



有一回路过重庆 ,友人约我去朝天门码头。俯瞰码头 ,长江、嘉陵江交汇在一起 ,浩浩荡荡 ,滚滚滔滔 ,那气势令人觉着一种震撼。

Once I passed through Chongqing, my friends asked me to go to Chaotianmen Pier. When we overlooked the pier, the Yangtze River and the Jialing River intersect with each other, vast and mighty, rolling forward, which impressed people greatly.

可三角洲那一片沙滩 ,却又让人感到缺了一点什么。缺什么呢 ?太喧响啦?太耀眼啦 ?太拥塞啦? ……不是的 ,却又好像都是的。

However, looking at the sandy beach of the delta, I felt something is lost. What is lost? Is it too loud? Too dazzling? Or too much congestion ... No, but all seem to be true.


I recalled the quiet and warm beach of the small river in my hometown.

夏天 ,我借便回了一趟故乡。

In the summer, I returned to my hometown by the way.

小河正涨水 ,沙滩比先前窄小了。河边那爿碾坊 ,原来的草顶已掀去,换了青色的瓦。我走下河堤 ,慢慢地踩着跳磴过河。这时候 ,一个又粗犷又快乐的声音在对岸叫了起来 : T

he river was rising, and the beach was narrower than before. The millet at the riverside, the original grass top has been smashed and replaced with a blue tile. I walked down the embankment and slowly stepped on the stone across the river. At this time, from the other side of river came a rough and happy voice:

小伙子 !回来哪’”

 "Young man! You are coming back to your hometown."

我抬起头来 ,看见一个老人正斜倚在碾坊门口 ,静静地向我笑着。略一迟疑 ,我便认出那是郑三伯 ,这碾坊的主人。

I looked up and saw an old man leaning against the mill gate, smiling quietly at me. After a little hesitation, I recognized the man as uncle Zheng, the owner of the mill.

我最初认识郑三伯 ,也是在这爿河滩上。那光景 ,逃学的滋味真甜蜜!我背着书包一蹦老高从堤岸上跑下来 ,就看见郑三伯坐在沙滩上 ,挽着高高的裤脚 ,正把被午后的阳光晒得发烫的沙子捧起来 ,堆在伸直的腿拐上。他抬头看了我一眼 ,仿佛怕我不明白 ,又自言自语地说 :

Still on this beach, I met uncle Zheng in the first time. During that time, the feeling of truancy was so sweet! I ran down the embankment with my schoolbag on my back, and I saw uncle Zheng sitting on the beach, holding his trousers high, raising up the sand which was hot in the afternoon sun to pile it on his straight legs. He looked up and casted a glance at me and as if I did not understand, he said to himself:


"This sand can cure rheumatism."

这么着 ,他便撑起身来 ,一瘸一拐地踩着跳磴过碾坊去 ,把那一爿沙滩给了我 ……

Then he propped up and hobbled over the mill, leaving me alone on the beach ...

我正想着 ,郑三伯已向我走来。看着他那稳健的步子 ,我感到惊讶。

When I was lost in my memory, uncle Zheng had come to me. I was surprised to see his steady pace.

我这里已经安了打米机。老人拉着我的手 ,还是怕我不明白似的说。

"I have already got a rice machine here." The old man took my hand, still for fear that I could not understand.

我往天上看了看 ,果然有一条细细的银线 ,挎着几根木杆子 ,伸进碾坊里呢。难怪听不见水车响。

I looked at the sky, and there was a thin silver wire with several wooden poles that reached into the mill. "No wonder I can't hear the waterwheel sound."


那家伙会淘气。一边走 ,老人一边说 ,“一出毛病 ,不管寒冬腊月的,都要下到水仓 ,我这两条腿差一点赔了进去。

 "Repairing the waterwheel is very laborious."He said when walking, "If something goes wrong, even in the winter, I have to go down to the water tank. For this reason, I almost lost my two legs."

看来 ,炙热的沙子并没有能够治好老人的腿。

From this point of view, the hot sand did not cure the old man's leg.

我们刚刚进碾坊 ,就有人挑一担谷子来打米。郑三伯从哪里拿了一盘蔫葵花递给我 ,说屋里灰大,让我坐到门前的草墩上去。回过头来 ,他就拉下闸刀 ,转动起来打米机。

As soon as we entered the mill, someone picked a grain of corn to husk the rice. Uncle Zheng took a sunflower that had not yet been dried and handed it to me, saying that the house was gray and let me sit on the grass pier in front of the door. And then he turned on the switch and let the rice machine run.

