



Observation of Zunyi from a perspective of Tea

陆羽《茶经》载:茶之出黔, 生思州、播州、费州、夷州。唐朝时黔中为今渝南一带 ;而思、播、费、夷四, 则今黔北大部分治所均为其属地。

Tea was originated in central Guizhou and grown in Si, Bo, Fei and Yi prefecture”recorded in The Book of Tea by Lu Yu. In Tang Dynasty, the central area of Guizhou was now the southern part of Chongqing. And now most of northern Guizhou province is the possession of Si , Bo , Fei and Yi prefecture .

可见遵义自古就为产茶区。《茶经》是陆羽考察三十二州、郡的茶事后写成的。所以, 遵义这样一片唐朝时的产茶区, 事实上就包含了两层意思:

“It can be seen that Zunyi has been a tea producing area since ancient times. The Book of Tea was written by Luyu after he visited 32 prefectures and learned about the story of tea. Therefore, Zunyi, such a tea production area in Tang Dynasty, actually contains two meanings:

一是茶叶种植面广, 产量大; 一是茶叶品质好, 出名茶。不然, 远在湖州的茶圣是不会关照到这里的。

one is that tea is widely planted and the output is large; the other is that tea is of good quality and Zunyi produces famous tea. Otherwise, the sage of tea, Lu Yu, far away in Huzhou, wouldn't have noticed Zunyi.

《贵州通志》有这样的文字:“茶出婺川者 ,名高树茶。陆氏《茶经》载:“往往得之 ,其味甚佳”,即指这种茶。

"the tea produced in Wuchuan is called Gaoshu Tea." annals of Guizhou has records. Mr. Lu states in The Book of Tea “Every time you got this tea, the tea tastes very good ” referring to this kind of tea.


The tea mentioned in the sentence “ two cakes of Duru moon rabbit tea ” is tribute tea praised by the poet Huang Tingjian in Northern Song Dynasty.

我们从近代《遵义府志》也可以看到这样的记载 :“仁怀产茶 ,清明后采叶 ,压实为饼 ,一饼厚五六寸 ,长五六尺 ,广三四尺 ,重者百斤 ,外织竹筐包之 ,其课本输纳 ,多贩至四川各县。

We can also see such records from Zunyi Prefecture Records: “The tea produced in Renhuai County, people picked leaves after Qingming Festival and compacted into cakes. The cake was about five or six inches thick, five or six feet long and three or four feet wide, some heavy one even weigh about a hundred catty. Packed with woven bamboo baskets for easy transportation, the tea was sold to various counties in Sichuan Province after Renhuai County collects taxes”

虽为唐以后的表述 ,却包装、课税、运销诸环节 ,全无小家子气 ,完全可以推想当年遵义茶叶生产的盛况。

Although these were described after Tang Dynasty, the packaging, taxation, transportation, sales and other links of tea were very magnificent, We can imagine the grand occasion of tea production in Zunyi of those years.

但历史发展到今天 ,像饼茶这样的加工和包装 ,除前些日子如火如荼的普洱茶还保留着这样的格式 ,黔北茶叶生产中却是看不见了。

But nowadays, except Pu’er tea that has been very popular in recent days still keeps the processing and packaging of cake tea. This kind of packaging disappeared in other tea production processes in northern Guizhou.

但茶叶终不过一种经济作物 ,本是无所谓倒退与进步的。却也有如罂粟 ,它的生产与消费,以及对民族和社会的影响 ,则又断不可等闲视之。

And tea is just a kind of cash crop, do not have so called retrogression or progress. But also like opium poppy, its production and consumption, as well as its impact on the nation and society, must not be ignored.

尽管茶不可能成为鸦片 ,但对遵义这片土地而言 ,茶叶之大 ,浓缩了时代与社会的进步、文化与习俗的变迁 ,却一点也不夸张。

Although tea could not become opium, for Zunyi, it is no exaggeration to say that tea reflects the progress of times and society and the changes of culture and customs.

