




新中国刚成立 ,黔北匪患严重 ,很多地方还拉锯一样经历了几次解放。甚至大名鼎鼎的杨勇将军从重庆往贵阳赴任贵州省省长的途中 ,也在乌江遭土匪袭击 ,差一点生命不保。

When People’s Republic of China was just established, northern Guizhou Province was ridden with banditry, and many places had experienced several emancipation over and over again. Even on his way from Chongqing to Guiyang as the Governor of Guizhou province, the famous General Yang Yong was attacked by bandits on the Wujiang River and almost lost his life.

区人民政权主要精力都放在清匪反霸上。没有办公地方 ,借哪一家的祠堂 ,或者寺院 ,挂一块区公所的牌子,这就算有了一个窝。

The main focus of local government was on combating against bandits and bullies. There was no official location for offices, a local family’s ancestral temple, or anywhere where they could hang a sign of district office, could become a temporary office.

一直到二十世纪六十年代 ,我们家还住在一座庙里。庙很大 ,还带一座戏楼。戏楼前面是一块用方正的石板铺成的地坝。地坝上六级石台阶是看台。看台上的柱子 ,一人抱不过来。Until 1960s, our family still lived in a large temple with a theatre. In front of the theater was a courtyard paved with square stones. A staircase of 6 stairs on the courtyard worked as the stands. The pillar on the stand was too big for one person to hold.

看得出来 ,看台曾经是庙的正殿 ,供过菩萨的地方。看台两边有长四间的厢房 ,一边厢房是区公所厨房 ,一边厢房是区广播站。

It can be deduced that the stand was once the main hall of the temple, which was used to enshrine the Bodhisattva. There were wings of four rooms on both sides of the stand, on one side was currently the kitchen of local government, on the other was the local government’s broadcasting station.

地坝两边的侧楼也是长四间的 ,楼上楼下两层。戏楼装上板壁 ,做了办公室。整个院子相对封闭 ,成了区公所开大会和放电影的地方。

On both sides of the courtyard stood a two-storied building with eight rooms. They walled up the theatre and used it as an office. The entire courtyard was relatively closed, which has become a place for conferences and films.

银幕挂在戏楼上。放映机安在看台上。地坝和看台 ,以及侧屋前面的过厅和楼上的走廊都可以容纳观众。整个场子容纳千把人是没有问题的。

The screen was hung on the theatre. The projector was placed on the stand. The halls in front of the side rooms and upstairs corridors can accommodate audiences. It was possible to accommodate a thousand of people.

我们家占了地坝侧楼一层两间屋 ,前后两道门 ,从院外可以到院内。开初 ,县电影四队驻在区公所。

Our house occupied two rooms on the first floor of the building on the side of the courtyard with both front and rear doors that allowed us to enter directly from outside into the courtyard. At the beginning, the No.4 team of county projectionist was stationed in the district office.

每晚放映 ,总有不少老乡躲到我们家 ,等到开映 ,趁着大家注意力都集中到银幕上 ,我就把他们放进院里。

Every night, there were many villagers hiding in our house, waiting for the moment when film starts, when everyone’s attention was focused on the screen. I would open our door and they would come out stealthily.

后来 ,电影队提意见 ,我父亲早早就把门关了起来 ,拒绝老乡们到我们家里。而且 ,即使我们看电影 ,也要花钱买票从正门进到院里。

Later, the projectionist team complaint about this, and my father shut the door early and refused to have the villagers come to our house. Besides, even if we wanted to see the movies, we had to buy tickets to enter the courtyard from the main entrance as well.

我看的第一部电影叫《马兰花》,隐约记着那上面几句对白 :马兰花啊马兰花 ,风吹雨打都不怕 ,勤劳的人儿来看你 ,叫你开花就开花。具体什么情节 ,一点也记不起来。

The first movie I saw was called The Magic Aster 1960 and I could still remember a few lines from the movie: magic aster, magic aster, wind blow rain hit never afraid, hard- working people come to see you, please please bloom now. But I could not remember the story or any other detail.

那时候 ,电影队的海报通常把电影分三类 :故事片 ,战斗故事片 ,反特故事片。只有后两类电影 ,我们才会喜欢。

At that time, the posters hung by the projectionist team usually divided films into three categories: feature films, combat films and anti-spy films. We were only interested in the last two categories.

上学路上 ,走过街上 ,看见贴出来的海报 ,那一天都会兴奋不已。晚饭还没 有吃 ,我们就把凳子搬到地坝上占位置。

On my way to school, as I walked across the streets and if I saw a movie, I would be excited all day long. We moved our stools to the courtyard to take seats before dinner. Sometimes, relatives and friends also entrusted us to take seats.

