


Rural Blessing

几乎是在不同的季节 ,我跟我的一些朋友走在余庆的乡村 ,总感到有一种神秘的祝福 ,时远时近 ,若隐若现 ,就像一片轻快的鸟影 ,呼地落在广阔的田野 ,又呼地飞向无边的天空 ,那么自然而又无处不在。

In different seasons, when I walked with some of my friends in the village of Yuqing, I always felt a kind of mysterious blessing from near and far, appearing visibly or indistinctly, just like shadows of birds, sometimes upon the wildness, and sometimes flying to the boundless sky. It is so natural and ubiquitous.

我不懂玄学 ,却时常听人说 ,一个人是跟着他的名字成长的。那么 ,一片乡土呢 ,它会不会也跟着它的名字成长呢 ?如果答案是肯定的 ,事情显然陷入一种宿命 ;而答案如果是否定的 ,那么名字作为一种特殊称谓 ,又是人为的 ,到底还是一种文化产物 ,代表了一种愿望 ,也寄托了一种精神。

I don't know metaphysics, but it is said that a person grows up with his name. So, a piece of native land, would it grow with its name? If the answer was yes, things are obviously caught in a fate; however, if the answer was no, then the name is a peculiar appellation created by human as a cultural product, representing a desire and a spirit.

这种名字在中国很多 ,不只遵义、余庆 ,还有长春、吉林、广元、安顺、永兴、进贤、宜春、广丰、乐平、宁夏、鄂尔多斯、拉萨、乌鲁木齐、呼和浩特 ,简直数不胜数 ,可以说都是地地道道的乡土表达。

Apart from the names of Zunyi and Yuqing, lots of place names from local expressions likewise are found in China, such as Changchun, Jilin, Guangyuan, Anshun, Yongxing, Jinxian, Yichun, Guangfeng, Leping, Ningxia, Erdos, Lhasa, Urumqi and Hohhot.

要了解中国乡村 ,其实是可以从这些名字开始的。跟英文字听其音知其义的表达不一样 ,代表中国文字的汉文字的读音跟意义没有必然的联系 ,算一种表意文字。

To understand Chinese countryside, it is actually possible to start with these names. However, it is not the same as English words whose meaning you can understand when listening to its pronunciation. The pronunciation of Chinese characters is not necessarily related to the meaning, so it is called an ideogram.

只要看字形 ,就可以大致知道它所表达的意思。有人说 ,中国没有真正的宗教 ,这话多少有些偏颇。仔细琢磨 ,信仰不过一种文化情结 ,而中国人从识读汉文字开始 ,其实就开始经营一种精神。

From the word formation you can roughly know what it means. Some people say that there is no real religion in China. However, I think this is somewhat biased. Meanwhile, I consider that belief is nothing but a cultural complex, and the Chinese began to forge a spirit from reading Chinese characters.

一笔一画 ,都有一种蕴含和倾注。这种经营不是通过条件反射实现的 ,而是言由心生 ,从人的生存状态和生活经验出发进行的摹拟和总结。这个过程虽然有一种世俗的训练 ,但谁又能说它不是一种精神状态的呈现 ?

This kind of spirit can be found out in each stroke.To some extent, the inherited spirit is not realized through conditional reflexes, but it emerges in the heart. We can say it is a summary of people's living conditions and life experience. Although this process is secular training, who can say that it is not a manifestation of spirit?

由是观之 ,新千年、新世纪 ,余庆一下成为中国乡村建设的亮点 ,背景显然比事件本身更为重要。

Accordingly, with regard to Yuqing County which has become a highlight of China’s rural construction against the background of new millennium and new century, the underlying driving force is apparently more important the happening itself.

事件不过一种现象 ,也充满偶然。而背景却能够指向命运 ,也最终能够成就典范的辉煌。What happens is just a kind of incidental phenomenon while its underlying driving force can decide its fate and eventually make a remarkable difference.

余庆乡村的祝福古老而又质朴。吉庆有余 ,这个祝福一直是中国农民几千年来的一个梦想。甚至到了今天 ,哪怕遥远的未来 ,这个愿望也不会有多大变化。

The rural blessing of Yuqing is age-old, simple and plain, which comes from Chinese idiom “Ji Qing You Yu” ( ),implying that Yuqing people have a joyful abundant life. This blessing has been a dream of Chinese farmers over thousands of years invariably.