我坐在那里 ,望着河边的沙滩 ,那过去的情景 ,又一一地呈现在跟前。

I sat there, looking at the beach by the river, and the past scenes were presented one after another.

我拥有一爿沙滩 ,仿佛拥有一个王国 ,那里的一切都属于我哪。阳光下,那些闪亮闪亮的贝壳吸引着我。我把它们一一地拾起来 ,那样贪婪地拾着 ,直到一爿沙滩都干干净净的。

I enjoyed the beach, as if I had a kingdom. Everything here belongs to me. Under the sunshine, those shiny shells attracted me. I picked them up one by one, and greedily picked them up until the beach was clean.

但我却不敢把这些宝贝拿回家 ,也不敢带到学校 ,便悄悄地把它们藏在河边一个石旮旯里。那石旮旯窄窄的 ,仅容一只手伸进去。尽管如此 ,我还是惦记着 ,睡觉也睡不安稳。

But I did not dare to take these river shell home or into school. I quietly hid them in a stone corner next to the river. The stone corner was narrow and only one hand was allowed to reach in. Anyway, I was still worried about them, and I couldn't sleep well at night.

后来想换一个花样 ,我就把沙滩上的薄石块收在一起 ,打飘飘梭。石块在水面上跳着 , 我的心也跟着跳着 ,每跳一次 ,我都感觉一种进步、一种鼓舞 ,这么打着 ,腰酸背疼的 ,也还是其乐无穷。

Later, instead of picking up shells for entertainment, I began to collect the thin stones on the beach and threw stones on the river. Every time the stone was jumping on the water one by one, my heart was also jumping with it. And I seemed to feel a kind of progress and an inspiration. Even though I suffered from backache when playing a long time, it was still funny.

终于有一天 ,石块跳过了河。有一回 ,飘飘梭居然跳到对岸 ,砰地砸在碾坊的板壁上。我惊呆了 ,生怕郑三伯会把我从沙滩上赶走。

Finally one day, the stone was thrown jumping over the river. Once, a thin stone was thrown onto the slab of the mill across the river. I was shocked, and I was afraid that uncle Zheng would drive me off the beach.

郑三伯出来了 ,却没有赶我 ,只是诧异地问 :

Uncle Zheng came out, but did not drive me away, just asked me in a surprise:

小伙子 !你咋不上学啊

"Young man! Why don't you go to school?"


I buried my head low.


早点儿回去吧 !小伙子。晚了 ,河里的娃娃鱼会爬上来咬人的。

"Go back early! Young man. If it is late, the giant salamander will climb the river bank and bite people".

郑三伯仿佛拿我没办法 ,又回到碾坊里。

Uncle Zheng seemed to know it didn’t work for me, and hence he went back to the mill.

我一动不动地坐在那里 ,静静地听着水声 ,有些怯惧 ,也有些期望地等待着。月亮升起来 ,沙滩在夜色中充满一种神秘。娃娃鱼始终没有出现。我怀着多少有些失望的心情离开沙滩 ……

I sat there aimlessly, listening to the sound of the water quietly, feeling a bit of scared and waiting for some expectation. The moon rose and the beach were full of mysteries at night. The baby fish never appeared. I left the beach with some disappointment...

后来 ,小河里涨了大水。汹涌的洪水翻上河堤 ,一直漫进郑三伯的碾坊里。等到水消下去 ,小河又清亮起来 ,沙滩被淘洗一遍 ,也比先前更干净。

Later, when the river rose, the raging flood turned over the river embankment and spread into uncle Zheng's mill. As the flood faded away, the river became clear again, and at the same time the beach was washed, much cleaner than before.

可我的那些贝壳 ,我精心地藏在石旮旯的那些闪亮的小东西 ,却被这一场洪水冲得无影无踪。那个晌午 ,我在沙滩上躺着 ,翻来覆去的 ,脑子 里一片空白 ,有一种莫名的绝望。响起一阵不均的脚步声 ,郑三伯在我身边蹲了下来。

 But those shells, the shiny little things that I carefully hid in the stone corner, were washed away by this flood. At that noon, I was lying on the beach, turning over and over. My mind was blank, and there was an inexplicable despair. Uncle Zheng squatted beside me after the sound of uneven footsteps.