有时候 ,还受一些关系的委托占位置。没有板凳 ,我们四下里搬石块砖头 ,摞到地坝上 ,打一个记号 ,这也算数。一场电影放完 ,清扫场子的人往外搬着这些砖头石块 ,总要叨咕半天。

Our stools were not enough, we moved stones and bricks around, piled them up on the courtyard to mark a mark, so and all right! When a movie ended, the people who cleared the courtyard always complaint about those brick and stones because they had a hard time carrying those out.

碰上下雨 ,地坝上的人纷纷往看台上和边廊上拥 ,人挤着人 ,人挨着人,大家都坐不了。这还不算 ,想看得更清楚 ,孩子们都站到了板凳上。

When it rained, the people in the courtyard crowed onto the stand and side porch. The courtyard was so crowded that nobody could sit. Besides, in order to see better, the children stood on the bench.

投射光柱越过茫茫的雨空映照在银幕上 ,整个图像被密刷刷的雨簇划得花糊糊的 ,哗哗啦啦的雨声中 ,伴音也听不见。

The projector projected beams of light across the vast rainy sky onto the screen, and the whole image was scratched by dense raindrops, and the sound accompaniment was not heard in the clatter of the rain.

这时候 ,放映员就拿着话筒跟大家讲解 ,一会儿是图像 ,一会儿又是对白 ,阴一句 ,阳一句 ,大家也居然津津有味 ,直到终场。

At this point, the projectionist took the microphone to explain to the audience, he described the image, and then explained the dialogue, chaotic and illogical, but everyone was enjoying it until the end.

二十世纪六十年代后期 ,根据宣传上的需要 ,区上建立了自己的放映队。从前 ,县电影四队的把门太严 ,没有钱买票的老百姓 ,即使守在外面 ,等电影放到最后进来看一回锅巴电影 ,这也很难。

In the late 1960s, according to the needs of publicity, the local government organized its own projectionist team. The No.4 team of county projectionist were also tough ticket inspectors, villagers without tickets were not allowed to enjoy even the movie crust—the last few minutes of movie, even though they stayed outside the courtyard and tried to sneak inside at the end of the movie when audiences prepared to leave.

因为恨 ,有人就给放电影的章告花子 ,章告花子从前是一个孤儿 ,编了一个顺口溜:章告花子的妈妈 ,掏渣渣 ,掏到十二岁 ,把章告花子挞一包渣渣。

Because of hatred, some people made up a jingle for beggar Zhang who projected movies and was an orphan before: The beggar Zhang’s mother, dredging dregs, dredged for twelve years, and turned her son into dregs.

区放映队两个放映员都是本地人 ,刚下到农村的知识青年 ,比较有人情味 ,对实在没有钱买票,趁拥挤混进去的人也睁一只眼闭一只眼。

The two projectionist of the new local projectionist team were both local people. Both were Educated Youth who have just arrived in the countryside and were more humane. They didn’t kick those people who have no money to buy tickets and who have taken advantage of the crowds to sneak in the cinema out.

而且 ,因为放映设备不一样,放映员也离不开观众。也许需求量太大 ,专业厂家生产不过来 ,这一套放映设备是上海儿童玩具厂生产的。

Moreover, because the screening equipment was different, the projectionists were also needed help from the audience. Maybe there was too much demand, and professional manufacturers couldn’t meet the demands. This projector was made by Shanghai Children's Toy Factory.

用现在的眼光看 ,八点七五毫米的放映机 ,确也是一个玩具。发电机是脚踏式的 ,要两个人骑在上面 ,像蹬自行车一样不停地蹬 ,这才蹬出一股电来放映。

It now seems that the eight point seven five millimeter projector is indeed a toy. The generator was pedal-powered, and required two people to ride on it, pedaling like riding a bicycle without stopping, which is the only way to generate electricity.

蹬发电机是一个费力活儿 ,但由于发电机靠在放映机旁边 ,是看电影的好位置 ,大家都乐意蹬发电机。再说呢 ,蹬发电机的人用不着买票。

Pedaling the generator was a laborious job, but since it was a good spot to watch movies because it was next to the projector, everyone was willing to pedal the generator. Besides, people who pedal generators did not have to buy tickets.