正安庙塘有一条挂在悬崖上的街。聚而为市的街尚且挂在悬崖上 ,可想而知 ,那里的地有多金贵。

There is a street hanging on the cliff in the Miaotang Town Zheng’an County. The street, which was formed by people living and doing business in a close community, became a bazaar even hanging on the cliffs, and one can imagine how valuable the land is.

除两条小河带出来的几个田坝 ,几乎所有的土地都在山坡上。我幼年的记忆中 ,老百姓在有限的自留地上 ,除了种一些蔬菜和杂粮 ,每一块地上还栽了几棵茶树。他们叫它们家茶”,那意思显然不仅仅指茶的品种 ,还有一种家用的含义。

Almost all lands are on the hillside except for a few dams brought out by two small rivers. In the memory of my childhood, in addition to growing some vegetables and grains, people also planted a few tea trees on each piece of their own land. they called these tea trees "home tea", which obviously means not only the varieties of tea, but also contains the meaning of "home use"It refers to this kind of tea is only used for the family.

那年头 ,拿自己 种的茶叶到市场上去卖 ,是要冒很大风险的。我看见有上山下乡的知识青年 ,不想种庄稼 ,去做茶叶生意 ,就坐了班房的。

In those old days, it was a great risk to bring your own tea to the market. I know some of educated youth people who went and worked in the countryside and mountainous areas, they did not want to grow crops but run tea business. Finally they were sent to jail.

老百姓对这种茶叶的加工很简单 ,不管老叶子还是嫩叶子 ,连同茶籽采摘下来 ,沸水里走一遍 ,放在阁楼上阴干 ,就用来熬罐罐茶。一家一户的 ,灶台上都安一只大铁锅 ,边上掏一个洞 ,余火从灶里窜出来 ,形成火眼。

The processing of tea is very simple. Both the grown leaves and the tender one are picked together with the tea seedswent through the boiling water, these leaves were put onto the attic so that it could be air-dried and used to make “potted tea” by boiling. Every household had a big wok in the kitchen range.A hole was dag out near the wok, making it possible for the fire to fork out of the stove to form a burner.

一只沙罐终年坐在火眼上 ,就熬茶。那茶且喝且往里掺水 ,却总也浓浓的。

A ceramic pot was on the burner all the years round for boiling tea. Even though people drink tea while adding water, the tea is still thick.

一罐茶常常要喝上一两天。除自己家的人喝 ,客人进屋 ,主人还湢出一碗来招待客人。他们不只拿罐罐茶当饮料 ,还常常用罐罐茶来泡饭。

A can of tea is often enough to drink for a couple of days. In addition to serving drinks to the family, host also serve a bowl of tea to serve the guests when they entered the room. They not only take cans potted tea as drinks, but also often soak cooked rice in potted tea.

民间有一种说法 :“好看不如素打扮 ,好吃不如茶泡饭。这不仅表明他们的一种审美追求 ,其实也是他们生活的一种真实写照。

There is a saying among the people: “the best look is that plainly adorned, the best rice is that soaked in tea.” This is not only a kind of indication for their aesthetic pursuit, but also a true portrayal of their lives.

我后来才知道 ,熬罐罐茶的这种茶属大叶茶。《遵义府志》所载仁怀饼茶 ,应该就是这种大叶茶。而时过境迁 ,大叶茶被小叶茶取代 ,在黔北已很难看见。

Later I found that this kind of tea, which makes potted tea, is large-leafed tea. Recorded in Zunyi Prefecture Records , Renhuai cake tea, should be this kind of tea. But times have changed, replaced by small –leafed tea, large-leafed tea has been rarely seen in northern Guizhou.

但大叶茶也真够神的 ,仿佛跟这片土地厮守的历史太长了, 形成了一种魂魄 ,即便在优胜劣汰的竞争中败下阵来 ,也一时半会不会消散。

But it is really strong enough. As if it has accompanied with this piece of land for a long time, the large-leafed tea has formed a kind of soul, even failed in the competition of survival of the fittest , it will not disappear soon.