小伙子 !坐起来。我和你耍。

"Young man! Sit up. I can play games with you."

我乜斜他一眼 ,“你碾你的米去……”这么咕哝着。

I gave him a slant, murmuring, "You had better grind your own rice..."

碾哪样米哟 !水车都叫水打烂了。

"oh, it couldn’t work! The waterwheel has been broken by the flood."

郑三伯说着 ,就在沙滩上垒起来一堆细沙 ,细沙中心挖一个坑儿。接上又一瘸一拐地去水边衔了一口水来 ,慢慢地吐在沙窝里。最后 ,他从沙滩里起出来一个沙碗。

Then, uncle Zheng piled up a mass of fine sand on the beach, and dug a hole in its center. Then limping to the river side and back with a sip of water, he slowly spit into the sand. Finally, he got out of the sand bowl from the beach.

他把这样一件沙器递给我。我接在手上 ,一不小心 ,沙器散了。郑三伯苦笑了笑 ,:

He handed me such a sand bowl. But just for a moment, the sand bowl was scattered in my hand. Uncle Zheng said with a wry smile:

哄人的东西 ,到底不经世哟!”

"a something of trick , easy to damage."

这以后 ,他又教我走五步五步是一种很原始 ,而且在民间流传很广的棋艺。他的棋子是褐色的石块 ;我的棋子是亮晶晶的贝壳 ,这是从沙里重新找出来的。没有棋盘 ,他就尖着手指在沙子上画着。沙很细 ,画出来的线条很清晰。他一边画着 ,就一边就说着 :

After that, he taught me to go "five steps”—a very primitive and popular chess game. His chess pieces were brown stones; my pieces were sparkling shells, which were rediscovered from the sand. Without a chessboard, he painted by fingers on the sand. The lines were drawn clearly because the sand was very thin. As he painted, he said:

岳飞当年上不了学 ,就在河沙上学写字。字写好了 ,又抹 ,河沙抹平了 ,又写……”

"Yue Fei[1], as he couldn't go to school, he wrote on the beach sand. When the words were written well, he wiped them out; when the sand was smoothed, he wrote again..."

我听着 ,感到一种从未有过的温馨。那光景 ,“张飞杀岳飞 ,杀得满天飞。到处都吵吵嚷嚷的。我知道岳飞是一个英雄 ,别的便什么也不知道。郑三伯的话一下勾住我哪。

I listened and felt unprecedented warmth within my heart. At that time, Zhang Fei[2] killed Yue Fei—it is chaotic everywhere. I know nothing else except that Yue Fei is a hero. Hence, Uncle Zheng’s words made me feel a thousand emotions at once.

渐渐地 ,这爿沙滩格外有了一种吸引力。不知从哪时候起 ,我很少在那里打飘飘梭了。每当学校停课 ,学生成群结队地上街游行、开会什么的,我就溜到这爿沙滩 ,悄悄地看几页书 ,做几道题像藏贝壳一样地 ,把知识藏在记忆的深处 ,那是不怕被洪水卷走的。

Gradually, the sandy beach had an extraordinary appeal. I don't know when I rarely throw stone slices on the river. Whenever the school was closed and the students marched and met in droves, I slipped to the beach, quietly reading a few pages of books and solving a few questions. Hiding knowledge in the depths of memory, just like a shell buried in the sand, I was not afraid it was swept away by the flood.

一天傍晚 ,我正要离开那爿沙滩 ,一抬头看见郑三伯坐在水车旁边。他朝我神秘地笑笑 ,便悠悠地唱起来 ———

One evening I was about to leave the beach when I looked up and saw uncle Zheng sitting next to the water tanker. He smiled mysteriously at me, and sang leisurely —

一个小伙子正当年知书识礼好人才 ——

It is a young man, erudite and polite


…… 那工夫 ,我才突然想到我只是一个小学生 ,还不能算小伙子呢。.

At that moment, it suddenly occurred to me that I was only a primary school student and not a young man.

可郑三伯却从来就这么叫 ,一直到我读完初中 ,到更远的地方求学 ,都叫小伙子。我甚至觉得他可能还不知道我的名字 ……

But uncle Zheng used to call me “young man” all the time, until I finished junior high school to continue my study in another place. I even thought he may not know my name.