一角钱可以买几个鸡蛋 ,大家都很看重。既不影响看电影 ,又能够节约钱 ,何乐而不为。气力嘛 ,是一个怪 ,今天死了 ,明天还在。甚至我看来 ,蹬发电机其实也很好玩。

A dime could buy a few eggs, so we all valued it very much. One could watch movie and save money at the same time. Why not? Body strength was amazing. It was used up today, but it will recover tomorrow. Even in my view, it's really fun to pedal a dynamo.

喜欢蹬发电机的人多 ,而我却近水楼台先得月。放映队还在做准备工作 ,我就帮他们牵绳、拉线 ,挂银幕、安喇叭。大家搞熟了 ,磨不开情面 ,蹬发电机的事情理所当然被我揽了下来。

There were many people who would love to pedal generators, but I have shortcuts. When the projectionist team was still preparing for the work, I helped them to pull the rope, hang the screen, and install the trumpet. I got acquainted with them and naturally got to pedal the generator.

我后来骑自行车没怎么练 ,也就是那时候打下的底子。只是孩子蹬发电机 ,另一个人必须是大人 ,这才能够调节发电机转速 ,均匀发电。

Later, I didn't spend much time learning how to ride a bike, because I laid a foundation at that time. The only trouble was that when a child pedaled the generator, the other person must be an adult, in order to adjust the speed of the generator and evenly generate electricity.

否则 ,电压不稳 ,忽高忽低 ,画面闪烁 ,声音也荒腔荒调 ,放映员不说 ,观众也要恶咋咋地吼 :抖哪 !蹬快当点。

Otherwise, the voltage is unstable, suddenly high or low, causing the picture to flicker, the sound sounded strange, too, even if the projector didn’t point it out, the audience will growl: It’s shaking! Pedal faster!

我高中毕业后下乡当知青 ,这时候 ,电影也被进一步追到了乡下。电影在全区六个公社二十多个大队转悠 ,有时候还在小队转悠 ,这叫巡回放映。

After I graduated from high school, I went to the countryside to serve as educated youth. At that time, the film was further popularized into the countryside. Films are shown in more than twenty brigades of six communes across the region, sometimes in small groups. This was called road-show.

放映员换了一个姑娘 ,瘦瘦的 ,大家私下里给她取了一个绰号叫风吹灯。风吹灯不能够背一背担一担 ,电影挑子要靠各个放映点接送。大家那阵待在队上很闷 ,都想出去兜一兜风 ,自然不愿意放过这趟美差。

The projectionist at that time was a girl, skinny, and she was privately nicknamed Wind-Blown Lamp. She cannot carry all the equipments by herself. Therefore, local people had to pick her and the equipments up on the road. Everyone in the team was bored and wanted to go out for a walk. Naturally, they did not want to miss the job.

接送的人大多是小伙子 ,又有工分 ,又有姑娘做伴 ,不嫌路远 ,只怨脚长。

Most of the people who took the mission were young men, and they had work points. They also had this girl as their in company. So they didn’t complain a single word the distance, On the contrary, they complained that they walked too fast.

生产队晒坝上 ,挂银幕的杆子已竖起来 ,放机器的桌子板凳已安顿停当 ,只等风吹灯和她的电影挑子到来。

On the production team's flat ground for drying things, the poles for hanging the screen had been erected. The tables and stools used to hold the machines have been settled, just waiting for Wind-Blown Lamp and her movie equipments.

大家等得心焦 ,忽地看见垭口上一个姑娘一个挑子在夕照中透了出来 ,来哪 !一下就映山映水地叫了起来 ,那份欣喜 ,实在无以言表。这边七手八脚 ,把银幕往杆子上挂 ,那边风吹灯就被招呼去哪一家吃派饭。

Everyone was waiting anxiously, and suddenly they saw a girl with her shoulder pole at the entrance of the village coming out in the light of the setting sun. "Come!" someone called out immediately, and the joy was really beyond words. People hung up the screen to the pole hurriedly, while she was treated to a nice meal.

那年月 ,电影下乡 ,不像工作队那样逗恨 ,桌子上怎么都有几片腊肉。风吹灯吃完饭 ,场子上已经坐满了人。

At that time, projectionist teams were much less hated by local people than work teams. Therefore, she was always offered meat dish, like Chinese bacon, to say the least. After she finished her meal, the field was full of people.

她把插头一插 ,两个汉子坐在脚踏发电机上一蹬 ,来了电 ,喇叭里唱上几首革命歌曲 ,大队支书什么的就开始讲话。

As soon as she plugged it in, two men sat on the pedal generator, and the electricity was produced. Then a couple of revolutionary songs sang on the horn, and branch secretary began to speak.