以名为旗 ,“余庆”就是这片土地的一个目标、一种理想。而竖立的旗帜对这片土地从心理暗示到情感激励 ,都会影响人们产生一种自觉的追求。

Holding up the flag of name “Yuqing”, people take its blessing as a goal or a dream of this land. This erected flag causes Yuqing people to develop a spiritual pursuit unconsciously from the psychological suggestion to emotional stimulation.

我因此能够看见渗透这片土地每一个角落的那种 “抬升”意识。

Hence I could see the consciousness of “uplifting spirit” permeating every corner of the land.

从地图上看 ,整个余庆像一块楔子嵌在黔北大地东南一隅。贵州最大的河流乌江横贯中部。乌江水力资源丰富 ,多级水电开发达一千万千瓦,为国家十大水电基地之一。

From the map, the entire Yuqing is like a wedge embedded in the southern part of the northern Guizhou. Wujiang, the largest river in Guizhou, runs through the central land. Wujiang is rich in water resources and has developed 10 million kilowatts of multi-level hydropower. It is one of the top ten hydropower factories in China.

余庆构皮滩电站为众多梯级电站之首 ,总装机容量跟长江葛洲坝电站相同。项目虽为国家投资建设 ,但余庆人为前期工作付出的艰辛 ,却是常人难以想象的。

Yuqing Goupitan Hydropower Station is the first of many cascade hydropower stations, with the same total installed capacity as the Yangtze River Gezhouba Power Station. Although the project has been invested and constructed by government, the hardships that Yuqing people have paid for the preliminary work were unimaginable.

我在构皮滩碰到有一家三代都在电站工地的。几十年光景 ,老人退休了 ,儿子顶上来 ,如今 ,孙子也从学校毕业回到了构皮滩。真正献了青春 ,又献子孙。

I know a family whose three generations worked in the factory. For decades, when the old man retired, his son replaced him at the factory. Today, his grandson also graduated from school and returned to Goupitan. This is really a dedication to their work.

愚公要移山 ,余庆人则要抬升河流。上帝被感动了。上帝把狂野的乌江高高举了起来。望着巍巍乎六百多米高程的大坝 ,余庆人想到为电站下闸堵水后形成的千岛湖取一个名 ,

Just as Yugong[1]wants to move the mountain in ancient China, Yuqing people want to lift the river today. God was touched and then raised the wild Wujiang high. Looking at the 600-meters dam, Yuqing people would like to take a name for the Qiandao Lake formed after the power station blocked the water.

电视广告一出 ,应征者纷至沓来 ,却是自然而然 ,上上下下都看好 “飞龙湖”。 “抬升”仿佛不够 ,还要 “飞”起来。

When the TV commercial of Qiandao Lake came out, a plenty of people vied to give answers, but it was amazing that all of them naturally appreciated the name of “Flying Dragon Lake”. It is not enough to “uplift” the river, but “fly” the river.

如果构皮滩算国家重点工程 ,太宏大 ,也太切近 ,还说明不了乡村祝福背景下余庆人的 “抬升”意识 ,那么 ,我们可以去老林河。老林河是乌江峡谷一个分岔。

If the key construction Goupitan is too grand, and it can't explain the consciousness of"uplifting spirit" under the village blessing, we can take another example of the Laolin River. It is a branch of the WujiangGorge.

不见浩浩荡荡的水 ,却见飘浮在深沟险壑一层蓝幽幽的雾。我们从山上往谷底走 ,开始还隐约在茅草丛中的山路 ,一下消失在一片荆棘丛中。

Instead of the mighty water, blue misty fog floating in the deep trench was in my eyes. When we walked down the hill to the bottom of the valley, at the beginning we were at a mountain trail covered by thatched grass, and suddenly we disappeared into a thorn bush.

