






      Wooden Shavings

三个人。一个师傅 ,一个大徒弟 ,一个小徒弟。

There were three men: a master carpenter, an elder apprentice and a younger apprentice.



小徒弟不到二十岁 ,很瘦小。

The younger apprentice was skinny, less than twenty years old.



师傅弹了墨线 ,徒弟就下料。大徒弟和小徒弟拉着一样大的锯 ,要做一样长的时间 ,也要下一样多的料。然后刨 ,大徒弟和小徒弟身子像一张弓,从这头刨到那头。粗刨了 ,又细刨 ,一直要等师傅点头才行。

As soon as the master carpenter played the line, two apprentices started laying off the timber. They pulled the same saw and lay off the same amount of materials, working for the same long time. Their bodies were bent like a bow, and planed the raw timber from one end to another and from roughness to smoothness until the master agreed with a nod.



木花从刨子的眼里飘出来 ,单薄、透亮 ,泛着细细的香气 ;有的还带着花纹 ,像一段漂亮的带子 ;长的有好几尺。

Wood shavings floated out of the plane's eyes. It was thin, translucent, with a little wooden scent. Some wooden shavings looked like a beautiful ribbons with streaks, and the longest had several feet.



有一次 ,邻居家的小儿子从一大堆木花里拣了一段儿做 皮带,拣了一段做 手表,拣了一段做 眼镜

On one occasion, a little boy in the neighborhood picked some wooden shavings to make a belt, a watch and a pair of glasses for him.

小乖乖!我问 ,我们俩的眼镜谁的好啊’”

“Poppet” I asked, “Both of us has a pair of glasses. Do you think which one is better?”



你的不好 ,我的好。小乖乖很神气地把手叉在腰里 ,你的看不见 ,我的看得见。

“My glass is better than yours” The poppet put his hand in the waist with air and said. “You can't see anything through your glasses, but I can.”




“What do you see from your glasses?” I smiled to ask him.



我看见小木匠 ,他在刨木花。小乖乖认真地说。

“I can see the little carpenter, and he is shaving the timber.” He said earnestly.



晚上 ,小木匠一个人坐在院子里乘凉。我凑近去 ,你和大徒弟一样地干,,吃得消吗’”

At night, the little carpenter sat alone and was relaxed in the courtyard. I came closed to him and asked, “Could you bear the hard work as the elder carpenter does?”



小徒弟伸展身子 ,吃不消也得要吃。

He extended his body, and helplessly said: “There is no alternative to me.”



有一天 ,小徒弟下料走墨了。师傅眼睛一鼓 ,吼一声 :

One day, the little carpenter started laying off, but he saw the wood beyond the ink line by accident. The master stared at him and shouted







When the little carpenter was crying quietly,



失一回痴,我安慰他 ,就学一回尖。

I comforted him “A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.”



小徒弟揩了泪水 ,:我要是不笨 ,就不会来投师了。

Then he wiped tears and said “If I'm a genius, I will not seek instruction from a master.”



我知道这伤了他的自尊心。 本来么 ,这手艺该构哥来学的。他说 ,我该去放鸭子。

I knew his self-esteem was hurted. “Originally, my brother should have learnt this craft,” he said, “I should have fed my ducks at home.”



我听着 ,想起一首民谣 ———

大月亮 ,细月亮




A ballad occurred to me when I was listening to his words.

full moon, a waned moon.

Brother gets up early to learn carpenter.

Sister-in-law gets up early to grind glutinous rice.



一天下雨 ,小木匠从街上买钉子回来 ,鞋溻湿了 ,鞋里面的鞋垫也溻湿了。我让他脱下来在灶上烤。他没有烤 ,从小木箱里掏出来一双新的 ,

One rainy day, the little carpenter purchased nails back from the street, and his shoes became wet. Insoles inside the shoes were also wet. I asked him to take off his shoes and gave it warm on the stove. He, however, took a pair of new shoes from a small wooden case.


要换 ,却又舍不得似的看半天 ,又不换。我看这鞋垫 ,那花样不是通常看见的 满天星,而是用花线细挑细锥的小方块 ,很古朴。

He wanted to change, but hesitated for a long time. I saw the insoles were not made in the starry style as we usually saw, but were embroidered colorfully with the natural square-style.