二十世纪八十年代 ,我徒步考察芙蓉江 ,就在绥阳枧坝 ,听那里的人说芙蓉江源头石瓮子有几株茶 ,终年云缠雾绕 ,那茶叶熬的茶简直妙不可言,历朝历代的地方官都专门聘请茶师 ,把那几株茶加工出来向朝廷进贡。

1980s,  I visited the Furong River on foot, and it was at Suiyang Dam. People there said that there were several tea plants in the source of furong river -- Shiwengzi , which were surrounded by clouds and fog all the year round, these tea leaves does really make wonderful tea. Local officials of all the dynasties in Chinese history specially hired tea master to process the tea plants and paid tribute to the court.

我赶到那里一看 ,石瓮子确也有一些茶 ,只是看不出来贡茶的气象。无独有偶 ,我后来在道真又听人说洛龙有一株茶王。道真曾是贵州省七个产茶大县之一 ,那里有一株茶王 ,仿佛也在情理中。

As soon as I got there, there was some tea in Shiwengzi, but I could not see any signs of tribute tea. Coincidentally, I was later in the Taozhen county and heard that there was a king of tea trees in Taozhen County. Taozhen County used to be one of the seven major tea-producing counties in Guizhou province, where there was a king of tea trees, as if it is reasonable.

只是茶王年产干茶叶三十多斤 ,虽蔚为大观 ,却不一定能够称王。

The tea king produces more than 30 catties of dried tea every year, though the quantity was considerable, it may not be able to be referred to as king.

但道真中坪山里一片原始林区有一片野茶 ,方圆几百亩 ,当地老百姓叫这片茶林天茶”,却实在令人称奇。

However, there is a wild tea in the original forest area of Zhongping Mountain Taozhen county , a few hundred acres around, which was called "heavenly tea" by the local people, it is really amazing.

而无论是传说 ,还是传奇 ,抑或是正经八百的事实 ,都透视出人们对大叶茶这种特殊乔木的一种拜物情结 ,也蕴含着老百姓对大叶茶的一种生命情感、一种生活理想。

Whether a legend, or a serious fact, it not only reflected people’s complex of worshiping material to large-leafed tea, but also contained a kind of life emotion for big-leaf tea and a kind of life ideal of the common people.

相比大叶茶 ,在遵义这片土地上 ,小叶茶显然属于外来户。黔北民风淳朴 ,小叶茶在行政支持与科技普及的推动下占据主导地位 ,

On the land of Zunyi city, compared with the large-leafed tea, the small-leafed tea is obviously an alien breed. Because people in Northern Guizhou province are simple and honest, small-leafed tea plays a leading role under the support of government and the prevalence of science and technology.

老百姓并没有一点排斥 ,他们只是叫小叶茶茶叶的时候 ,却特别叫大叶茶土茶”,把对大叶茶最后的情意保留在了一种称谓中。

The common people do not have any rejection. When they called small-leafed tea “tea”, they specially called large-leafed tea as “earth tea”, which will retain the last affection of large-leafed tea in a title.

如果追溯 ,小叶茶如今在黔北茶叶生产中的主导地位 ,恐怕与东方 剑桥浙江大学抗战期间西迁遵义是分不开的。竺可桢当年一路走来 ,就想为浙江大学找一个落脚的地方。

If traced back, the present dominant position of small-leafed tea in tea production in northern Guizhou is probably inseparable from “Oriental Cambridge”Zhejiang University’s westward migration to Zunyi during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Along the way, Zhu Kezhen wanted to find a place for Zhejiang University.

进了遵义 ,他才算找到了感觉。文学院、工学院和师范学院的文科组设在遵义城 ,而农学院、理学院和师范学院的理科组却设在距遵义城七十余公里的湄潭县城 ,其中一年级又设在距湄潭县城二十余公里的永兴镇。

Only when he reached Zunyi, did he find his feeling. The school of literature,the school of technology and the liberal arts group of normal college are located in Zunyi City, while the school of agriculture, the school of science and the science group of normal college are located in tongzi county, which is more than 70 kilometers away from Zunyi city and the first grade is located in yongxing town, which is more than 20 kilometers away from meitan county.