向导手提弯刀 ,慢慢砍出一条路来。大家跟着向导 ,正有些沮丧 ,却忽地站在了一截堰坎上。堰已经荒弃 ,渠里没有水 ,我们仿佛来到一个史前遗址。

Then, the guide handled a sickle sawing the thorn in order to let a pathway out. Everyone followed the guide, and when a bit frustrated they suddenly stood on a weir. The weir has been deserted. We can see there was no water in the canal and we seemed to arrive at a prehistoric site.

顺着堰坎 ,也是披荆斩棘的 ,走不多远 ,竟接着一重老岩。从老岩上哗哗啦啦泻一股水 ,正被堰接住 ,转一个弯 ,汩汩地往前流淌。堰像一段柔软的腰带 ,在崖上缠来绕去 ,格外有一种韵。

Trekking along the thorny weir, for a while we met a heavy old rock. A stream of water was flowing from the old rock and caught by the weir, turned a corner and flowed along. The weir was like a soft belt wrapping around the cliff, representing a sense of attractiveness.

只是人走在上面像走钢丝一样 ,稍不留神 ,就会掉下万丈深渊。堰哪一年修的 ,向导也说不清楚。但他记住了一个细节 , However, it seemed like a tightrope people walking on. Once they didn’t be careful, they would fall into an abyss. The guide was also unclear about when the weir was built, but he remembered an occasion in that year of building the weir.

那年修堰 ,人们把石匠装在箩筐里从山顶上吊下来 ,用錾子一下一下在峭壁上凿啊凿啊 ,硬把一座山拉了一条口子。大家听着 ,都不约而同地想到了河南林县红旗渠。而老林河深山这一条渠 ,虽然无名 ,却一样蕴藏着一种高扬的人的精神。

People put the stonemason in a basket and hoisted it from the top of the mountain. They used a scorpion to cut on the cliff, and finally a fissure was dug out. What the guide said reminded us of the Hongqi Canal in Lin County, Henan Province. The Laolin Rivert, although not renowned, remained an uplifting spirit.

当然 ,余庆人的这种 “抬升”,如果仅仅停留在对河流山川的改造上 ,那就多少有些牵强哪。

Of course, if Yuqing people’s “uplifting spirit” just means the renewal of rivers and mountains, it will be somewhat unconvincing.

2008年南方大冰灾 ,余庆县处在贵州雪凝带中心 ,停电和断路的时间最长。

In the south, a big ice disaster happened in 2008. Resulting from Yuqing County located in the center of Guizhou Snow Condensation Belt, the area was struck into the longest power outage and traffic barricade.

龙家镇光辉村的老百姓被困在山里 ,完全与外界失去了联系。等到县里书记县长的车轱辘套着防滑链来到这里 ,却见这个只有八十一户人家的村庄竟把篮球场上的雪铲干净了 ,正红红火火地开运动会。

This disaster caused that people in Guanghui Village of Longjia Town were trapped in the mountains and completely lost contact with the outside world. When the county governors driving with a snow chain came to the place , to his surprise that the village of only 81 households had cleaned the snow on the basketball court and was holding sports activities.

书记县长的格外有一种感动 ,打一个 “言子”跟他们开玩笑 :黄连树下弹琴———苦中作乐。山民们的应答更有意思 :老天爷不抽威 ,叫苦连天有哪样用 ,穷欢喜也是欢喜嘛。

The secretary of the County magistrate was greatly moved, playing a wisecrack in Chin ese with villagers, “just like playing the lute by a bitter herbal tree, enjoy life in adversity”. While villagers responded more humorously, “terrible as the weather is, we had better to enjoy ourselves than complain all the time”. The response of the village people was more humorous: it was useless for people to complain about the bitterness because God didn’t have a nice weather, but we felt it was also a joy to enjoy happiness within bitterness.

与此相映衬的还有一个王万成的故事。王万成是龙溪镇一个农民 ,背有一点驼。可身体残疾并没能阻止这个余庆汉子的追求。一次偶然的机会 ,王万成发现自己的嗓音还有几分动听 ,便格外感觉一种鼓励。

There was also a story of Wang Wancheng. He was a farmer in Longxi Town with a little humpbacked back. Physical disability did not stop the pursuit of this Yuqing man. By chance, Wang Wancheng found that his voice was still a bit pleasing, so he was encouraged a lot.