换上吧,我试探他 ,这多好!

“Put on it” I suggested: “how beautiful this is!”



小徒弟没有应 ,只抿笑着 ,重新把这鞋垫放了回去。

He did not respond, and just smiled. Finally, he putted the shoes back to the wooden case.



小徒弟锯了 ,刨了 ,还想学一点墨法 ,可师傅不让他在身旁。倒是大徒弟 ,趁着小木匠不在的时候 ,师傅就给他指点。我心里很不平 ,觉得师傅不应该偏心。

The little carpenter had learnt how to saw and plane the timber. After that, he still wanted to learn the skill of playing the ink line on the timber. But his master did not agree him to study this skill by his side. Actually, when he was not here, the master always taught elder carpenter the skill.  I felt aggrieved for the little carpenter and thought they should be treated equally by the master.




Subsequently, I told the little carpenter this thing.



他要出师哪。小木匠说 ,师傅的手艺要在巅巅上传。

“He will leave as a qualified carpenter” he said, “This technical will be taught to the elder carpenter before he leaves as a qualified carpenter.”




“How long could he leave?”


五年 ……我才学半年。

“Everybody will take at least five years. I just studied in a half year.”




“What about your salary?” I asked.



除了吃饭、住宿 ,剩的钱作为开师傅钱。

“Except for eating and accommodation, the rest of money should be given to the master as the tuition.”




“Are you willing?”


有哪样办法 ?人家在等着我出师呢。

“Is there an alternative? Someone is waiting for me to leave as a qualified carpenter.”



哪个 人家爷’”我抓住辫子。

“Who?”  I seized on his error in his words.



小木匠脸上泛着红晕 ,躲到一边去。茶余饭后的 ,小木匠爱在我屋里走来走去。不几天 ,我发现他注意上我的书架哪。

Then his cheek was glowed with the blushing, and he dodged into the other side. At one's leisure, he loved to walk around my house. A few days later, I found him paying attention to my shelves.



“Do you like reading?" I asked.







“Well, you can read it.”


没有时间。他苦笑了笑 ,就走了。我们的家具要做完的时候 ,小木匠和师傅顶了起来。我那工夫不在 ,

“No, I haven't time.” he returned with a smile and then went away. When our furniture will have been done, the little carpenter has a quarrel with his master. I'm out at that time.



后来听妻子说 ,是师傅又骂了小木匠。大徒弟是偏向师傅的 ,捋着袖子要打小木匠。

Later, I heard from my wife that the master cursed little carpenter again, and the elder carpenter rolled his sleeves, threatening his fist on behalf of the master.



这天夜里 ,小木匠又来我屋里。他那样子看不出一点伤心 ,仿佛倒比以前还轻松一些。我学手艺想娶一个媳妇。他给我说 ,我们乡下人 ,找一个姑娘可以在街上排起来走的 ,还可以坐在电影院一起看电影的 ,难哦!

That night, the little carpenter came to my house. He looked relaxed than before without sadness on his face. “I want to study a technical, and then to be married.” He told me: “It is difficult for a rural boy just like me to find a girl who would like to walk with me on the street and watch the movie together at the cinema.”



顿了顿 ,我还是找到了 ,是一个初中毕业生 ,年纪轻轻的 ,她要我学一门手艺 ……木匠吃香 ,我爹做主 ,就把我哥和师傅的合同退了 ,让我顶了上来。我哥是娶了嫂子的 ,他去替我放鸭子。

He paused and said, “But I meet a girl who is a young junior high school graduate. She wanted me to learn a technical skill. Carpentry is popular, so my father returned my brother’s contract with the master, let me go instead. My brother was married and he could go to feed the duck instead of me.”



这么说起来 ,你得好生学哟!我感慨地说。 我不学了。他眼睛里闪着一种异样的光彩。我迷茫地看着他。

“For that reason, you should study the trade hard,” I said. “I will not study the trade” he said with a strange light in his eyes. I looked at him confusedly.