又有人挑着一担谷来到碾坊。打米机轰轰隆隆的 ,叫得更欢。我从遐想中回到现实 ,手中一盘蔫葵花还未动呢。我取出来一粒 ,去壳 ,蔫蔫的葵米扔进嘴里,细细地嚼一嚼 ,有湿葵花的甜 ,也有炒葵米的香 ,格外出来一种滋味 ……

Someone picked up a load of grain and came to the mill. The rice machine rumbled, more cheerfully than before. I returned to reality from my reverie. I did not eat any sunflower seed in my hand. I took out a grain of seed, shelling, throwing the withering sunflower seed in the mouth and chewing it carefully with the sweet of withered sunflower mixed with the smell of fried one. It was a special taste...





横贯黔北的大娄山脉是怎样的地形地貌 ?它不像很多高原山脉那样巍峨雄浑 ,但显然也不像很多河流三角洲上的山峦那样秀气明亮。位于云贵高原与四川盆地缓坡带上 ,大娄山脉婉转平和中又充满奇绝险峻。

What is the topography of the Dalou Mountains that traverses to the north of Guizhou province? Located in the gentle slopes of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and the Sichuan Basin, the Dalou Mountains are characterized by mildness but with precipitous and grotesque cliffs. 


天无三日晴 ,地无三里平

There are few days of continuous sunshine and few areas of vast flat land.

前者是原因 ,后者是结果。处在暖温带上的大娄山脉 ,雨量充沛 ,深切地表 ,大峡谷套小峡谷 ,千沟万壑 ,把城市和乡村框定在格子一样的山地中。The former is the cause and the latter is the result. Dalou Mountains is situated on the warm temperate zone with abundant rainfall. The rain sinks deeply into the earth's surface, forming large and small canyons that are crisscrossed with ravines, causing the urban and rural area in a grid of mountains.

行走要凿山 ,跨越要架桥。正在建设中的西南出海大通道黔北段提供了一个数据 ,遵义到重庆市界地崇溪河一百二十公里高速公路 ,桥梁和隧洞加起来竟超过了一半里程 ,也就是说比有基础的明路还要长。遵崇公路因此成了世界上同等级造价最高的公路。

If you are going to walk ahead, you must cut through the mountain while if you are going to cross over, you must build a bridge. As a result, Zun - Chong road has become the world's most expensive road of the same grade.

这里 ,桥意味着欲望的延伸 ,桥是交流和沟通的代名词 ,桥成了兴旺发达看得见摸得着的载体。

Here, the bridge means the extension of desire, and the bridge is the pronoun of communications well as the bridge has become the visible and tangible carrier of prosperity.

桥归桥 ,路归路。这是在黔北随处可以听见的一句俗语 ,意在强调事物之间的差别。桥是路 ,但桥比路显然更为重要。

“A bridge is a bridge and a road is a road”. It is a local saying that can be heard everywhere in the north of Guizhou province, which means to emphasize the difference between things. A Bridge is a road of kind, but a bridge is obviously more important than a road.

因为桥在人们生活中的位置 ,黔北可以说是一个桥的博物馆。

Owing to the importance of Bridges in people's life, the north of Guizhou is a museum of Bridges.

最古老的当然是石拱桥。务川汞矿路上的瓮溪桥,跨越不过十来米 ,骑在深涧之上 ,根据那一带汉墓的大量发现 ,汉砖的大量出土 ,结合朱砂水银在中国历史上的兴盛和衰落 ,专家认定这座桥有上千年的历史。

Certainly, the stone arch is the oldest bridge. The Wengxi Bridge on the road of mercury mine in Wuchuan County which is no more than ten meters is mounted on a deep stream. According to the large number of discoveries in the Han tombs and the large number of unearthed Han bricks, combined with the prosperity and decline of cinnabar mercury in Chinese history, it has been identified by experts that this bridge has over thousands of years in history.

如今,这座在黔北最早见证西部开发的小桥已经淹没在荒草丛中。但人们从旁边宽阔的公路上走过的时候 ,还能够看见它沧桑的容颜。

Today, this small bridge that witnessed the “Western Development” in north of Guizhou has been submerged in the grass. But when people walked by the wide roads beside it, they could still see it’s full of vicissitudes surface.

这种因为道路交通发展而废弃的老石拱桥 ,遵义到国酒茅台产地仁怀路上就有两座。一座在乐理乡,一座在五马镇 ,两座桥都有数百年历史。

On the road from Zunyi to Renhuai which is home to Maotai wine, there are two old arch bridges of such kind, having been abandoned with the traffic development. One is in Leli Township and another is in Wuma Town. Both bridges have hundreds of years in history.