我们那阵不大听讲话 ,总是很晚才去。没有位置 ,我们就在银幕背面随便找一截土埂一坐 ,也一样看。只是反面看去 ,左右颠倒 ,时间长了 ,自己身上两只胳膊也有一点别扭。We weren’t interested in the speech, so we always went very late. Without seats, we just found a piece of ridge on the back of the screen to sit. Since we were sitting on the opposite direction, the image reversed left and right. As the movie went on, our two arms felt also a bit uncomfortable.

区上电影队怎么解散的 ?我那时候离开了乡下 ,已经说不清楚了。现在 ,那座四合院一样的老庙已经拆了 ,镇上修建了一人一座的电影院。而村组一家一户的 ,屋顶上一个大锅盖 ,也能够收看卫星电视。

How did the film team dissolve? I left the country at that time, so I didn't know clearly. Now, the old temple looked like the quadrangle has been demolished, and a cinema with single chairs has been built in the town. Every household in the village has a satellite TV receiver installed on the roof, and people can watch satellite TV.

作为一种文化传播 ,电影事实上在农村已显得很尴尬。但是 ,电影当年的那种效应,那种文化的震动 ,却是现代无论哪一种传播媒介都无法比拟的。它像一道永恒的光芒 ,在我们记忆深处长久地闪烁 ,冥冥中给人一种指引。

As a kind of cultural transmission medium, the film has become much less important in rural areas. However, the impact brought by film, that kind of cultural shock, has never been overtaken by modern media. It is like an eternal beam of light, shining in our memory for a long time, giving people guidance.

这是电影的骄傲 ,也是电影的悲哀。

This is the pride of the movie and the sadness of the movie.


     Wet memories

地上有很多庙 ,这是看得见的。地下有一眼巨大的塘 ,这是人们推测的。小镇因此叫庙塘。十年浩劫中 ,造反派觉得这个名称封建色彩太重 ,把它改叫红星

There was many temples (Miao) on the ground, which are visible. There was a huge pond(Tang) under the ground, which was speculated. The town was called Miaotang town. During the Cultural Revolution, the rebel faction felt that the name was too feudal and changed it to "Red Star".

可后来 ,还是又被老百姓叫了回来。几座大山相拥 ,庙塘坐落在一个山洼里。大山拖着几道峡谷。峡谷聚首 ,引几条小河 ,切割出来几面坡。小镇在两岔河湾中占了一面坡。

But later, local people called it Miaotang town again. Several big hills embraced each other, and the temple pond was located in one of the mountain valleys. Several canyons stretched from those mountains and the rivers flowed in between separated them into a few slopes. The town occupied one side of the banks of the confluence of two rivers.

黔北小镇多靠山面水。但我的印象中 ,像庙塘这样山环水绕的镇子却是少有的。

Most small towns of Northern Guizhou were riverside villages located at the foot of the hills. But In my memories, it was rare to see towns like Miaotang town, which was surrounded by mountains and rivers.

孩子生来就有亲近自然的天性。大人们忙着拆毁庙宇 ,还有两座戏楼,这时候 ,我和我的兄弟们却迷上了门前的两条小河 ———龙口河和水贝河。

Children are born with natural for exploring the nature instinct. The adults were busy demolishing the temple and two theatre buildings, while my brothers and I were fascinated by the two rivers in front of the village, Dragon mouth River and Shellfish River.

   顾名思义 ,龙口河是从峡谷里流出来的一条河 ;而水贝河河滩则有数不清的贝壳。但真正吸引我们的还是两条河里的鱼。大堰和鸽子坝河的鱼绝对没有这两条河的鱼丰富。

As the name suggests, Dragon mouth River was a river that flowed out of a canyon; Shellfish River has innumerable Shellfishs on its banks. But what really attracts us were the fishes in the two rivers. The fishes in Big Pond and Pigeon River were much less abundant than the two rivers.

   尽管大堰山溪里有一种蛙一样的石亢”,味道鲜美 ,也很补人 ;而鸽子坝河阴郁的河塘里有几斤重的团鱼 ;可我们就对龙口河与水贝河有鳍有尾的鱼感兴趣。时至今日 ,我对石亢和团鱼这两种东西还有一种莫可名状的惧怕。

Although there was wood frog named Shi Kang in the streams in the Big Pond Mountain, which is delicious and nutritious, and there were soft-Shellfished turtles weighing several kilograms in the gloomy ponds of Pigeon River, we were only interested in the fishes in Dragon mouth River and Shellfish River. Even today, I still have a vague fear of "Shi Kang" and soft-Shellfished turtles

龙口河的峡谷叫藿麻沟。七十二道水脚不干”,人才能走出峡谷。进沟口不远 ,崖畔有一个洞 ,叫黄泥孔。洞里有一条阴河。

The canyon of Dragon mouth river was called Urtica fissa Canyon. It is said that there were at least seventy-two creeks in it, making it impossible for a man to walk through the canyon with dry feet. Not far from the entrance was a cave named Mud Hole.There was an underground river in the cave.