他走近我的书架 ,从上面抽出一本书。这本书送给我吧 !我以后送蜂蜜给你。他恳求着。《怎样养蜂?我看了看书名 ,,拿去吧!天不见亮 ,小木匠就走了。现在 ,剩下来师傅和他的大徒弟 ,继续给我们做家具。

He approached my shelf and pulled a book from above. “Please give me this book and I will give your honey in return,” He entreated. I looked at the title “How to bee?” and said, “Take it!” The little carpenter left before the daylight. Now, only the master and his elder apprentice continued to made furniture for us.



邻居的小儿子又从一大堆木花里拣了一段做 皮带,拣了一段做 手表,拣了一段做 眼镜 小乖乖!我问 ,你从眼镜里看见哪样啦

The neighbor's son picked some wooden shavings to make a belt, a watch and a pair of glasses for him again. “Poppet” I asked, “what do you see through your glasses?”



木花。小乖乖亮着声说 ,我看见木花。我感到一阵欣慰。家具做完了。我们把木花扫在一起 ,划一根火柴 ,呼地烧了起来 ,火焰腾腾 ,又热烈 ,又壮观 ,这多少有些出乎我的想象。

“Wooden shavings,” then exclaimed the poppet. “I can see the wooden shavings.” I felt delightful. The furniture had been finished, and then we gathered the wooden shavings, and stroked a match to burn up blazing flame fervent and spectacular. This was far beyond the reach of my imagination.








Fascinating Village Road


我从一篇题为《天生桥之梦》的来稿认识李书祥。李书祥不是文章作者 ,而是文章主人公。可以想见 ,一个高位截瘫的人 ,却拼命地要修一条路 ,一条通到镇上的乡村公路 ,这是多么奇怪的事情啊。路对于李书祥来说 ,简直就是多余的东西 ;他的这种追求 ,也是一种地道的精神上的东西。

I knew Li Shuxiang from a draft named The Dream of TianSheng Bridge. Li Shuxiang was not the book's author, but was the character in it. A paraplegic people struggled to construct a road, a village road to the town. What a strange thing! The road for Li was superfluous. His pursuit was also a real spiritual thing.



而事实上 ,李书祥躺在床上 ,打开旁边的窗户 ,对着站在院坝上的村民———他请来开会的村民 ,路不属于我!就是这么开头的 ,路属于你们!尽管心情复杂 ,他事实上还是这么说的。

In fact, he still invited villagers to have a meeting when Li Shuxiang lying on the bed. He opened the window and said, at the beginning, to the villagers standing on the courtyard: “The road does not belong to me, and it does belong to you!" In spite of his complicated mood, actually he still said so.



七月的一天 ,我约了一个朋友来到湄潭县。县里宣传部张弘部长听说我们要去看李书祥 ,掐了掐指头 ,今天那里赶场

On a July day, I invited a friend to Meitan County. When the Publicity Minister Zhang Hong of the county heard that we would visit Li. He thought for a moment and said "There's a market today".


这么说着 ,又约了交通局和文联的几个朋友 ,便兴致勃勃地上了路。我在湄潭工作过的 ,也几次去李书祥的那个茅坪 ,印象中 ,那是全县海拔最高的乡场 ,终年雾沉沉、雨霏霏 ,阴郁的房屋 ,泥泞的街。

So I also invited some friends from Bureau of Communication and Literary and Art Circles, and then we were on the road in good spirits. I had worked in Meitan, and I had also been to Maoping where Li lived. The village, with the highest elevation in the county and shrouded by smog and rain throughout a year, impressed me by the gloomy buildings and muddy streets.



326国道 ,车过黄家坝 ,左拐 ,一下转入刚刚改造完工的 204省道黄瓮路。小车低低地轰鸣着 ,在宽阔平直的路面上轻松地跑着。此前 ,我已经从不少报刊上读到了湄潭公路建设的巨大变化。但这工夫 ,真正走在路上 ,我多少还是有一些陌生的感觉。

Taking the National highway 326, after passed Huangjiaba, and turned left, we drove on the provincial highway 204 Huang WengRoad which had been completed. We drove the car easily ran through the wide and straight surface with roared low. Earlier, I had read many huge changes in the Meitan Highway construction from quite a few newspapers. But at this moment when driving on the road, I still had some strange feelings.