他开始折腾音响 ,组织起了龙溪镇第一支农民表演队。乡里红事白事都一番热闹 ,请王万成表演的人不少。

He began to play instruments and organized the first peasant performance team in Longxi Town. Thanks to Wang Wancheng’ performance, the wedding and funeral in the town became lively and cheerful.

除了王万成高亢的歌声 ,还有镇上民间艺人编织的钱竿调和俏女帅哥们打情骂俏的秧歌舞 ,一下就把气氛哄了起来。

In addition to the songs of Wang Wancheng, the local also had the folk songs weaved by the folk artists in the town, the yangko performed by handsome men and beautiful women made the village active.

王万成表演队的名气越来越大。如今 ,四乡八里请他们 ,还要提前预约,不然还排不上。

The Wang Wancheng’s performance team was getting more and more well-known. Nowadays, people would make an appointment of his invitation in advance. Otherwise Wang might be so busy that he could not arrange effectively.

我在一个空旷的坝子上看过他们表演。尽管王万成把他的音响折腾得跟卡拉 OK厅的比起来毫不逊色 ,我还是透过这种被物理放大和修饰后的呈现 ,感受到了一场乡村歌舞表演独特的魅力。

I saw them performing on an empty dam, and I felt I was watching this performance at karaoke. Though the performance was brilliant enough, I still felt the unique charm of a country song and dance performance through this physical enlargement.

尤其听王万成唱《山妹子》,那种灵魂的呼号与情感的倾诉交织在一起 ,我听得热泪盈眶 ,心都被洗了一遍 ,又清凉 ,又轻松。

In particular, when I heard Wang Wancheng singing “rural girls”, the call sign of the soul was intertwined with the emotional confession. Then I had tears in my eyes and I felt my heart got a baptism, in the end I made me cool and at ease.

这种深入骨髓的 “抬升”,形成余庆人品质的精神内核 ,也成就余庆乡土云蒸霞蔚的奇观。

This kind of deepening "uplifting spirit" has been rooted in Yuqung people, forming the spiritual core of Yuqing people's quality, and also contributing to wonders of Yuqing.

松烟镇觉林村有一个马家寨 ,也就七八十户人家。寨里风清气正 ,以学为立身之本 ,以书为医愚之道。

There is a stockade village of the clan surnamed Ma in the Juelin village of Songyan Town, having seventy to eighty households. Local people used to attach great importance to education and formed a favorably study-oriented circumstance.

二十多年来 ,马氏一门出了十六个研究生,十三人留学美国、英国和法国 ,其中八人获得博士学位。马家寨成了远近闻名的博士寨。

For more than two decades, the Ma clan has had 16 graduate students, and 13 studied in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, and eight of which received doctoral degrees. Thereby the village becomes well-known for education far and near.

另外 ,小腮镇春景村有五对农民夫妇 ,他们都只有一个子女 ,按照国家计划生育政策规定 ,少数民族家庭 ,生女孩间隔四年的 ,还可以生育一个子女。后来村里给他们办理了二胎生育证。

In addition, there are five pairs of peasant couples in Chunjing Village of Xiaosai Town. They all have only one child. According to the national family planning policy, if ethnic minority families give birth to a girl, four years later they can have next child. Hence the village gave them the certificate of a second child.

殊不知 ,他们思来想去 ,却 又把生育证退了回来。乡里计划生育难搞 ,这是众所周知的。记者听了感到很新鲜 ,前去采访。

Beyond expectation, they returned it after careful consideration. It is obvious that family planning in rural areas is difficult to work. The reporter felt very curious after listening to it and went there to do an interview.

他们的想法很简单 :“子女多了难培养 ,专注供一个娃儿有出息了 ,给国家做了贡献 ,老来又有了靠头。”

People answered briefly: "The more children, the more difficult training it would have. So we have better dedicate to ensuring a promising future for just one child and we hope the younger generations could contribute to the country and take care of us when we got older."