通常情况 ,洞里一泓浅流溢出来 ,阴阳两界算有那么一点联系。一遇涨水 ,外面的水灌进去 ,或是里面的水涌出来 ,就有大鱼从阴河里游出来 ,在凡俗的人间制造一点悲喜剧。

Usually, the water flowed out of the hole is a connection with the outside world. When the water rises, the water from the outside poured in, or the water from the inside poured out, and big fishes would swim out of the river in the cave, creating a little tragicomedy in the ordinary world.

大鱼有两种 ,一名叉口”,一名细鳞。叉口吃小鱼。小镇人们就用白条”“虫口之类的小鱼钓叉口。钓斤把一条的不算稀奇,要钓上来几斤一条的 ,那在小镇上就算一个新闻了。

There were two kinds of big fish, one was "fork mouth" and the other was "thin scales". Fork mouth eats small fish. People in the town catch it with small fish like “white strip”and “insect-mouth”. It was common to catch a fork mouth weighing half a kilo, but one weighing a Several kilos would become news.

一次 ,水刚刚退 下去 ,镇上万苗儿从藿麻沟放水柴出来 ,在一个浅滩上发现一条搁浅的叉口。鱼太大 ,少说也有十几斤。万苗儿骑在鱼背上 ,手中拿一块石头 ,武松打虎一样直砸那叉口脑袋 ,才把一条鱼弄到了手。

Once, when the water had just receded, Wan Miaoer, a teenager in town, Who has just finished transporting firewood via river found a fork mouth stranded on a shoal. The fish was too big and weighed at least ten kilograms. Wan Miaoer rode on the back of the fish, holding a stone in his hand, and hit the fork mouth’s head like Wu Song fighting tiger.

但不久 ,万苗儿生了一场病。人们说那鱼背都老黄了 ,已经成精成怪。好多年过去 ,这桩事情还不时有人提起来。

Finally, he caught it. But soon, Wan Miaoer was sick. People said that the fish's back was yellow and has become a monster. Over the years, this matter will still be mentioned.

但黄泥孔确有一种神秘。有时候 ,一片艳阳天 ,风也轻 ,水也柔 ,忽地一股黄流涌出洞外 ,仿佛阴河里真有什么怪物兴风作浪。

But Mud Hole was really mysterious. Sometimes, in a bright sunny day, the wind was light, the water was soft, and suddenly a muddy river gushed out of the cave, as if some unknown monster was making waves in the underground river of the cave.

镇上有不信邪的人 ,常常进到洞里去钓鱼。一根手电筒 ,看不清水势。估谙三四下竿儿,也没有浮标儿 ,全凭手感。

There are people who did not believe in supernatural events in the town, often went into the hole to go fishing. They can't see the current with a flashlight.They put three or four fishing rods approximately and no buoys. They all rely on their experience.

几两斤把一条的鱼上钩快 ,钓者一般都有收获。但真正钓了大鱼 ,却是带不走的。镇上的陆伯伯 ,有一次就在阴河里钓了一条十来斤重的叉口 ,兴冲冲走到洞口 ,那水就涨了起来 ,一直封住洞口 ,人被困在洞里。直到把鱼放回到阴河里 ,水退下去 ,人才走了出来。

A fish of two or three pounds were easy to catch, and the fishermen usually came back home with rewards. But the real big fishes cannot be taken home. Uncle Lu, once fished a fork mouth about 10 pound in a dark rivers, went back to the mouth of the cave happily, then the water rose, sealing up the entrance. He was trapped in here. Until he has put the fish back and the water went down, he has finally came out.

天长日久 ,叉口和细鳞成了龙口河最有名气的两种鱼。每年夏天 ,我的祖父都要从一百多里外的另外一个镇子步行到庙塘钓鱼。

For a long time, fork mouth and thin scales have become the two most famous fishes in Dragon River. Every summer my grandfather would walk from the other town which was more than 100 miles away to the Miao Tang town fishing.