那年头 ,甭说 204省道 ,就是 326国道 ,从遵义到湄潭 ,也从头烂到尾 ,常常半中拦腰 ,人要下车 ,负重少一点 ,底盘高一点 ,才能够接着走下去。而省道、县道什么的 ,更甭说乡村公路 ,如果不是 北京吉普 ,前后加力的 ,走起来也就更艰难 ,那情形 ,司机们自嘲 啃老苞谷

That year, I said that the provincial highway 204 or the National Road 326, from Zunyi to Meitan, from cover to cover is the muddy road. People always get off and less weight in the middle, and make the chassis a little higher before they could go on. If not "Beijing" Jeep, before and after the force, it was even more difficult to go in the county road. The drivers, with self-deprecating humour, said that it likes “gnawing tough Baogu”( “Baogu” is a dialect in Guizhou, meaning “corn” in English.)



因为这些缘故 , 北京吉普在很长一个时期都受到基层干部的青睐 ,大家叫这种车 反帮皮鞋,形象差一点 ,但打得粗 ,也很管用。有人甚至觉得中国基层 ,尤其西部山区 ,这么多年来 ,北京吉普贡献卓越 ,应该颁奖授勋 ……

For this reason, the "Beijing" Jeep has been favored by grass-roots cadres for a long period of time. Everybody called the car was "Fanbang leather shoes” (a dialect in Zunyi people and it is a kind of old-fashioned shoes popular in 1980s' China.)  Liking these shoes, the Jeep’s image was a little bit worse. It was ugly and rough in appearance but wearable. Some people even thought that the grassroots level in China, especially in the western mountainous regions, had been making outstanding contributions to the honors of the "Beijing" Jeep over the years.



听着轮胎辗轧在柏油路面上那种特有的吱吱声 ,我们很快到了坐落 204省道黄瓮路上的茅坪。赶场的人们还没有来 ,乡场上格外显着一种宁静。

When we drove the car on the asphalt with listened the tyre's special jarring. We came to the place that Maoping was located in provincial highway 204 of Huang Weng Road. The county of people has not come yet, whereupon the market was exceptionally quiet.


早晨的阳光落在水泥的街面上 ,小镇格外有一种鲜亮。我们在镇政府坐了一会 ,便又往土槽村去。出场口 ,我们的车就走在李书祥和他的乡亲们修的毛坯路上。按县里民办公助的途径 ,哪个村修路的积极性高,项目就可以提前安排。

The town was exceptionally bright under the morning sun fell on the cement street. After we sat the town government for a while, and then went to "Tucao village". When we went out and drove the car on the Li and his folks built the rough road. According to the ways of assisting people in the county, who could stay high initiatives, whose project could be pre-arranged.



李书祥的事迹传出去 ,县委书记和县交通局长来了 ,看看瘫在床上的人 ,看看已经打底镶边的路 ,都被感动了。

The County Party Secretary and Director of County transportation came here when the story about Li was spread. And they were moved when they looked Li on his palsy in bed, and saw the road had bottomed and edged.



很快 ,土槽村的路列到了通村公路的计划里 ,接下来铺路面、砌边沟什么的 ,将由县里来完成了。我们的车一歪一跛 ,终于在土槽村李书祥家门前停了下来。

Soon the construction of the Tucao village’s road was listed into the plan of the “highway of villages” proposed by the County government. Next the road would be paved and the drain would be built by the County government. We drove ups and downs on the road. At last, we stopped in the front of Li's house in the Tucao village.



李书祥躺在床上。除非奇迹发生 ,李书祥这一辈子也只有躺在床上。床边上立着几个货柜 ,货柜上摆着村里人常用的一些物品。看得出来 ,这同时又是一个小卖铺 ,而且也是李书祥跟这个世界最重要的联系。

Li would have only been in bed for the rest of his life, unless there was a miracle. There were several containers upright beside of the bed and placed daily supplies in it. Apparently, it was a shop, and it's also the most important link with the outside world for him.