还有 ,白泥镇农民黄泽富也算一道风景。黄泽富两岁丧母 ,八岁丧父,小学三年级就辍学进了砖瓦厂跟泥巴打交道 ,跟黑布蒙着眼睛不停地转圈的牛做朋友。

Moreover, a peasant Huang Zefu of Baini Town is also worthy of admiring. Huang Zefu’s mother died when he was at the age of two. At the age of eight, his father died. In the third grade of elementary school, he dropped out and played with mud in a brick factory, and his work was to feed cows whose eyes were covered by the black cloth.

黄泽富用泥巴做原料、以牛为对象,开始了他“泥人黄”的传奇生涯。砖瓦厂不行了 ,他到了绿陶厂。

Huang Zefu began his legendary career of “Mud Man” with mud as raw material and cattle as the object. Later on, when the brick factory bankrupted, he changed his career to the green pottery factory.

绿陶厂垮了 ,他又挑着担子 ,用半生不熟的面粉捏鸟兽鱼虫、瓜果花草 ,走街串巷 ,卖几个小钱 ,哄小娃儿不哭 ,逗老婆婆开心。

Unluckily, when the green pottery factory couldn’t operate, finally he had to carry the burden using the half-baked flour to pinch the birds, beasts, worms, and flowers. Although he could not earn too much money, the joy for him was to make teary babies happy and the old woman delighted.

苦难成就了黄泽富的泥塑艺术。他捏弄的鹰被一个港商买去 ,通关的时候被当作文物扣了下来 ,让人真假难分。

Huang Zefu achieved his clay sculpture art from suffering. There was an interesting thing that the eagle he pinched was bought as a cultural relic by a Hong Kong businessman, because the eagle was too vivid to recongnize.

他烧制的牛 ,远销贵阳、重庆,供不应求。他的泥塑作品“将军俑”,高达两米多 ,获全国奖后 ,又被西安兵马俑陈列馆收藏。

The cow he burned was exported to Guiyang and Chongqing, and the demand was beyond supply. His sculpture "Clay General", up to two meters high, won the national prize, and was collected by the Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Exhibition Hall.

我到过余庆多次 ,每次都感觉一种冲击。

I have been to Yuqing many times, and it gave me quite a shock every time.

但面对桩桩件件人事物象 ,我又仿佛到了桃花源的晋人 ,总有一种梦幻般的感觉。我甚至担心再一次的找寻 ,这个桃花源会不知所以 ,也不知所终。

However, facing to these occasions, I seemed likes a Jin person arriving at the peach blossoms field where was full of dreamlike feeling. I was even worried that I would not look for it again because of the blossoms field was so mysterious.

去年 ,我特别参观了北京郊区新农村示范点韩孙河村。比较之下 ,我更喜欢乌江岸边的余庆乡村。

Last year, I visited the Hansunhe Village, a new rural demonstration site in the suburbs of Beijing. In comparison, I preferred the Yuqing village on the bank of the Wujiang River.

也许过去很多年 ,我们会认不出来韩孙河村,可是 ,我们还会认识余庆乡村。从青山绿水到天籁之音 ,从文化传承到本色追求 ,我们还会认识余庆乡村独特的面影。

Perhaps after several years, we would not recognize Hansunhe Village, but we would know Yuqing Village. From the green mountains and clean waters to the beautiful voice, from the cultural heritage to the pursuit of origin, we would also know the peculiarity of Yuqingvillage.

余而富足 ,庆而欢悦。物质与精神的辩证法 ,余庆乡土做了最好的诠释。也许 ,这就是中国文化的魅力 ,有了好的名分 ,便有了好的开始 ,即便一种象征 ,也算一种指向 ,只要一刻不停地践行 ,就会名副其实而终成气象。

“Yu” was related to affluence and “Qing” to joyfulness. Yuqing perfectly showed people the dialectic of matter and spirit. Perhaps, this was the charm of Chinese culture. With a good name, there was a good beginning. Even if it was a symbol, it could be regarded as a kind of direction.  As long as it was practiced all the time, it would be immortal.

“余庆”是一种哲学 ,也是一首诗,但更是中国乡土一种活生生的现实。

The spirit of Yuqing people was a philosophy and a poem, and also it was a living reality in Chinese land.