他喜欢的塘子是一个叫鱼田的地方 ,并且固守到整个夏天结束 ,才会离开那里。他使用的鱼竿是当时比较高级的节节竿”,鱼饵从泥鳅到蚕蛹 ,每天要备好几种。

His favorite pond was a place called "fish field" and he would not leave until the end of the summer. He used a more advanced fishing rod called "jointed rod", from loach to silkworm chrysalis, he prepared several kinds of bait every day.

他的愿望就是钓一条叉口或者细鳞。但我的印象中 ,他甚至钓到过团鱼 ,却从来没有钓到过叉口和细鳞 ,哪怕一小条叉口和细鳞。

His wish was to catch a fork mouth or a thin scale. But I had the impression that he had even caught a soft-Shellfished turtle but never a fork mouth or a thin scale, even a small fork mouth or a thin scale.

倒是我一根呆竿”,空钩在刚刚涨水的滩头拖着玩 ,竟意外地钩住了一条细鳞的肚皮。鱼虽然不大 ,但给了我永远的回忆。

However, I used one jointed rod to drag an empty hook around the newly flooded beach and accidentally hooked a thin scale’s belly. Although the fish was not big, it gives me eternal memories.

水贝河发源于落雨山。落雨山太遥远 ,我只能远远地看着它淡淡的山影。入夏后 ,庙塘人看天晴落雨 ,就看落雨山。

The Shellfish River originates from the Fallen Rain mountain. This mountain was so far away that I can only look at its faint mountain shadow . In the summer, the Fallen Rain Mountain served as the weather broadcast for people living in Miaotang town

雨山下雨 ,过不多久 ,雨也必定会落到小镇上。.水贝河在山中跌跌撞撞 ,飞下一道石崖 ,形成数丈高的瀑布 ,扑进垆缸口深渊老潭 ,那咆哮奔腾的生命便戛然而止 ,换了一副阴郁平缓的面孔。If it rains there, it will soon rain in the small town. The Shellfish River stumbled in the mountains and flew down the rocky cliffs, forming a waterfall several meters high, flowing into the Deep Vase Pool. The roaring life stopped abruptly and changed into a gloomy and gentle face.

垆缸口有多深 ,没有人说得清楚。还民国年间 ,当地一个水性好的人想潜到水底 ,结果一猛子扎下去 ,一把河沙没有抓着 ,就憋不住要换气。可等他凫出水面时 ,却发现四下里一片漆黑。他爬上河滩 ,蹲在一片泥沙上 ,闹不清楚自己是死了 ,还是活着。

No one can tell exactly how deep the Deep cylinder Pool is. During the Republic of China era, a good swimmer wanted to dive to the bottom of the pool. As soon as he dived into the water, he couldn't hold his breath before he reached the bottom. But when he came out of the pool, he found it dark outside. He climbed up to the beach and squatted on a piece of sand, wondering whether he was dead or alive.

好几次 ,他潜到水里 ,想找到出口 ,但整个河塘都被冰冷的石头罩死了。在黑暗中不知挨 了多久 ,他看见了两豆绿光。那是一只水獭。S

everal times, he dived into the water to find the exit, but the whole pond was covered with cold stone. He didn't know how long he was in the dark. He saw two green lights. It was an otter.

一种求生的本能 ,他不顾一切向那绿光扑过去 ,刚好抓住水獭尾巴 ,迷迷糊糊的 ,居然又游了出来。他回到家里的时候 ,家人已经为他做了三天三夜的道场。

His survival instinct made him jump at the green light at all costs, just grabbed the otter's tail, bewildered, swam out again. When he returned home, his family had hired Taoist priests to perform rituals to pray for him for three days and three nights.

从垆缸口开始 ,水贝河穿行在一片肥美的田坝上。水贝河吸取丰富的养分 ,哺育了宽鲫壳 ,也哺育了斑母狗和白甲。

Start with the Deep cylinder Pool, the Shellfish River runs through a fertile field dam. The Shellfish River draws rich nutrients and raises crucian, spot fishes and white scales.

水贝河的宽鲫壳有一斤重的 ,斑母狗和白甲也格外的肥。但水贝河的鱼不大好捉。河流冲击田野,也沉淀泥沙。

The crucian of Shellfish River weighed a pound. What’s more, spot fishes and white scales are exceptionally fat. But the fishes in Shellfish River was not easy to catch. The river impacted the field and precipitated the sediment.