一张桌子上 ,一个瓶子里插着繁茂的百合花。百合花很特别 ,只有一根花枝 ,却密匝匝地绽开了二十三朵花 ,红、紫、白三种颜色的花 ,这是一个孩子采的。村里几个上年纪的老人看了 ,都说活了这么大岁数 ,却从来没有见到过,也从来没有听到过。李书祥觉得这时候出这么一枝奇花来 ,是一种迹象,地方要发达的迹象。

There was a vase of flourishing lily on the table. Lily only a stick, but it was misty with twenty-three flowers. These flowers were gathering by a child and it had white, red and purple colors. In the village, several elderly men saw the flowers and said, they lived for many years, but they had never seen and heard this kind of flower. Li thought the flower was an exotic flower at this time, and it may be a sign of development.



我想李书祥的这种自信是有依据的。李书祥床头墙上贴满了画 ,他整天躺在床上 ,不能够干别的 ,就画画 ,把这一生感觉美好的东西都画了下来。前不久 ,县委书记还拿走了一张画 ,画天生桥的。天生桥是一道风景 ,就在李书祥的土槽村 ,出门不远的地方。

I thought this confidence was well-founded. He lay in bed and could not do other things just drew all day, thus he drew pictures of good things in his life and filled them on   the walls of a bed. Lately, the county party committee secretary took a picture away, which drew "TianSheng Bridge". "TianSheng Bridge" was a scenic spot, which was not far from Tucao village where Li lived.



这幅画被挂在了常委会议室 ,用来勉励大家 ,可见县委书记用心。现在 ,墙上还有一幅画 ,不经意间 ,我的目光落在上面 ,莫名地感觉一种磁力 ,就再也没有挪动。画面很热闹 ,五颜六色的 ,描绘苗寨人上街赶场的情景,

This picture was hung on the meeting room of the standing committee and used to encourage everybody, and hence we know that the county party committee secretary's effort. Inadvertently, my eyes fell on a picture on the wall, like a magnetic force made me never move. This picture was very busy and colorful, and it described the sense in which the Mao went to market on the county.



男啊女的,赶着羊 ,牵着马 ,唤着狗 ,抱着鸡 ,提着鸭 ,背着鹅 ……那一瞬间 ,我有一个直觉 ,这一切都是他从小卖铺的窗口看到的。如果没有那年那场车祸,他还是乌江弄潮的汉子。

Men and women were all herding goats, holding horses, calling dog, taking chicken, carrying ducks, and goose on the back. I had a hunch, as if everything was what he saw from the shop's windows at that moment. Without the traffic accident that year, he still was a tide player in Wujiang River.



现在 ,他不得不蜷曲在这个狭小的角落 ,眼巴巴地看着人们在路上来来去去。赶场 ,一种很平常的活动 ,在一个高位截瘫的人的眼中 ,自由而又充满快乐。在这间稍稍显着阴暗的屋子里 ,这幅画可以说是一轮太阳 ,一种欲望的燃烧 ,而在闭塞沉寂的旷野里 ,这种燃烧是可怕的 ,它意味着对黑暗的开拓 ,一种欣欣向荣的希望。

Now, he must curl up his body on the narrow corners and stared people came and went A village fair was an ordinary activity, but it was free and filling with joy in the eyes of a paraplegic. On the bleak rooms, the picture maybe was the sun, a burning desire. However, the burning was very horrible in a closed up and quite desolate. It means to open up the darkness, and a thriving hope.



我们要离开的时候 ,一辆摩托车给李书祥的小卖铺送来了雪糕。老实说 ,这同样也是使人感到惊奇的 :真正的雪糕 ,城市里的东西 ,居然到了遥远的乡村

When we were leaving, a motorcycle brought ice creams to Li Shuxiang's shop. It was amazing for us: ice cream, which made from city. It actually was sold to the remote village. 我问送货的小伙子 ,才弄清楚雪糕是重庆生产的 ,他从县城批发出来 ,实际上只要个把小时 ,也就到了土槽村。公路的便捷 ,缩短了城市和乡村的距离。Until I asked the delivery man, then I knew the ice creams were produced in Chongqing and wholesaled from county. Actually it only spent few hours to reach to Tucao village. The convenient transportation shortened the distance between city and village.