———序《遵义文丛 ·第四辑》


                                                                      Several Trees

———Preface for Zunyi Collections• Fourth Series


那一会冠炜在遵义县任县委书记 ,逢了周末 ,他便有题目 ,让车接我去了 ,一边喝酒 ,一边聊天。

At that time, Guan Wei worked as a secretary of the Party Committee in Zunyi County. Once he had any entertainment every weekend, he would pick me up to enjoy drinking and chatting with him.


我在山里长大 ,他在赤水林场干了好几年的场长 ,都有一种野气。喝高兴了 ,我们便挽起袖子来掰手腕 ,有时候还摔一摔跤。

I grew up in a village while Guan Wei has been working in Chishui Forest Farm as a leader for several years. Naturally both of us possess a kind of wildness. Sometimes, when we were drinking high, we would rub wrists and wrestled with each other.

我那时候便知道遵义县是全国有名的大县 ,不仅人多地广 ,经济也很可观。天无三日晴、地无三里平、人无三分银的贵州居然有这样一个县。

At that time, I had already known Zunyi is well-known in China for its vast land, large population as well as promising economy. There is such a county locating in Guizhou where no continuously three-day sunny day, no jointly three-mile flat land or no three-penny-in-pocket person.


带着一种困惑 ,我查了查资料 ,这才知道不仅西南五省区 ,而且整个西部省区 ,贵州省竟然是人口密度最大的一个省。一个山区地势 ,单位面积在西部省区中养的人最多 ,简单说一个 “穷”,恐怕还不行。

With a bit of confusion I did a survey, thereby I learnt that Guizhou has the highest population density among the Western areas in China. A mountainous terrain, with the largest number of people in the western provinces and regions described as a backwards area is not suitable.


The northern part holds the largest population density in Guizhou, while Zunyi County has the highest population density in the northern Guizhou.

遵义县 ,更是黔北地区人口密度最大的县。当然 ,我这样的列举没有一点称雄比壮的意思 ,不过只是给自己增加几分明白 ,以防人家一批评 ,我们就低头认罪 ,人家一表扬 ,我们就高视阔步 ,不知所以 ,也不知所终。

Of course, my enumeration does not show off, what I would like to say is just to make a clear understanding toward Zunyi. By the reason of people’s public opinions, we will not bow down and feel ashamed. When people praise, we will not be overconfident and ostentatious.



I wrote the novel "Sha Pao Yang" later which was published in “Shanghai Literature”. In this work, many inspirations occurred to my mind were owed to drinking together with Guan Wei during Zunyi days.


小说发在《上海文学》,《遵义日报》总编余中隆先生看了小说后,又腾了两个版在报纸上转载 ,进一步扩大了作品影响。

After reading the novel, Mr. Yu Zhonglong, the editor-in-chief of “Zunyi Daily”, re-released two editions of this work in the newspaper. Thereby, a further influence had been expanded for the works.


不少朋友看了,认为写了那时候遵义市跟遵义县的官场 ,还跟我探讨小说中两个人物,弄得我压力很大。

When many pals read it and thought that what I wrote was the officialdom of Zunyi City and Zunyi County, they even made exchanges with me on the two characters in the novel, thus, making me stressed.


幸而当时的地委书记庹文升同志与地委宣传部部长陈伟同志很有气度 ,认为文学作品来源于生活 ,有生活的影子也是正常的,并且在地委会上打招呼 ,要求我们一些领导不要对号入座。

Fortunately, a comrade called Tuo Wensheng, the secretary of the local party committee at that time, and another comrade Chen Wei, the director of the Publicity Department of the local party committee were very broad-minded, so they believed that the literary works depict life, and they pointed that it was normal for these works to be an epitome of life. They also reminded the local committee of avoiding becoming such people written in the novel.


事实上 ,这篇小说不过写一种气息、一种气质、一种气概 ,算一种文化表达 ,谈不上褒贬 ,更谈不上评判。

In fact, this novel only symbolized a kind of breath, a kind of temperament, a kind of spirit, and it should be a kind of cultural expression.