为保护农田 ,人们在河湾里用石头垒砌堤岸。水贝河的鱼不是躲在堤岸的石缝中 ,就是藏在河床上的泥沙里。摸鱼的人看不清楚窨子”,便无从下手。

To protect farmland, people used stones to build banks. The fish in the Shellfish River not only hid in the crevice of the bank, but also hid in the silt on the river bed. Those who fish couldn’t see the “pit” clearly, so they couldn’t catch it.

有时候 ,稀里糊涂的 ,手摸到水蛇洞里 ,还吓得人半死。而有时候 ,人在河里走 ,不觉中又会踩着藏在泥沙里的鱼。

Sometimes, when people touch the water snake hole accidentally, they were scared to death. Sometimes, when people walked in the river, they accidentally step on the fish hidden in the sand.

水贝河不像龙口河那样急。它水里的鱼也不像龙口河水里的鱼 ,比如赤尾子、油鱼棒 ,那样呈流线型 ,而是宽身子 ,显得很笨 ,其中包括鲤鱼。

The Shellfish River was not as swift as the Dragon mouth River. Its fishes were not like those streamlined ones in the Dragon mouth River, such as red tail fish, oily scaleless fish, but wide-bodied, stupid looking ones, including carp.

有一次 ,有人在敖家碾房的河塘里放了一炮。父亲带着我们弟兄来到河边。炸鱼的人已经走了。这时候 ,我们看见河塘对岸晃荡一块白 ,浮浮沉沉掀动着片片水花。

Once, a bomb was detonated in the pool of Ao’s mill by a fish man. Our father took our brothers to the river. The fish man has gone. At that moment, we saw a piece of white on the opposite side of the pond, and it continued to rise and fall, causing waves of spray.

父亲立刻下水 ,游到跟前 ,合手一抱 ,那鱼半昏迷状态中 ,劲扎的尾子一弹 ,一下又弹到水里逃跑了。父亲贴着河岸找一阵 ,居然在水草掩护的堤岸找到了鱼洞。

Father immediately went into the water, swam to the front, held hands, the fish was in a semi-comatose state, vigorously wagging the tail, and then bounced into the water to escape. Our father searched for a while on the bank of the river and found the fish hole on the bank covered by the grass.

人跟鱼在水中噼里啪啦较着劲 ,父亲终于抠住鱼鳃 ,把一条四五斤重的大鲤鱼逮到了岸上。父亲接上返回水里 ,不一阵 ,又从鱼洞里抓出来一条大鲤鱼。我这是第一次看见鲤鱼 ,也是第一次看见这么大的鱼。

After fighting with the fish in the water, he finally caught the fish by its and caught the four or five pounds carp on the shore. Our father came back to the water for a while, and caught another large carp from the fish hole again. It was the first time I saw carp, and it was the first time I saw such a big fish.

直到剖开鱼肚 ,我们才看清楚一条是公鱼一条是母鱼。那个年代 ,饥饿随时威胁着人们。有两条大鲤鱼 ,真是值得庆贺的事情。镇上一些父亲的朋友 ,都来分享了我们的快乐。Until we cut open the fish, we found that one is a male fish and the other is a female fish. In those days, hunger threatened people at any time. Catching two big carps was really worth celebrating. Some of our father's friends came to share the joy of our harvest

水贝河接纳大堰山溪 ,在空壳树汇入龙口河 ,接上又合流鸽子坝河 ,形成一条名副其实的庙塘河 ,冲出难力口 ,流向小雅镇。

Shellfish River receives the streams in the Big Pond Mountain, the river flows into the Dragon mouth River at the hollow tree , and then confluence Pigeon River, forming a veritable Miaotang River, rushed out of the Nanli mouth, flowed to Xiaoya town.

难力口是一个峡谷口 ,也是庙塘镇和小雅镇的交界地。两边山崖刀砍斧削。崖这边一个巨大的岩腔 ,人们在岩腔下方凿了一条路 ,陡上陡下,对人的力量是一个挑战。

The Nanli mouth was a valley mouth, also the junction of Miao Tang town and Xiaoya town. The cliffs on both sides were very steep. On this side of the cliff there was a huge cavern, and people tunnelled a road under the cavern, very tortuous, a challenge to human strength.

岩腔里供几尊菩萨 ,不时还有人去上香。不知什么时候 ,居然也有人在对岸高高的崖缝里安一尊菩萨 ,而且旁边还系了两块红布 ,看上去格外醒目。

There are several Bodhisattvas in the cavities, and sometimes people went to worship. I do not know when, unexpectedly, there were people who placed a Bodhisattva on the other side of the high cliff crevices , and tied two pieces of red cloth to each side, looking particularly eye-catching.