出门来 ,也凑巧 ,一队马帮响着铃正从山路上走来。转眼到跟前 ,马哥头看见张弘部长等几个县里的同志 ,便老朋友般地招呼着。一番介绍 ,我认识了苗寨村支书和他的儿子。

It so happened that a team of horses with ringing bells came up from a mountain road when we left. In a flash, Magetou saw the secretary of Zhanghong and some men of county and then treated them like old buck. After the introduction, I knew the Hmong Village's secretary and his son.


交谈中 ,我才知道这位村支书是县人民代表 ,当年还投了我的票的 ,而他的儿子则是县民间文艺家协会的 ,也算一个文化人 ,至今家里还收藏着我早先的小说集《远树孤烟》,这实在是一种缘分。

Until the conversation I knew the village secretary was the representative of the people in their county, who voted me in those years. And his son was a member of County Folk Literature and Art and also was a cultural worker. He had collected my previous stories Far Tree and A Wisp of Smoke by far. This was a fate for me.



因为时间紧 ,我对这个汉民族文化背景下的苗寨虽然有一种向往 ,但两个小时的路程 ,也不得不把这个念头藏起来。而天生桥是不得不去的 ———不去天生桥 ,也许就不可能真正了解李书祥 ,真正了解土槽村。

Due to the short time, I had to hide the thought although I had a kind of yearning of Hmong Village on a background of national culture, and it spent two hours in journey. We had to visit TianSheng Bridge. If we not went to TianSheng Bridge, we may not be able to really understand Li and know Tucao village.



天生桥很近 ,不过十来分钟 ,我们就站在河湾里 ,从不同的方向往上望去 ,两座穹隆的石岩横跨在河谷上 ,既灵秀又雄奇。据专家考察 ,这条河谷上 ,这种水滴石穿天工巧成的石桥一共有十三座。

TianSheng Bridge was very close. We stood in river bend after ten minutes. There was two domes rock stretch across the river valley from different directions, and it was so delicate and magnificent. Experts investigated, and there were thirteen stone bridges of dripping water wears through a stone and natural formation on the valley.



一个天生桥群 ,哪怕喀斯特地貌 ,却也是罕见的。难怪李书祥和他的乡亲们拼命要修路 ,原来这里藏着一件宝 ,有了路 ,天生桥就能够走向世界。

A TianSheng Bridge group, even though it was Karst landform, it also was rare. Meanwhile, it was a treasure. No wonder Li Shuxiang and his folks were desperate to construct the road, with the road, TianSheng Bridge will be able to go to the world.



从天生桥回来的路上 ,有朋友建议大家进村去走一走。原来 ,我们只是在土槽村的外围打转 ,而进村去 ,如果没有向导 ,却是很难找着路出来的。我有些疑惑 ,但朋友言之凿凿 ,就是兵荒马乱的年代 ,连土匪都不敢进村去。

A friend suggested that we walked in the village on the way back from TianSheng Bridge. In practice, we just turned around in the village of Tucao. Without a guide, it was difficult to find the way out. I had some doubts, but some friends were affirmative the truth that bandits dared not to the village in turmoil of war.



我觉得很有趣 ,便打头走着 ,几个朋友跟在后面 ,一行人懵里懵懂进村去。正季节上 ,树木一天的绿 ,庄稼一地的绿 ,村舍东一家西一家 ,淹没在无边的绿里。突然 ,脚下冒出来几条岔路 ,我一下迟疑起来 ,不知道往哪里走。

I thought it was very interesting, whereupon I started walking and a few friends followed. We were bewildered when into the village. It was the season for the trees and crops were green everywhere, so cottages were submerged by endless green. Suddenly a few forks appeared in front of our feet. I had hesitated and didn't know where I went.



幸而有一位村的干部跟着的 ,他这工夫走到跟前 ,告诉大家一直往左走 ,才能够走出村去。跟着向导 ,大家又继续往前走。渐渐的 ,我悟出来一点道理 ,原来村庄在一个圆形的山丘上 ,圆形的山丘上又有几个圆形的山洼 ,所有路都转着圈儿 ,远啊近的 ,又没有一点参照物 ,不迷路才怪呢。

Fortunately there was a village cadre, now he closed to us and told us to go straight toward the left, and it could come out. Following the guide, we kept going on. Gradually, I understood that the village was located in a rounded massif, in which rounded by some valleys. All the way were designed in a circle, far or near, and there was no reference, it didn’t seem strange at all if we got lost.