尤其五马一座桥 ,虽然桥栏桥墩都有些残 ,但在河流的映衬下 ,却显得格外优美。

In particular, as for a bridge of Wuma Town, although its bridge piers are somewhat incomplete, it is particularly attractive againstthe river.

我每次从五马残桥旁边的公路乘车而过 ,都要看上一眼 ,仿佛看断臂维纳斯;我每次注目都有不同的感受 ,一点不觉得它的古旧和残破。

Every time I took a bus from the road next to the Wuma Bridge, I always took a look at it, as if I saw the broken arm Venus; I have different feelings every time when staring and I don't think it is old and broken.

真正的美是可以跨越时空的。也许因为这个缘故 ,现代公路在往前延伸的时候 ,建设者特意把这些古老的石拱桥保留在了边上 ,形成反差 ,给路人一种穿透和唤醒 ;实在妙不可言。

True beauty can span time and space. Perhaps for this reason, when the modern roads were extended forward, the builders deliberately kept these ancient stone arch bridges on the sides, forming a contrast, giving passers-by a penetration and awakening; it is wonderful land beyond words.

这种老石拱桥还在像模像样地使用的应该算正安与绥阳界河上的公馆桥。公馆桥在清代正安州知州郎承谟手中建成 ,距今已近两百年历史。

Such old stone arch bridge which is still used today is the Gongguan Bridge on the river between Zhengan country and Xiangyang. The Gongguan Bridge was built during the period of the inauguration of the head of county Lang Chengyu in Zhengan, Qing Dynasty, and has a history of nearly two hundred years.

整座桥造型美观 ,用料和建造都格外精细。桥栏上有简洁的浮雕装饰 ;桥面一块阶石上 ,还有一个天然的阴阳鱼图案 ;

The whole bridge is beautiful in appearance; both materials and construction are extremely fine. Simple embossed decoration are carved on the bridge bars; there is a natural Yin and Yang fish pattern on the stone on the bridge deck;

桥拱中央垂一柄化龙剑 ,虽已锈蚀 ,却也能够让人想象当年的威凛。T

he stalked dragon sword in the center of the bridge arch. Although it has been rusted, people can still imagine its ever-lasting might and power.

今天 ,公馆桥仍然是正安、绥阳两县界地村民们来往的主要通道。但这座建在荒山野水间的石拱桥 ,为什么取名公馆桥这么一个奢华的名字 ,却已经无法考证。

Today, the Gongguan Bridge is still the main passage for villagers from the two counties of Zheng'an and Xiangyang. Built among the wild mountains and waters, the stone arch bridge was yet named extravagantly as Gongguan Bridge, which is mysterious and unverifiable today.

石拱桥石料太讲究。石头不仅坚硬 ,还要成形 ,才能够凿成墩子石,这给造桥带来了很大的难度。

The Stone material for arch bridge is too particular. The selected stone material is not only required to be hard but shaped, so that it can be chiseled into a rock, causing great difficulties to build the bridge.

二十世纪八十年代初 ,国家有关部门经过科学论证 ,在芙蓉江上红花滩修建了中国第一座乱石拱桥 ,为不规则石材造桥闯出了一条成功的路子。

In the early 1980s, the relevant state departments, after scientific argumentation, constructed China's first rock arch bridge on Honghuatan above the Furong River, which created a successful path for irregular stone bridge construction.

与石拱桥一样古老的桥是木桥。黔北的过去 ,木材跟石头仿佛是取之不尽用之不竭的。我家乡正安县县城所在地 ,新中国成立初期还被大片大片的森林包围着,

The wooden bridge is as old as the arch bridge. In the past of northern Guizhou, wood and stone resources seem to be inexhaustible. In the center of Zhengan County lies my hometown which was still surrounded by large swaths of forest in the early days of the founding of New China.

一天 ,一只老虎居然溜达进了凤山脚下的县委大院,吓得大家躲在办公室里不敢出来。石头能够造桥 ,木材更容易造桥。事实上 ,黔北民间一直把木材木头”,其间就有顶用的含义。

One day, a tiger strolled into the county Party Committee at the foot of Fengshan Mountain, scaring everyone to hide in the office. Stones can be used to build bridges, and wood is easier to be used to build bridges. In fact, in northern Guizhou, folks always call “wood” as “Mu Tou”here the pronunciation of “Mu Tou(木头)” in Chinese is similar with that of “stone”“Shi Tou” (石头))and “”in Chinese means “head” in English) . Its meaning implies that the wood can be used as important resources to architecture industry.