现在看来 ,流亡办学 ,浙江大学与遵义不期而遇 ,不过一种偶然的缘。但谁又能够说清楚呢 ,这种偶然的相逢会演绎一曲命运的交响。

Now it seems that running a school in troubled times, Zhejiang University and Zunyi met by chance, only a chance fate. But who can make it clear that this accidental encounter would evolve into a symphony of fate.

也算到哪山上唱哪歌 ,湄潭的浙江大学成立了桐茶研究所”,专门对黔北两大土特产品油桐和茶叶进行研究。

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Zhejiang University in Meitan had set up Tong Tea Research Institute, which specializes in the study of two local specialty products in northern Guizhou Province: Taulownia and tea.

谁都知道,这实际上就意味着对油桐和茶叶的改良。岁月流逝 ,带走了人与事的关联 ,也消解了情节与真相 ,只留下一个抽空了的历史的壳让人琢磨。

As everyone knows, this actually means improving oil trees and tea leaves. The passed time took away the connection between people and events,but also dispelled the plot and the truth, leaving only an empty shell of history for people to think about.

浙大对油桐与茶两个品种的改良具体做了哪 些工作 ,我们已无从得知。但是,有些事件是可以反向推定的 ,比如对茶的改良 ,来自龙井茶故乡西子湖畔的浙江大学对制茶可谓轻车熟路 ;

We have no idea about what kind of work has been done by Zhejiang University on the improvement of two varieties of tung oil and tea. However, some events can be inferred reversely, such as the improvement of tea. Zhejiang University, from the west lake, home to longjing tea, is quite familiar with tea making.

而永兴镇在新中国成立后不久 ,就发展起来在全省从规模到技术都数一数二的永兴国营茶场 ;甚至到了后来,贵州省的茶叶科学研究所 ,索性也设在了湄潭 ;

Soon after the founding of the People’s Republic of China,Yongxing town developed a state-owned tea farm which is one of the best in Guizhou province in terms of scale and technology. Even later, the Institute of Tea Science of Guizhou province was simply located in meitan County.

即便如今 ,那些远道而来的茶商 ,也紧紧盯死了湄潭、凤冈这一片高原丘陵 ,一到春茶采摘季节 ,就鱼贯而入 ,收了茶青 ,车装车载 ,连夜往外奔 ,

Even now, those tea traders who have come from afar also kept a close eye on Meitan and Fenggang County featuring plateaus and upland. Once the spring tea harvest season comes in, merchants would come in succession, gathering tea leaves, loading them onto vehicles and rushing out overnight.

以至于在湄潭县城郊区形成了一个红红火火的茶青夜市。而据知情人透露 ,这些茶青大多被运到浙江 ,用来加工龙井茶了。湄潭茶与龙井茶的相近相似 ,由此可见一斑。

As a result, a booming tea night market was formed in the suburbs of Meitan County. According to an informed source, most of these tea leaves were shipped to Zhejiang province to be produced into longjing tea. It can be seen that meitan tea is similar to longjing tea

浙江大学西来 ,湄潭茶叶东去 ,这种历史的往返真耐人寻味。我们因此可以说 ,浙江大学在湄潭办学七年 ,以龙井茶生产为模式 ,建了一个磁场。

Zhejiang University came to the west whereas Meitan tea leaves went east. This kind of historical commute is really intriguing. Therefore, it can be said that in the seven years of running a school in Meitan, Zhejiang University built a magnetic field based on the model of Longjing tea production.

这个磁场虽然看不见 ,我们却可以感受到它的存在。它确定了湄潭作为茶乡的命运 ,到了今天 ,还弄一把进入吉尼斯世界纪录的大茶壶来顶在头上,

Although this magnetic field is invisible, we can feel its existence. It determines the fate of Meitan as a tea town. And today, A large teapot that entered the Guinness record is on top of Meitan county.