《水浒传》祝家庄的盘陀路 ,连梁山好汉也被弄迷糊了 ,这大约是一样的道理。后来 ,我们是怎地走出村来的 ,我脑子里一片空白 ,我只知道 ,我们出来的地方 ,并不是我们进去的地方。

It was the same as the situation described in the Outlaws of the Marsh where the Liangshans' heroes were also confused by the Pantuo Road of ZhuJia Village. Later, my mind was blank for how we walked out from the village. I just knew the place where we came out was not the entrance before.

我坐在一块石头上愣愣 地想了半天 ,这才觉得有点像玩模糊数学 ,像土槽村这样布局的村庄 ,其实是没有村头的 ,它的村头其实就是它进村的路口 ,而一个圆形的布局 ,却又能够变化出来多少路口啊。

 I sat on the stone and kept thinking about it. And felt it just liked a fuzzy mathematics. Like the layout of Tucao village, without the village head and the head of village was its entrance. And just a round layout, it may be formed a number of routes.



回到镇上 ,场已经齐了。乡街上人来人往 ,倒也还有赶场的气氛 ,但赶场并不是我想象中如海如潮的情景。

When we returned to the town to look at the crowded street, the people in the town were coming and going, with the atmosphere of the rush. And we were feeling an atmosphere of shopping, but the market was not congested scene in my mind.



买啊卖的 ,都不那么急切 ,更像一种休闲。我们几个人在街上买了一碗杨梅 ,地道的本地白水杨梅 ,边走边嚼的 ,也算过一回赶场的瘾。

Buying and selling were no hurry, even more leisure. We bought a bowl of authentic local waxberry on the street. For us, walked on the market and chewed waxberry was an experience.



忽地眼前硌了一下 ,我看见一块出租水晶棺的招牌。许多年不赶场了 ,想不到这些城里的东西都下了乡。稍稍留意 ,很快的 ,我发现摆在街边的蔬菜、茶叶什么的 ,居然都是外来的,

Suddenly a sign of rental crystal coffin appeared in front of my eyes. You couldn't imagine this thing from city sold to the village after I had many years never been to market. A little attention, I quickly found the vegetables, the tea sold on the street, actually were alien.



这使人感觉一种振奋。不是吗? 我们天天都在叫城市化 ,而城市化真正来到身边 ,我们却浑然不知 ,仿佛只有农民卖了土地 ,进城买了户口、买了房 ,这才是城市化。看来 ,土槽村李书祥那个店能够有那些包装精美的雪糕卖 ,并不是偶然的。

It brought people an excited, didn’t it? We were calling for urbanization every day and when it really came to us, but we totally did not know. As if the peasants into the city bought an account, a house through selling their lands, which was urbanization. By no accident, Li Shuxiang's shop could sell those ice creams in Tucao village.



我想 ,城市化其实跟地域并没有多大关系 ,城市化应该是一种意识 ,是一种自身价值的觉醒 ,并由此导致的生活方式的改进 ……

Actually I thought urbanization was not much related to the region. Urbanization should be a kind of consciousness, a wake-up of one's own value, and the consequent improvement of the lifestyle.



当然 ,现在看来 ,城市化首先要有便捷的交通。

Of course, now it appeared that urbanization must have convenient transportation.



或许 ,遥远的茅坪只是一个例外 ,如果没有 204省道黄瓮路 ,茅坪的今天是不可想象的 ,更不要说土槽村的李书祥和他的天生桥了。

Perhaps remote Maoping just was an exception. Without the Huang Weng Road 204, the current situation in Maoping was inconceivable. Not to mention Li Shuxiang and his TianSheng Bridge in Tucao village.



但我们有理由相信 ,湄潭在公路建设上的努力 ,显然不仅仅改变了一个茅坪。

However, we had reasons to believe that the effort paid in Meitan's highway construction obviously had not only changed one Maoping.





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