黔北的木桥除了那种搭在沟沟坎坎上的便桥 ,主要有两种。一种是在河里砌桥墩 ,木头搭在桥墩上 ,木板铺在木头上 ,桥沿两边有桥栏。

In addition to the wooden bridge hanging on the gullies as a makeshift, there are two main types of wooden bridges in the northern Guizhou province. One is the kind that its bridge piers are built in the river, and then the wood is placed on them with the planks laid on both sides.

庙塘河当年就有这样一座桥。只是雨季到来 ,河水暴涨 ,木头禁不住自身的浮力 ,必定被冲走。Such a bridge could be found in the Miaotang River years ago. However, when the rainy season is coming and the river is soaring, the wood can’t resist river’s buoyancy so that it will be washed away.

另一种桥是风雨桥。顾名思义 ,桥上面像房屋一样有瓦盖 ,可以遮风挡雨。Another type of bridge is named Wind and Rain Bridge. As its name implies, the bridge has tiles covered like a house, sheltering from the wind and rain.

讲究一点的风雨桥 ,桥上还有固定的坐凳。只是黔北风雨桥不像黔东南风雨桥那样丰富 ,能够集中体现一个民族的智慧和文化。黔北风雨桥简洁而实用 ,主要强调它交通的功能。More exquisitely, fixed benches would be settled on the Wind and Rain Bridge. Although the Wind and Rain Bridge in northern Guizhou seem to be less various than those in the southeastern part which extremely reflecting the wisdom and culture of ethnic people, they tend to be more simple and practical, with emphasis on its function as a kind of transportation.

结构上 ,黔东南风雨桥严密的斗榫接缝 ,整座桥看不见一个铁件 ,完全玩木头的花样 ,令人眼花缭乱 ,而又叹为观止。

Structurally, as for the Wind and Rain Bridge in the southeastern Guizhou, because of its tight seams, we cannot see any pieces of ironwork in the entire bridge, for it was completely constructed by different patterns of wood, dazzling and amazing.

而黔北风雨桥不仅用榫头连接 ,还用大量铁匠专门 打造的抓钉加固。仔细想来 ,雍正三年才从四川划入贵州版图的黔北 ,汉文化背景上增加几分地方民族主义色彩 ,仿佛也只能造这样的桥。我曾经走过小雅河上一座风雨桥 ,觉得那是黔北风雨桥中造得较好的 ,不知今天桥还在不在。

In the northern Guizhou, however, the Wind and Rain Bridge is not only connected by tenons, but also by a large number of nails made by blacksmiths. I consider that, it is no wonder that such Wind and Rain Bridge were built in the northern Guizhou, the territory of which had been absorbed into Guihzou province from Sichuan province in the third year of emperor Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty (1678-1735AD), causing a bit of local nationalism into the northern Guizhou under the background of Han cultures. I once walked through a Wind and Rain Bridge on the Xiaoya River and I think it was constructed best in northern Guizhou. I don't know if the bridge is still there today.

早年 ,在一些偏远的地方 ,还可以看见藤桥和索桥。但藤桥也好 ,索桥也罢 ,都离不开木板铺设桥面。随着加工技术水平的提高 ,这些藤啊索啊,差不多都换了铁索桥 ,或者钢绳桥。

In the early years, in some remote places, you could still see the Vine Bridge and the Cable Bridge. However, both of them are inseparable from the wooden deck. With the improvement of processing technology, these vines or cables have almost been changed by steel rope.

二十世纪八十年代 ,我徒步芙蓉江,发现黔北境内两百来公里的河段上 ,就有十三座这样的桥。这种桥凌空架设 ,晃荡如游蛇。但哪怕尖尖脚的老婆婆 ,或者团脚板的牛羊 ,日复日年复年地从上面走过 ,却从未听说有掉到河里的。

In the 1980s, I walked the Furong River and found that there were thirteen such bridges on the 200-kilometer section of the northern Guizhou. This kind of bridge is erected and swayed like a snake. But even the tottering old woman, or the cattle and sheep with slabs, walked over from day to day, but they never fell into the river.

