵义城赋》就写出来了。“南靠乌江 ,北倚娄山。”首先想到的还是这块土地的位置。“山川含清淑磅礴之气 ,地灵育俊彦英慧之士。”统领全篇。然后 ,滚滚滔滔 ,从古到今 ,述历史 ,说文化 ,举风物人情 ,赞地灵人杰 ,有气势 ,有铿锵 ,是留给未来遵义人的一篇好文章。
Sure enough, during a few days, after returning from the beach, Mr. Q’s A Compose of Zunyi was written. “The south depends on Wujiang[13], north against Lou Shan[14].”The first thing to think about is the position of the land. "The mountains and rivers contain the majestic spirit of grace.” It is leading the whole article. Then, torrential, from ancient to present, to talk about the history, culture, customs, praise the spirit, with the momentum, sonorous, is a good article for the future Zunyi people.
而我则不敢为序。我的文字已经习惯印在轻飘飘的纸上 ,哪里敢凿在高原特有的沉重而坚硬的石头上。我的发表趋时应世 ,面对芸芸众生 ,哪里敢面对苍天 ,发表在大地上。再说,真有那么一天 ,有人翻出这文物来 ,说这 “赋”不错 ,而这 “序”并不怎么样 ,岂不冤枉我们这一个时期的文学。
But I dare not preface. My writing has been used to be printed on the floating paper, how dare to chisel it in the unique, heavy and hard stone of plateau. What I published will follow the fashion of the world, how can I publish it on the earth when facing the world and facing the sky .Besides, one day, someone turned up the cultural relics and said that the "compose" is good, but the preface is not very good. It will be unfair to our literature in this period.
但我还是要为 Q君叫好。Q君平日里除了弄他的建筑 ,闲了吟诗作对写文章什么的 ,还喜欢养鸽子。他常常把鸽子弄到千里以外的地方放飞。这种奇怪的鸟居然不会迷失 ,经过若干天后 ,便回到出发的地方。
But I will still applause for Mr. Q. Mr. Q will not only concentrate on his construction or to be a poet in his spare time, but also raise pigeons. He often releases these pigeons in thousands of miles away. Such a kind of strange birds will not get lost, and they will go back to the place which they started before.
那么,我们人在江湖、身不由己 ,面对光怪陆离的社会、面对声色犬马的诱惑,会不会迷失 ?是不是能够从欲海里挣扎上岸 ,找着自己回家的路 ?这时候 ,我们要感谢 Q君,他做的事情虽然说不上拯救 ,但却为我们留着一条通道 ,从这里走下去 ,我们就可以回到我们的家园。
So, when we live in the society which is full of temptation and color, will we lose ourselves? Is it possible to struggle from the sea to shore, find our own way home? At this time, we ought to thank Mr. Q, although what he did don’t save us, but to keep a passage for us, from here, we can go back to our homes.
末了 ,我要说 Q君这篇 “赋”的标题应该改为《遵义赋》。它是给撤县设市后的新遵义的一个献礼 ,至少也是一个纪念。
In the end, I want to add that the title of Mr. Q’s “compose” should be changed to A Compose of Zunyi. At least it is a gift to the new Zunyi after the county was set up.