我向来以为任何政治人物 ,即如地方官员 ,到最后都应该沉淀为一种文化人物 ,那才算成功。此谓 “豹死留皮 ,人死留名”。

However, this novel should not be linked to admiration or derogation. More importantly, it was far from criticism. I have always thought that any politician, such as a local official, should be known as a cultural sage. To some extent, the local official would be successful. This is called “A leopard’s skin outlives its dead body, and a man’s reputation should survive his life”.


因为这篇东西 ,我跟遵义县便有了一种文字缘。二十年来 ,但凡遵义县有文学活动 ,只要邀了我的 ,我都会全力以赴。我也因此除了冠炜外 ,在遵义县有了更多的朋友。

This novel enabled me to have more access to the literary activities of Zunyi County. In the past 20 years, when a literary activity took place  in Zunyi County, I would be attendant as long as I was invited. Accordingly, in addition to friend Guan Wei, I also made more friends in Zunyi County.


有作家朋友来看会址、茅台什么的 ,我就带他们吃遵义县乌江鱼 ,也顺便看乌江风景。而做东的常常是遵义县委宣传部。县委常委杨晓姗部长只要在县里 ,每次都亲自接待。

There were times when some writers came to visit the Zunyi Meeting Site and Maotai Factory, and I would accompany them to eat local Wujiang fish. Meanwhile, we went sightseeing at Wujiang River. The guests were often entertained by the Publicity Department of the Zunyi County Committee.Yang Xiaoshan, the minister of the Publicity Department of the County Party Committee, would receive the guest every time as long as she was in the county.


杨晓姗部长形象很好,朋友们玩笑说遵义公关意识强 ,挑一个美女部长守在南大门专门跟文化人打交道。今天 ,杨部长已经调离遵义县 ,但她那非同寻常的气韵和她的热情大方却留在了中国作家的记忆里。

Minister Yang Xiaoshan was very elegant. That is why friends joked that Zunyi officials had a firm consciousness of public relations so that the good-looking minister was sent to connect with scholars in Zunyi County. Today, Minister Yang had been transferred from Zunyi County, but her extraordinary temperament and her enthusiasm have been remained in Chinese writers’ memory.


我常常想 ,时代造英雄 ,其实也造文学 ,文学总是以一种冷的方式在热的地方出现。而英雄不常有 ,文学也不总要轰动。大多数时候 ,力量和美不过是我们生活的一种象征 ,只要保持一种向度、一种追求 ,甚而一种热情 ,其实我们也就拥有了本质的力量和美。

I often think that the age creates heroes, in fact, it also creates literature. Literature always appears in an imperceptible way in our daily life. However, not everyone can be a hero as a literature work doesn't always have to be resounding all the time. In many times, power and beauty are just a symbol of our lives. As long as we maintain a consciousness, a pursuit, and even a passion, we can have the essential power and beauty.


文章不过一种载体 ,从心灵来 ,也还要回到心灵去。因而最重要的还是我们心灵的感受 ,文学事业不仅仅是创作 ,读作品也是文学 ,感受生活也是文学 ,举办讲座也是文学 ,审视作家也是文学。

A piece of article is just a carrier, coming from the soul, but also going back to the mind. Therefore, the most important thing is our soul’s feelings. The literature cause does not merely means creating a piece of literature, and there are other things can be called literature, such as reading works, enjoying life, holding lectures and evaluating writers.


车尔尼雪夫斯基说得好 ,美即是生活 ,而高尔基则说得更透彻 ,文学即人学 ,这是多么浩瀚多么崇高的文学啊。Chernyshevsky once said that beauty is the life. Gorky said literature can be called a study of human relations. How extensive and noble it is.

因为有这些朋友用实际行动对文学诠释 ,我们文学的土地才宽广而深厚。当然 ,我们可以说一说渊源 ,从郑、莫、黎为代表的沙滩文化 ,

These friends interpret the literature with practical actions so that our literature can be broad and profound. Of course, we can retrospect to the cultural origins of the Beach Culture[2] in Zunyi represented by cultural celebrities Zheng Zhen, Mo Youzhi, and Li Shuchang[3].