水泥的发明和应用 ,可以说给传统建筑业带来了一场革命。黔北的石灰石和煤炭资源都相当丰富 ,这为水泥工业的发展奠定了很好的基础 ,黔北桥梁建设也因此上了一个新的台阶。

The invention and application of cement can be said to bring a revolution to the traditional construction industry. The limestone and coal resources in northern Guizhou province are quite rich, which laid a good foundation for the development of the cement industry. The construction of the bridge in northern Guizhou province has also taken a new step.

乌江上的江界河大桥和贵遵公路斜拉桥 ,是黔北水泥桥的骄傲。很多项技术指标上 ,这两座桥都居世界领先地位。

The Jiangjiehe Bridge on the Wujiang River and the Xiela Bridge on Guiyang-Zunyi Highway are good examples of Cement Bridge in the northern Guizhou. In terms of many technical indicators, these two bridges are world leaders.

通过固定船只搭起来的浮桥 ,如今已很难见到。但这种浮桥在红军四渡赤水的战役中却立了大功。

It is now difficult to see a pontoon bridge built by fixed vessels. But such pontoon bridge has made a great contribution for the Red Army in the battle of four crossings of Chishui River.

三万多红军在狭长的赤水河谷地带 ,正是凭着这种浮桥 ,在运动中来去自如 ,绝处逢生。In the narrow Chishui River Valley, more than 30,000 soldiers of Red Army, relying on such pontoon bridges, moved freely in the battle and survive in the extremely dangerous situations.

除了人造桥 ,大娄山中还有一种天生桥。沧海桑田 ,水滴石穿。稳稳地立在地上的山崖 ,常常中空外实,从形状到用途都是一座真正意义上的桥。

In addition to the man-made bridge, there is also a natural bridge in Dalou Mountain. After the shoal of the sea, the process of water droplets is worn. A cliff stands firmly on the ground. This kind of cliff is often empty in the middle and solid outside. This bridge is a true bridge from shape to use.

桐梓到习水公路上有一座天生桥。车从桥下过 ,人们禁不住要回头一望 ,感叹大自然的神工巧成。

There is a natural bridge on the road from Tonglu County to Xishui County. The car passed under the bridge, people can't help but look back and sigh the magic of nature.

而湄潭百面水的几座天生桥 ,却骑跨在水上,桥下行船 ,桥上行人 ,更是令人称奇。 As for the several natural bridges in the waters of the Baimian Lake, it is amazing to ride on the water; the bridge descends the boat, and the bridge pedestrians.

开门见山 ,出门过桥。地理的影响 ,历史的演变 ,形成了人们独特的道桥文化理念。Due to the influence of geographical location, people can see the surrounding mountains when they open the door. When they leave the house, they need to cross the bridge. With the evolution of history, people have formed the unique concept of advocating bridge culture.

在黔北 ,一个人通常会这样表示他的老到和成熟 :“我过的桥比你走的路还多。而一个人的威望 ,则往往要通过修桥铺路 ,积善成德来达到。

In northern Guizhou province, a person usually expresses his sophistication and maturity: “The bridge I walked has more distance than the road you walked. And a person's prestige often goes through lay roads and erect bridges. Accumulate good behaviors to achieve the formation of personal moral cultivation.”

二十世纪八十年代 ,我在一个县的文化馆参加整理三套集成的工作。一个傩戏艺人说他有一副”,我们听了都不明白。

In the 1980s, I participated in the "three sets of integration" work in a county cultural center. An Nuo opera1 artist said that he had a "bridge" and we didn't understand it.

后来,他把东西拿来 ,我们才闹清楚这是一本傩戏人物的面具画册。他把这个东西叫”,真妙 ! Later, he took things, and we made it clear that this is a mask album of the characters. He called this thing "bridge", really wonderful!

桥在黔北不仅仅是一种交通。它承载了黔北老百姓多少美好的愿望和丰富的情感啊 !的确 ,通过桥 ,人们可以到达任何想去的地方

The bridge is not just a kind of traffic in northern Guizhou province. It carries many wonderful wishes and rich emotions. Indeed, through the bridge, people can reach any place they want to go.



[1] Yue Fei: 岳飞 (1103—1142), is a famous national hero in the Southern Song Dynasty.

[2] Zhang Fei: 张飞 (about 166-221), is the famous general in the Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. Here, the expression “Zhang Fei killed Yue Fei” used as a Chinese idiom to imply an absurd and chaotic situation.





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