而且这磁场也通过雪球效应 ,不仅奠定了黔北现代茶业发展基础 ,也影响了整个贵州省茶叶生产发展方向。

Moreover, the magnetic field also lays the foundation for the development of modern tea industry in northern guizhou and influences the development direction of tea production in guizhou province through snowball effect.

今年 ,我被天俊拉着到几个县转了一圈。天俊从前在湄潭任县委书记,我在那里做了几年挂职副县长 ,都是老朋友了。他现在是市里副巡视员,管茶叶生产。

This year, I was taken by Tian Jun to several counties around. Tian Jun used to be secretary of the Meitan County Party Committee, where I spent several years as deputy county chief . We are old friends. As a deputy inspector of the city, now he is in charge of tea production.

刚上任那阵 ,市里仿佛没有县里具体 ,他找不到感觉 ,便研究家谱 ,且拿一些又冷又生的问题考别人 ,常常弄得人很尴尬。

When he just took office, his work was not specific as that in the county, he could not find the feeling, so he studied genealogy, and raised some tough questions to test others, often making people very embarrassed.

有人喊他黄巡抚 ,其实是有一些调侃的。我喊他茶总管 ,却是实实在在的。仔细 想来 ,他就像一棵大叶茶树 ,虽然闲了一点 ,但毕竟还是乔木 ,还有那么多积淀 ,也挺有意思的。

Someone called him governor Huang, in fact it was kind of teasing. I called him tea manager, but it was real. I think about that he was just like a large-leafed tea tree. Although he was a little idle, he still had the quality of a tea tree, and there are so many accumulations.

省里提出来遵义要发展茶叶上百万亩 ,茶总管就来了劲头。但跟他下乡却是一桩苦差事。

It is also very interesting. Guizhou Province proposed that Zunyi city develop millions of acres of tea, and the tea manager’s spirits were lifted. However, going to countryside with him was an ordeal.

他一上车就睡 ,我却眼睛都不能够眨一下。一到目的地 ,他下茶园 ,上茶山 ,兴致勃勃 ,我却疲惫不堪 ,力不从心 ,成了他的精力展示的一种陪衬。累一点 ,苦一点 ,也就认了 ,

He slumbered as soon as he got on the bus, but I even couldn’t take a nap. Arriving at the destination, he went to the tea garden and climb the tea hill with full of interest, but I was exhausted and powerless, which serve as a foil for his display of energy. It’s hard and tired but that’s okey.

可人家还以为你不上心 ,对那些茶园没有兴趣 ,然后又带你上茶山 ,或者去育茶苗圃 ,一直要等你叫上一百个好 ,而这时吃饭时间也差不多到了 ,这才算告一个段落。

The problem is that they thought you are not interested in these tea gardens then take you to tea hills or nursery until you give thousand compliments. It was almost time for dinner, and that was come to an end.

坐上桌子 ,酒啊 ,肉啊 ,都不香 ,只想睡觉。但几天下来 ,我还真长了不少见识。

Siting at the table, I couldn’t feel the scent of alcohol and meat. I just want to go sleep, but in these few days I really learned a lot.

小叶茶在黔北能够推而广之 ,其实是有一些文化因素的。烟、酒、茶,一家亲 ,都跟人的精神有着直接关系。

Small-leafed tea can be widely popularized in northern Guizhou, in fact, there are some cultural factors. Smoke, wine, and tea are a family which all directly related to the spirit of the people.

说到底 ,市场的消与长 ,都是由文化来决定的。时代发展到今天 ,世界变大了 ,人变小了。信息取代历史与自然 ,知识代替情感与理想 ,文化变成了一种快餐。

Actually , the ups and downs of the market are determined by culture. Today, with the development of Times, the world has become bigger and people have become smaller. Information replaces history and nature, whereas knowledge replaces emotion and ideal, and culture becomes a kind of fast food.