这一来 ,过路上下的人 ,不用攀爬到岩腔 ,只要歇在路边 ,隔着河,就可以拜上一拜。我那时候上后山坝背煤炭 ,去来的路上几多艰险 , 也过路趁便跟菩萨作揖 ,求一个平安。

With this new statue, passers-by were able to worship it as they passed it instead of climbing up the mountain. At that time, I went back to the hillside to carry coal. The road was very dangerous. I also bowed along with the Bodhisattva and asked for peace.

后来破四旧”,岩腔里的菩萨被搬走了 ,而对面崖上的菩萨 ,人们却无可奈何。一个姓龚的民兵连长急了,就架起机关枪扫。不知那崖上的菩萨是否遭殃 ,但那民兵连长没有几天就闹肚子疼 ,简直死去活来。

Later, because of the "destroy the Four Olds", the rock cavity of the Bodhisattva was removed, but they could not reach the Bodhisattva on the opposite cliff. A commander of the militia surnamed Gong was worried and set up a machine gun to sweep the opposite Bodhisattva. I don't know if the Bodhisattva on that cliff had suffered, but the commander of the militia company had a stomachache in a few days and was in great pain.

没有菩萨保佑 ,我过路上下也心虚虚的 ,一次在千口岩脚下摔了一跤 ,竟把一只脚杆摔折了 ,在床上躺了一个多月。

Without Bodhisattva's protection, I was also guilty when I crossed the road. I once fell at the foot of Qiankou rock, broke a foot bone and lay in bed for more than a month.

河流毕竟东去。人也离开了故土。这些年 ,我从一座城市到另一座城市 ,浮华如水 ,喧嚣如潮 ,却始终保持着对家乡山水那一份神秘的兴味和诗意的理解 ,须臾不敢忘记那一份对自然的敬畏。

After all, the river keeps going East. People also left their homeland. Over the years, I went from city to city, flashy and noisy as the tide flooded, but has always maintained a mysterious interest in the home landscape and poetic understanding, never dare to forget that part of the fear of nature.

两年前 ,龙口河上新修了一座大桥 ,我回到庙塘 ,看见徐官银、李正坤几个退休老人还在忙着整修河道 ,禁不住有很多感慨。

Two years ago, a new bridge was built on the Longkou River. When I returned to Miaotang town, I saw Xu Guanyin and Li Zhengkun, some retired old people, were busy with river course renovation. I couldn't help feeling a lot.

黔北山地上有多少有山有水的小镇 ,但真正能够提神来劲的就是这些与小镇一起穿过历史的河流。

There are many small towns with mountains and rivers in northern Guizhou, but what really refreshes us is that these towns and rivers which reminds us of our history.

小镇已经发生了翻天覆地的变化 ,而河流水量却没有从前大了 ,鱼也比从前少得多了。老人们总觉得亏了这条河 ,便自发集资 ,想把河整修得更漂亮些。

The town has changed dramatically, but the river is not as big as it used to be, and the fishes are much less. The old people always feel that they owe the river, so they raise money spontaneously and try to make the river more beautiful.

我站在桥上 ,看着清澈见底的河水 ,遥想当年 ,是这河里的鱼帮助我们渡过了道道难关。我想起我们家在搬家离开庙塘时 ,前来送行的乡亲们看着只有几样简陋的家当 ,都禁不住心酸 ,而我母亲却说 :“我的财富就是这些娃儿。

I stood on the bridge and looked at the clear water. I believe it was the shoals of fish in the river that helped us get through difficulties. I remembered that when our family moved away from Miaotang town, the villagers who came to see us off could not help but feel sad when they looked at the few shabby things we had, but my mother said: "My wealth is these children."

的确 ,那个年代 ,一群孩子能够活下来 ,并且健康成长 ,是多么不容易的事情 !老人家或许不知道 ,正是龙口河、水贝河这两条河在帮助她履行着母亲的责任 ,养育我们艰难地长大。

Indeed, it was not easy for a group of children to survive and grow up healthily those days. She might not know that it was the two rivers, the Dragon mouth River and Shellfish River, that helped her fulfill her mother's responsibilities and overcome hardships in nurturing us.

故乡的河哟 !你当年丰富的鱼群哪里去了?是被上帝收去了吗?果真这样 ,我们当年也果真是上帝的宠儿。尽管心酸 ,我们也还是为之自豪啊 !

The river of my hometown! Where shoals of fish? Were they taken away by God? If so, we used to be God's favorites. Though this idea brings poignant memories, we are proud of being the lucky ones.





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