到团溪人华联辉酿造茅台酒 ,及至尚嵇纪念种桑养蚕第一人陈玉殿的陈公祠 ,到文化将军陈沂、出版家唐流德、人文学者黄万机 ,算一脉相承。

And since then, so many well-known cultural celebrities appeared in Zunyi history, such as Tuanxi County Hua Lianhui who produces the Maotai Wine first, Shangji County Chen yubi who is the first person to produce mulberry sericulture in Zunyi and who was commemorated by the construction of Chen Gong temple here, as well as the general Chen Hao, the publisher Tang Duide and humanist Huang Wanji.


而问题的关键是这片土地从来没有放弃和背叛 ,不像我们曾经有过的犹疑 ,为了修一条街而拆毁古老的城墙。这是一片充满信念的土地 ,有如磁场一样 ,始终氤氲一种文化的气息。

What matters is that the land has never been abandoned and betrayed. There is no hesitation as we have to demolish the ancient walls in order to repair a street. This is a land where people are full of beliefs. The land, like a magnetic field, is suffused with culture permanently.


关心这套丛书出版并亲自批经费的陈志刚书记调离了遵义县 ,而接替他的穆嵘坤书记又张罗着在 “乡韵”打造一个文化窗口。

The secretary Chen Zhigang cared about the publication of this series of books, and approved the publication funds. After his movement away from Zunyi County, the secretary of Mu Qiankun succeeded him, planning to build a cultural window in the project “township rhyme”.

作为作家朋友的晓姗部长也调离了遵义县 ,而新上任的张明勇部长又计划在枫香镇建立一个创作基地 ……

Minister Yang Xiaoshan, as a friend of many writers, had also been moved away from Zunyi County. Amazingly, the newly appointed minister Zhang Mingyong planned to establish a creative place in Fengxiang Town...



The Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee put forward the concepts of cultural self-confidence and cultural awareness, as for which, we usually regard as elusive and complicated.

其实 ,不过一种简单的态度 ,一种明确的意识 ,有些时候甚至是不经意的 ,就开始形成我们文化的土壤 ,我们一切事业成就的基础。

In fact, the concepts are mere a simple attitude, a clear consciousness. And sometimes these concepts are naturally forming the soil of our culture and the foundation of all our career achievements.

这之间 ,尤其作为领导 ,风气提倡 ,潮流引领 ,至关重要。前些年 ,遵义市搞了一个 “领导干部文化工程”,其实意义也就在这里。

In the process, leaders play a crucial role to keep the spirit just as the “Leadership Cadre Cultural Project” hosted by Zunyi City in the past few years.

因此 ,我愿意将遵义县这一次出的这一套书 ,看作是遵义县这一块文化土壤厚积薄发生长起来的几棵树子。我们在感受这些树子给我们带来的清新的时候 ,我们在观看这些树子形成的风景的时候 ,其实我们更应该记住形成这些美丽植被的土壤。

Therefore, this time I am willing to regard this set of books as “several trees” growing from the cultural soil of Zunyi County. When we feel the freshness brought by these trees, when we look at the landscape formed by these trees, we should remember the soil that formed the beautiful vegetation.

也因为这个缘故 ,遵义县文联主席张云红女士要我为这套丛书出版写一篇序进行介绍的时候 ,我欣然应承。

For this reason, when Ms. Zhang Yunhong, the Chairman of Zunyi County Federation of Literary and Art Circles asked me to write a preface to this series of books, I was pleased to accept it.

我相信 ,这套丛书的作者和编者也都会理解我的这些文字 ———虽然没有提及具体的作品及作家 ,而实际上却对作品、作家的形成和担当作出了认真的思考。

I believe that the authors and editors working in this field would also understand my words—though I do not mention specific works and writers. But actually I made serious thoughts about the formation and responsibility of the works and writers.


我们拥有无限丰富的生活 ,也拥有一切巨大的文化现实。

We have an infinitely rich life and great cultural realities.



It serves as a preface.



[2] A remarkable academic achievement happened in Zunyi in the late Qing Dynasty. Many scholars became renowned by their wild-field research covering philology, astronomy, agronomy and medicine and so on.

[3] Zheng Zhen:郑珍(18061864)、莫友芝(18111871)、黎庶昌(18371898, scholars of Zunyi representatives of the Beach Culture in the Qing Dynasty.





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