The “small” means sensitive and rapid. But the small-leafed tea is not a simple symbol of the time. It inherits the cultural influences that the large-leaf tea formed in the long, northern and folk life in northern Guizhou.

当年的大叶茶在茶馆提供讲茶来排解街坊四邻的纷争 ;今天的小叶茶也在茶楼酒肆为生意、为人情推波助澜。

In old days, the large-leafed tea provided “talking over tea” to resolve disputes between neighbors at tea house. Nowadays, the small-leafed tea also plays an improving role in soliciting business and handling relationship at tearooms and taverns.

保护生态、节约能源的新观念正日益深入人心 ,乡里改水、改厕,也改灶 ,“罐罐茶消失了。

The new concept of protecting ecology and saving energy is becoming more and more popular. With the improvement of drinking water, lavatories and rebuilding stove in countryside, the “potted tea”disappeared.

如今人来客往 ,用玻璃杯冲一撮绿茶 ,却也一样的有情义 ,一样的有韵味。另一方面 ,时代喧嚣而浮华 ,身处其中的人越来越烦躁 ,也越来越忙碌 ,小叶茶却格外有一种清雅与宁谧 ,正好对这种心境有一种补偿和调整。

Nowadays, people come to visit, making green tea with a glass cup, but it also has the same feelings, the same charm. On the other hand, the times are flamboyant, and the people are getting more and more irritated and busy. The small-leafed tea has a kind of elegance and tranquility, which is just a kind of compensation and adjustment for this state of mind.

君不见 ,遵义大城小市的 ,茶房咖啡屋数也数不过来 ,娱乐休闲 ,成了一种新的文化时尚。这之间 ,清茶一杯 ,几乎是每一个消费者都会要的。

You can't even count the tea houses and coffee shops in Zunyi city. Recreation has become a new kind of cultural fashion. In this case, almost every consumer will have a cup of green tea.

有的茶房为招揽生意 ,把茶道也引了进来 ,讲究和、静、清、寂”,与禅意结合 ,把世俗的茶文化推向哲学层面 ,参与人的精神的修复。

In order to canvass business orders. Some tea houses have also introduced tea ceremony, paying attention to the combination of "peace, silence, clearness, and tranquility" with Zen, promoting the secular tea culture to the philosophical level and participating in the restoration of human spirit.

当然 ,小叶茶相比大叶茶 ,主要还是具有投资少而见效快的优势。一株茶 ,从扦插育苗 ,到移栽上山 ,也不过三几年工夫 ,就可以采摘加工 ,真正变成摇钱树。

Of course, compared with large-leafed tea, the small-leafed tea has the advantage of less investment and fast results. A plant of tea tree, from raising seed by cutting to transplanting onto hill, which can be picked and processed in just three or five years. Then it can be truly transformed into a cash cow.

而大叶茶则要漫长的等待 ,就像养孩子 ,十年 ,二十年 ,长粗了 ,长壮了 ,它才能够挣钱。

But the large-leafed tea has to wait for a long time, just like raising a child, ten years or twenty years, when the large-leafed tea has become strong enough, it can make money.

茶树年龄越古越久 ,茶的品质则越佳。只是黔北茶的盛衰兴亡 ,不由黔北市场决定 ,而要由黔北区域外更广大的市 场决定。

The older the tea tree is , the better quality the tea tree has. The ups and downs of tea in northern guizhou province is not determined by its market, but by the broader market outside its region.

历史老人多次告诉我们 ,一旦市场娃娃脸一变 ,遭殃的还是农产品。我们铲过烤烟苗 ,也砍过柑橘树。可摧毁跟人一起成长起来的大叶茶,则是消灭一种历史 ,无论从经济还是文化 ,都是一次大震荡。

History has told us many times that agricultural products will suffer when market changes. We've shoveled tobacco plants and cut citrus trees. The destruction of large-leafed tea, which has grown up with human beings, is a elimination of a history. It is a great shock both economically and culturally.

而小叶茶就不同了 ,即便没有三灾八难折腾 ,它本身也会老化 ,人们也要对茶园进行更新。

But the small-leafed tea is different, it will aged even if it is free from these disaster, and the tea gardens also need to be renew.

近年 ,茶乡湄潭对小叶茶深度开发 ,往常扔掉的茶籽用来榨油,投入市场后供不应求 ;

In recent years, in-depth development of small-leafed tea has been carried out in Meitan, the tea village. The tea seeds that are usually thrown away are used to extract oil and and they are in short supply after being put on the market.

而茶园更新翻起来的茶树根 ,则用来提炼医药原料茶多酚 ;这为黔北茶产业的全面振兴拉开了序幕。

However, The tea tree roots that have been dug out in the tea garden are used to refine the tea polyphenols, which is a kind of medicine raw materials. This kicked off the comprehensive revitalization of the tea industry in northern Guizhou.

但跟酒跟烟一样 ,遵义茶开发的关键除了科技含量的增加 ,工艺水平的提高 ,更重要的还是文化的开发。这一点 ,国酒茅台用坚持不懈的实践,已经探索出来一条文化兴产业的成功之路。

However, just like liquor and tobacco, the key to the develop Zunyi tea is not only to increase science and technology, improve technological level, but more important is to develop culture. In this regard, with persistent practice, Maotai, a national wine, has explored a successful way to make good use of culture to revive the industry.

价值是什么呢 ?价值就是观念的认同。而影响观念的 ,则毫无疑问是文化。文化是产品从品质散发到外表的光华。一个没有光华的产品 ,要被世界发现 ,简直是不可思议的事情。

What’s the value? Value is the identity of ideas. There is no doubt that culture has an impact on ideas. Culture is the splendor of a product from quality to appearance. A product without glamour, to be discovered by the world, is simply an incredible thing.

事实上 ,遵义现代茶产业走到今天 ,几多风雨 ,也几多风光 ,却还没有从文化上认真进行过开掘和打造。

In fact, the modern tea industry in Zunyi has experienced ups and downs, but it has not been explored and created from the perspective of tea. At the crucial moment such as the creation of brand names , the further processing of products.

结果在名优品牌创立和产品深加工等举足轻重的关头 ,一是缺乏信念 ,顾虑重重 ,摇摆不定 ;二是缺乏理念,根基浅浮 ,茫然而不知所终。名优品牌一定是一种飞翔 ,只有胆识 ,才能利用文化给产品插上翅膀。黔北民间茶文化的土壤是丰厚的。除了受巴蜀文化背景影响的汉民族茶文化 ,还有独具风味的仡佬民族茶文化。

Brand names must be a kind of leap. Only with courage, can we use culture to give wings to our products. The soil of folk tea culture in northern are rich. In addition to the Han ethnic tea culture which were influenced by the Bashu cultural background, there is also the unique flavor of Gelo ethnic tea culture.

茶这个概念 ,在人们心中 ,早已经不是一种单纯的饮料。它是人情与社会的一个缩影 ,是历史与现实的一扇窗户。茶用一种物质的形式 ,醒示这个世界最后的情感 ,并穿越人的灵魂 ,抵达一种终极的精神境界。

The concept of tea, in people’s minds, is no longer simply a kind of simple drink. It is a microcosm of humanity and society, a window of history and reality. Tea, in the form of a substance, awaken the last emotions of the world and reaches the ultimate spiritual realm through the soul of human beings.

不管是小叶的绿茶 ,还是大叶的土茶 ,抑或老鹰茶、苦丁茶、甜茶、虫茶、果茶、油茶 ,说到底 ,都是一种理念的延伸。

Whether the green tea with small leaves earth tea with big leaves, eagle tea, broad leaf holly leaf, sweet tea, insect tea, fruit tea or oil tea,in the final analysis, it is an extension of ideas.

茶文化开道 ,遵义破百万亩茶园纪录当指日可待。

With tea culture leading the way, breaking the record of one million acre of tea garden in Zunyi can be expected soon.








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